Global Pharmaceutical Partnering Terms and Agreements 2018-2023
Global Pharmaceutical Partnering Terms and Agreements 2018 to 2023 report provides a detailed understanding and analysis of how and why companies enter pharmaceutical partnering deals.

Global Pharmaceutical Partnering Terms and Agreements 2018 to 2023 report provides a detailed understanding and analysis of how and why companies enter pharmaceutical partnering deals.
This report provides details of the latest pharmaceutical agreements announced in the life sciences since 2018.
The report takes the reader through a comprehensive review pharmaceutical deal trends, key players, top deal values, as well as deal financials, allowing the understanding of how, why and under what terms, companies are entering pharmaceutical partnering deals.
The report presents financial deal term values for pharmaceutical deals, listing by headline value, upfront payments, milestone payments and royalties, enabling readers to analyse and benchmark the financial value of deals.
The middle section of the report explores the leading dealmakers in the pharmaceutical partnering field; both the leading deal values and most active pharmaceutical dealmaker companies are reported allowing the reader to see who is succeeding in this dynamic dealmaking market.
One of the key highlights of the report is that over 7400 online deal records of actual pharmaceutical deals, as disclosed by the deal parties, are included towards the end of the report in a directory format – by company A-Z, stage of development, deal type, therapy focus, and technology type - that is easy to reference. Each deal record in the report links via Weblink to an online version of the deal.
In addition, where available, records include contract documents as submitted to the Securities Exchange Commission by companies and their partners. Whilst many companies will be seeking details of the payment clauses, the devil is in the detail in terms of how payments are triggered – contract documents provide this insight where press releases and databases do not.
The initial chapters of this report provide an orientation of pharmaceutical dealmaking. Chapter 1 provides an introduction to the report, whilst chapter 2 provides an overview of the trends in pharmaceutical dealmaking since 2018, including details of headline, upfront, milestone and royalty terms.
Chapter 3 provides a review of the leading pharmaceutical deals since 2018. Deals are listed by headline value. Where the deal has an agreement contract published at the SEC a link provides online access to the contract.
Chapter 4 provides a comprehensive listing of the top 25 most active companies in pharmaceutical dealmaking with a brief summary followed by a comprehensive listing of pharmaceutical deals announded by that company, as well as contract documents, where available.
Chapter 5 provides a comprehensive and detailed review of pharmaceutical partnering deals signed and announced since Jan 2018, where a contract document is available in the public domain. Each deal title links via Weblink to an online version of the deal record and contract document, providing easy access to each contract document on demand.
Chapter 6 provides a comprehensive and detailed review of pharmaceutical partnering deals signed and announced since Jan 2018. The chapter is organized by specific technology type. Each deal title links via Weblink to an online version of the deal record and where available, the contract document, providing easy access to each deal on demand.
A comprehensive series of appendices is provided organized by pharmaceutical partnering company A-Z, stage of development, deal type, and therapy focus. Each deal title links via Weblink to an online version of the deal record and where available, the contract document, providing easy access to each deal on demand.
The report also includes numerous tables and figures that illustrate the trends and activities in pharmaceutical partnering and dealmaking since 2018.
In conclusion, this report provides everything a prospective dealmaker needs to know about partnering in the research, development and commercialization of pharmaceutical technologies and products.
Key benefits
Global Pharmaceutical Partnering Terms and Agreements 2018 to 2023 provides the reader with the following key benefits:
- In-depth understanding of pharmaceutical deal trends since 2018
- Access to headline, upfront, milestone and royalty data
- Detailed access to actual pharmaceutical contracts entered into by leading biopharma companies
- Identify most active pharmaceutical dealmakers since 2018
- Insight into terms included in a pharmaceutical partnering agreement, with real world examples
- Understand the key deal terms companies have agreed in previous deals
- Undertake due diligence to assess suitability of your proposed deal terms for partner companies
Report scope
Global Pharmaceutical Partnering Terms and Agreements 2018 to 2023 is intended to provide the reader with an in-depth understanding and access to pharmaceutical trends and structure of deals entered into by leading companies worldwide.
Pharmaceutical Partnering Terms and Agreements includes:
- Trends in pharmaceutical dealmaking in the biopharma industry since 2018
- Access to headline, upfront, milestone and royalty data
- Access to pharmaceutical contract documents
- Leading pharmaceutical deals by value since 2018
- Most active pharmaceutical dealmakers since 2018
In Global Pharmaceutical Partnering Terms and Agreements 2018 to 2023, the available deals are listed by:
- Company A-Z
- Headline value
- Stage of development at signing
- Deal component type
- Specific therapy target
- Technology type
Each deal title links via Weblink to an online version of the deal record and where available, the contract document, providing easy access to each contract document on demand.
The Global Pharmaceutical Partnering Terms and Agreements 2018 to 2023 report provides comprehensive access to available deals and contract documents for over 7,400 pharmaceutical deals.
Analyzing actual contract agreements allows assessment of the following:
- What are the precise rights granted or optioned?
- What is actually granted by the agreement to the partner company?
- What exclusivity is granted?
- What is the payment structure for the deal?
- How are sales and payments audited?
- What is the deal term?
- How are the key terms of the agreement defined?
- How are IPRs handled and owned?
- Who is responsible for commercialization?
- Who is responsible for development, supply, and manufacture?
- How is confidentiality and publication managed?
- How are disputes to be resolved?
- Under what conditions can the deal be terminated?
- What happens when there is a change of ownership?
- What sublicensing and subcontracting provisions have been agreed?
- Which boilerplate clauses does the company insist upon?
- Which boilerplate clauses appear to differ from partner to partner or deal type to deal type?
- Which jurisdiction does the company insist upon for agreement law?
Global Pharmaceutical Partnering Terms and Agreements 2018 to 2023 provides the reader with the following key benefits:
- In-depth understanding of pharmaceutical deal trends since 2018
- Access to headline, upfront, milestone and royalty data
- Detailed access to actual pharmaceutical contracts entered into by leading biopharma companies
- Identify most active pharmaceutical dealmakers since 2018
- Insight into terms included in a pharmaceutical partnering agreement, with real world examples
- Understand the key deal terms companies have agreed in previous deals
- Undertake due diligence to assess suitability of your proposed deal terms for partner companies
Executive Summary
Chapter 1 – Introduction
Chapter 2 – Trends in pharmaceutical dealmaking
2.1. Introduction
2.2. Pharmaceutical partnering over the years
2.3. Most active pharmaceutical dealmakers
2.4. Pharmaceutical partnering by deal type
2.5. Pharmaceutical partnering by therapy area
2.6. Pharmaceutical partnering by technology type
2.7. Deal terms for pharmaceutical partnering
2.7.1 Pharmaceutical partnering headline values
2.7.2 Pharmaceutical deal upfront payments
2.7.3 Pharmaceutical deal milestone payments
2.7.4 Pharmaceutical royalty rates
Chapter 3 – Leading pharmaceutical deals
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Top pharmaceutical deals by value
Chapter 4 – Most active pharmaceutical dealmakers
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Most active pharmaceutical dealmakers
4.3. Most active pharmaceutical partnering company profiles
Chapter 5 – Pharmaceutical contracts dealmaking directory
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Pharmaceutical contracts dealmaking directory
Chapter 6 – Pharmaceutical dealmaking by technology type
Appendix 1 – Pharmaceutical deals by company A-Z
Appendix 2 – Pharmaceutical deals by stage of development
Appendix 3 – Pharmaceutical deals by deal type
Appendix 4 – Pharmaceutical deals by therapy area
Appendix 5 – Deal type definitions
Appendix 6 – Further reading
About Wildwood Ventures
Current Partnering
Current Agreements
Recent report titles from Current Partnering
Table of figures
Figure 1: Pharmaceutical partnering since 2018
Figure 2: Active pharmaceutical dealmaking activity– 2018 to 2023
Figure 3: Pharmaceutical partnering by deal type since 2018
Figure 4: Pharmaceutical partnering by disease type since 2018
Figure 5: Pharmaceutical partnering by technology type since 2018
Figure 6: Pharmaceutical deals with a headline value
Figure 7: Pharmaceutical deals with an upfront value
Figure 8: Pharmaceutical deals with a milestone value
Figure 9: Pharmaceutical deals with a royalty rate value
Figure 10: Top pharmaceutical deals by value since 2018
Figure 11: Most active pharmaceutical dealmakers 2018 to 2023
Pricing options
- $3,995: single-user
- $5,745: multi-user
- $10,995: single site license
- $17,995: global site license
A full explanation of license type definitions can be found here.
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2cureX, 2seventy bio, 3B Pharmaceuticals, 3CL Sciences, 3D Medicines, 3E Bioventures Capital, 3SBio, 3T Biosciences, 4B Technologies, 4C Biomed, 4D Molecular Therapeutics, 4D Pharma, 4E Therapeutics, 4G Clinical, 4P-Pharma, 4P Therapeutics, 4SC, 5AM Ventures, 7 Hills Pharma, 9 Meters Biopharma, 22nd Century, 23andMe, 48Hour Discovery, 48North Cannabis, 111, 180 Life Sciences, 908 Devices, 1717 Life Science Ventures, A*STAR Agency for Science, Technology and Research, A*STAR Singapore Immunology Network, A2 Biotherapeutics, A2A Pharmaceuticals, Aachen University, Aadi Bioscience, Aarhus University, Aarvik Therapeutics, Aavis Pharmaceuticals, AazeinTx, Abacus International, Abarca, Abattis Bioceuticals, Abba Import Export, Abba Medix, AB Biosciences, Abbisko Therapeutics, Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Vascular Devices, Abbvie, Abcam, AbCellera Biologics, Abdul Latif Jameel Health, ABEC, Ab E Discovery, Abeona Therapeutics, AbFero Pharmaceuticals, Abide Therapeutics, ABIGO Medical, AB InBev, Abionic, Ablaze Pharmaceuticals, ABL Bio, Ablexis, Abpro, AbSci, ABT Innovations, Abuse Deterrent Pharmaceuticals, ABVC BioPharma, ABX, Abzena, Acacia Pharma, ACADIA Pharmaceuticals, AC Bioscience, Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure, Acceleron Pharma, Accent Therapeutics, Accenture, Accord, Accord Healthcare, Accumulus Synergy, Accure Therapeutics, ACEA Therapeutics, Acelity, Acell, Acelrx Pharmaceuticals, Acentrus Specialty, Acenzia, Acepodia, Aceragen, Acerand Therapeutics, Acerta Pharma, Acer Therapeutics, Acerus, Aceto Corporation, Achaogen, Ache, Achieve Life Science, Achilles Therapeutics, Achillion Pharmaceuticals, AC Immune, Acino Pharma, Aclaris Therapeutics, Aclipse Therapeutics, Acnos Pharma, Acorda Therapeutics, Acres Cannabis, Acrivon Therapeutics, Acrotech Biopharma, Actavis (acquired by Watson), Actelion, ACT Genomics, Actimed Therapeutics, Actinium Pharmaceuticals, Activhealth, Actuate Therapeutics, Acturum Life, AcuCort, Acuitas Therapeutics, Acuity Pharmaceuticals, Aculys Pharma, Acumen Analytics, Acura Pharmaceuticals, AcuraStem, AcureX Therapeutics, Acurx Pharmaceuticals, Adacyte Therapeutics, Adagene, Adagio Therapeutics, Adalvo, Adamas Pharmaceuticals, Adamis Pharmaceuticals, Adapsyn Bioscience, Adaptate Biotherapeutics, Adaptimmune, Adaptive Biotechnologies, Adaptive Health, Adaptive Phage Therapeutics, Adare Pharma Solutions, Adastra Labs, ADC Therapeutics, Addex Therapeutics, Addgene, Adelia Therapeutics, Adenomed, Adge Pharmaceuticals, Adgero Biopharmaceuticals, Adhera Therapeutics, AdhereTech, Adhex Pharma, Adial Pharmaceuticals, ADIENNE Pharma & Biotech, Adimab, Aditx Therapeutics, Adium Pharma, Adjupharm, Adjuvance Technologies, Adlai Nortye, ADL Bionatur Solutions, ADMA Biologics, adMare BioInnovations, Adocia, AdoRx Therapeutics, Adrestia, ADT Pharmaceuticals, Aduro BioTech, Advanced Accelerator Applications, Advanced BioScience Laboratories, Advanced Neural Dynamics, Advanced Proteome Therapeutics, Advanced Regenerative Manufacturing Institute, Advanz Pharma, Advaxis, Advenchen Laboratories, Advent International, Advicenne, AdVita Lifescience, ADx NeuroSciences, Adynxx, Aegerion Pharmaceutical, Aeglea BioTherapeutics, Aelis Pharma, AEON Biopharma, Aeon Bioscience, Aequus Pharmaceuticals, Aerami Therapeutics, Aerie Pharmaceuticals, Aerogen, Aeromics, AeroRx Therapeutics, Aerpio Pharmaceuticals, AEssenseGrows, Aesthetic Management Partners, AEterna Zentaris, Aetion, Aevi Genomic Medicine, Afaxys Pharmaceuticals, AffaMed Therapeutics, Affimed Therapeutics, Affinia Therapeutics, Affinivax, AffyXell Therapeutics, AFT Pharmaceuticals, Again Life Italia, AGC Asahi Glass, AGC Biologics, Age Labs, Agenus Bio, Aggrega Pharma, Agilent Technologies, Agile Therapeutics, Agios Pharmaceuticals, AgMedica Bioscience, AgNovos Healthcare, AgomAb Therapeutics, AgonOx, AgraFlora Organics International, AgriCann Solutions, Agritek, Agro-Greens Natural Products, Aguettant, AIBody, AiCuris, AIDS Foundation Houston, AIkido Pharma, Aileron Therapeutics, AIM ImmunoTech, AimMax Therapeutics, Aimmune Therapeutics, Ainos, AIon Labs, Aion Therapeutic, AiPharma Global Holdings, AiPing Pharmaceutical, AIS Healthcare, Aither Ingredient, AIT Therapeutics, AiVita Biomedical, Ajax Therapeutics, Ajinomoto, Ajinomoto Bio-Pharma Services, AJU Pharma, Akaal Pharma, Akanda, Akari Therapeutics, Akcea Therapeutics, Akebia Therapeutics, Aker BioMarine, Akerna, Akero Therapeutics, Akers Biosciences, Akeso Biopharma, Akili Interactive Labs, AKL Research and Development, Akome Biotech, Akorn, Akouos, Akoya Biosciences, AKSO Biopharmaceutical, Akston Biosciences, Aktis Oncology, Akums Drugs and Pharmaceuticals, ALASTIN Skincare, Albany Molecular Research, Alberta Cell Therapy Manufacturing, Alberta Health Services, Albireo, Albumedix, Alcami, Alcanna, Alchemab, Alchemee, Alcon Laboratories, Alcyone Lifesciences, Alder Biopharmaceuticals, Alderley Analytical, Aldeyra Therapeutics, Aleafia Health, Alector, Alectos Therapeutics, Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Alex Therapeutics, Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation, Alfasigma, Algae-C, Algae Dynamics, Algenex, Algernon Pharmaceuticals, Al Hafez Trading Establishment, Aligos Therapeutics, Alimentiv, Alimera Sciences, AlivaMab Discovery Services, AliveCor, AliveGen, Alivio Therapeutics, ALK-Abello, Alkahest, Alkemist Labs, Alkermes, Allarity Therapeutics, Allderma, Allecra Therapeutics, Allegis Pharmaceuticals, Allegro Ophthalmics, Allele Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals, Allele Genetics, Allergan, Allergan Aesthetics, Allergy Partners, Alliance For Clinical Trials In Oncology, Alliance for Regenerative Medicine, Alliance Pharma, Alliancepharma Technologies, AllianceRx Walgreens Prime, Allied Corp, Allinaire Therapeutic, Allist Pharma, Allm, Allogene Overland Biopharm, Allogene Therapeutics, Alloplex Biotherapeutics, Allscripts, AllStripes, Almac Diagnostics, Almac Group, Almelo, Almirall, Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Alopexx, Alpha Cognition, Alphageneron Pharmaceuticals, Alphamab Biopharmaceuticals, Alphamab Oncology, Alphamind Brands, Alpha Tau Medical, Alpine Hemp Group, Alpine Immune Sciences, ALS Association, Altamira Pharma, Altamira Therapeutics, Altan Pharma, Altaris Capital Partners, Altasciences, Altavant Sciences, Alteogen, Alterity Therapeutics, Alternative Solutions, Alternavida, Altesa Biosciences, Altimmune, AltMed Florida, Altoida, Alto Neuroscience, Altopa, Altum Pharmaceuticals, Altus Formulation, Alveo Technologies, Alvit LCS Pharma, Alvogen, Alvotech, ALX Oncology, Alydia Health, Alytas Therapeutics, Alyvant, Alzamend Neuro, AlzeCure Pharma, Alzheimer's Association, Alzheon, AlzProtect, AM-Pharma, Amag Pharmaceuticals, Amalgam Rx, Amal Therapeutics, Amarantus BioSciences, Amare Global, Amarex Clinical Research, Amarin, Amathus Therapeutics, Amazon Web Services, Ambiopharm, Ambrosia Nutraceuticals, Ambrx, Ambys Medicines, AM Chemicals, Amellnova, A Menarini Diagnostics, American Association for Cancer Research, American BriVision, American Cancer Society, American College of Cardiology, American National Multiple Sclerosis Society, American Regent, American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy, American Society of Hematology, Amerigen Pharmaceuticals, AmerisourceBergen, AMF Medical, Amgen, Amgros, Amici Pharmaceuticals, Amicogen, Amicus Therapeutics, Amneal Pharmaceuticals, Amolyt Pharma, Amomed Pharma, Amoun Pharma, Amoy Diagnostics, AMP German Cannabis, Amphastar Pharmaceuticals, Amphilix, Amphista Therapeutics, Amplifybio, Amplity Health, Amplyx Pharmaceuticals, AMRA Medical, Amring Pharmaceuticals, Amryt Pharma, AMSL, Amunix, Amydis, Amygdala Neurosciences, Amylyx Pharmaceuticals, Amyndas Pharmaceuticals, Amyris, Amytrx Therapeutics, Amzell, AN2 Therapeutics, AnaBios, Anaeropharma, Anahit, Anakuria Therapeutics, Analytics 4 Life, AnaMar, ANANDA Scientific, Anatara Lifesciences, ANA Therapeutics, Anavex Life Sciences, Anavo Therapeutics, Anchiano Therapeutics, Andor Pharmaceuticals, Anergis, Angany, Angelini Pharma, AnGes MG, Angiochem, Angion Biomedica, AnHeart Therapeutics, Anika Therapeutics, Anima Biotech, ANI Pharmaceuticals, Anivive Lifesciences, Anixa Biosciences, Anji Pharma, Ankyra Therapeutics, Anlicare International, Anokion, Anpac Bio-Medical Science, ANP Technologies, Ansun Biopharma, Antares Pharma, Antengene, Anteris Bio, Anthem, Anthos Therapeutics, Antibe Therapeutics, AntibioTx, Antikor Biopharma, Antios Therapeutics, Antoxerene, Anumana, APCNA Holdings, Apeiron Biologics, Apellis Pharmaceuticals, Apex Global Brands, Apexian Pharmaceuticals, Apexigen, Apexus, Aphex BioCleanse Systems, Aphria, ApiJect Systems, Apipharm Veletrgovina, APIRx Pharmaceuticals, APNAR Pharma, ApolloBio, Apollo Green, Apollomics, Apollon Formularies, Apollo Therapeutics, ApoPharma, Aposense, Apoteka, Apotex, Appello Pharmaceuticals, Appia Bio, AppianRx, Appili Therapeutics, Apple, Applied Biology, Applied BioMath, Applied Botanics, Applied DNA Sciences, Applied Pharmaceutical Innovation, Applied Therapeutics, APR Applied Pharma Research, Aprea, Aprecia Pharmaceuticals, Apricity Health, AprilBio, Apsen Farmacutica, APS Healthcare, Aptahem, AptarGroup, Aptar Pharma, Aptevo Therapeutics, Aptinyx, Aptorum Group, Aptose Biosciences, Aqemia, Aqilion, Aquavit Pharmaceuticals, Aquestive Therapeutics, Aquinnah Pharmaceuticals, Aquinox Pharmaceuticals, Aradigm, Aragen Bioscience, Aragen Life Sciences, Aralez Pharmaceuticals, Aratana Therapeutics, Aravive Biologics, Arbele, Arbor Biotechnologies, Arbormentis, Arbor Pharmaceuticals, Arbutus, ARCA Biopharma, Arcadia Biosciences, Arcadia Consumer Healthcare, Arcaea, Arcellx, Arch Biopartners, Archer Daniels Midland Company, ArcherDX, Arch Oncology, Arcline Investment Management, ARC Therapeutics, Arctic Therapeutics, Arctic University of Norway, Arctic Vision, Arctoris, Arcturus Therapeutics, Arcus Biosciences, Arcutis Biotherapeutics, Ardelyx, Arecor, Arena Pharmaceuticals, Ares Genetics, Areteia Therapeutics, Areva Med, Argentia Gold, argenx, Argobio, Ariad Pharmaceuticals, Aridis Pharmaceuticals, Arisan Therapeutics, ARISE MD Integrative Medicine & Surgery, ArisGlobal, Aris Global, Aristea Therapeutics, Arixa Pharmaceuticals, Arix Bioscience, Arjuna Naturals, Ark Biosciences, ArmaGen, Armas Pharmaceuticals, Armata Pharmaceuticals, Armis Biopharma, Arno Therapeutics (inactive since 2017), Aro Biotherapeutics, Arpeggio Biosciences, Arphio, ArQule, Arrakis Therapeutics, Arranta Bio, Array Biopharma, Arrevus, ArriVent Biopharma, Arrowhead Pharmaceuticals, Arrow Pharmaceuticals, Arsenal Biosciences, ARS Pharmaceuticals, Arteaus Therapeutics, ArtemiLife, Arthrosi Therapeutics, Artios Pharma, Artisan Bio, Artiva Biotherapeutics, Artizan Biosciences, ARTMS Product, Aruvant Sciences, Arvelle Therapeutics, Arvinas, ARWAN Pharmaceuticals, Asahi Kasei, Ascendia Pharmaceuticals, Ascendis Pharma, Ascentage Pharma, Ascent Clinical Research, Ascletis, Asembia, Asep Medical, Asher Biotherapeutics, Ashion Analytics, Ashland, Ashvattha Therapeutics, Asia Green Biotechnology, Asieris MediTech, Asieris Pharmaceuticals, ASKA Pharmaceuticals, AskAt, AskGene Pharma, Asklepion Pharmaceuticals, Asklepios Biopharmaceutical, Aslan Pharma, ASM International, Asopharma, Aspargo Laboratories, Aspen Global, Aspen Holding, Aspen Pharmacare Canada, Aspire Pharmaceuticals, AssayQuant Technologies, Assembly Biosciences, Assertio Therapeutics, Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, AssistRx, Astellas Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Astellas Pharma, Astellas Pharma US, Asterias Biotherapeutics, Astex Pharmaceuticals, AstraZeneca, Astrea Pharma, AstronauTx, Asymchem Laboratories, ATAI Life Sciences, Atalanta Therapeutics, Atalo, Atara Biotherapeutics, AtCor Medical, Atea Pharmaceuticals, aTen Therapeutics, Athena Bioscience, Athena Pharmaceutiques, Athenex, Atlantic Healthcare, ATMA Journey Centers, Atnahs Pharma, Atomwise, Atonco, Atrapos Therapeutics, Atreca, Atrin Pharmaceuticals, Attenua, Attillaps Holdings, Attralus, ATUM, aTyr Pharma, Auburn University, Aucta Pharmaceuticals, Audentes Therapeutics, Auditus, Augmenta, AUM Biosciences, Aura Biosciences, AuraGen Aesthetics, Auransa, Aurena Laboratories, Aureuspharma, Aurex Laboratories, Aurigene Discovery Technologies, Aurinia Pharmaceuticals, Aurobindo Pharma, Auron Therapeutics, Aurora Cannabis, AusHealth, Auspex Pharmaceuticals, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, Australian Research Council, Authentic Brands Group, Autigen, Autism Impact Fund, Autobahn Therapeutics, Autolus, Autotelic, Autotelic BIO, Auxly Cannabis Group, Avacta, Avactis Biosciences, Avadel Pharmaceuticals, Avalon GloboCare, Avania, Avanos Medical, AvantGen, Avanzanite Bioscience, Avara Pharmaceutical Services, AV Cannabis, Avenue Therapeutics, AVEO Oncology, Averix Bio, Avernus Pharma, AveXis, Avicanna, Avida Global, Avid Bioservices, Avidity Biosciences, Avini Health, Avion Pharmaceuticals, AVIR Pharma, Avista Therapeutics, Avitide, Avizorex Pharma, AvKARE, Avomeen, Avondale Pharmaceuticals, Awakened Biosciences, Awakn Life Sciences, AWINSA Life Sciences, Axantia, Axcelon Dermacare, AXIM Biotechnologies, AxioNovo, Axis Therapeutics, Axolabs, Axovant Gene Therapies, Axsome Therapeutics, Ayala Pharmaceuticals, Ayogo Health, AyoxxA Biosystems, Aytu BioPharma, Azanta, Azelis, Azitra, Aztiq, Azura Ophthalmics, Azurity Pharmaceuticals, AzurRx BioPharma, Azzur Group, Bach Biosciences, Bachem, Back-A-Line, Bactevo, Baergic Bio, Baidu, Baili Biopharmaceutical, Bain Capital, Baker Brothers Investments, BAKX Therapeutics, BAMF Health, Banner Alzheimer's Institute, Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center, Banyan Biomarkers, Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute, Barer Institute, Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, BASF, Basilea Pharmaceutica, BAS Research, Batavia Biosciences, Bateman Horne Center, Battelle, Bausch & Lomb, Bausch Health Companies, Bavarian Brewing & Beverage Institute, Bavarian Nordic, Baxalta, Baxter International, Bayer, Bayer Animal Health, Bayer Healthcare, Baylor College of Medicine, Baylor Scott and White Research Institute, BayMedica, Baystone Group, Bazelet, Bazis NN, B Braun, BC Cancer Agency, BCD Bioscience, BDD Pharma, Beacon Discovery, Beactica, Beam Therapeutics, Beartooth Therapeutics, Beckley Canopy Therapeutics, Beckley Foundation, BehaVR, BeiGene, Beijing InnoCare Pharma, Beijing Jinshengyun Pharmaceutical Technology, Beijing Keyuan Xinhai Pharma, Beijing Podconley Pharmaceutical Technology and Development, Beijing SL Pharma, Beijing Tianshi Tongda Pharmaceuticals Technology, Beijing Tide Pharmaceutical, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beleave, Belharra Therapeutics,, Bellicum Pharmaceuticals, BellRock Brands, Bellus Health, Ben-Gurion University, Bendalis, Bened Biomedical, BenevolentAI, Benitec Biopharma, Benuvia Therapeutics, BE Pharmaceuticals, Berg, BerGenBio, Berkeley Lights, Berkshire Sterile Manufacturing, Berlin Chemie, Beroni Group, Berry Genomics, Besins Healthcare, Best Choice, Best Medical International, Betaliq, Beta Pharma, Beta Therapeutics, Be The Match BioTherapies, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Betta Pharmaceuticals, Better Choice Products, BetterLife Pharma, Better Therapeutics, BevCanna, Bexson Biomedical, Beyond Air, Beyond Batten Disease Foundation, Beyond Cancer, Beyondspring Pharmaceuticals, BGN Technologies, Bhang, Bharat Biotech, BHB Therapeutics, Bial, Bicycle Therapeutics, Bigfoot Biomedical, BigHat Biosciences, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, BIMI International Medical, Binex, BinnoPharm, Bintai Kinden, Bio-Cide International, Bio-Gate, Bio-Manguinhos/Fiocruz, Bio-Techne, Bio-Thera Solutions, BioAge Labs, BioAgronomics, Bioarc, BioArctic Neuroscience, biOasis Technologies, BioAtla, BioAxone Therapeutic, BioBlast Pharma, BioCad Holding, Biocair, BioCardia, Biocartis, BioCelerate, Biocept, Biocodex, Biocogent, Biocon, BIOCORP, BioCorRx, BioCryst Pharmaceuticals, BioCurate, Biocytogen, BioDelivery Sciences, Biodelta Nutraceuticals, Biodextris, Bioeq IP, Biofabri, Bioforum, Biofourmis, Biogen, BioGenetics, Bioharmony Therapeutics, Biohaven Pharmaceuticals, Biohealth Innovation, Biohit, Bio Innovation Group, BioInvent, BioKey, Biokin Pharmaceutical, Bio Lab Naturals, BioLabs, BioLab Sciences, BioLamina, Biolife Science, Biolinear Technologies, BiolineRX, BioLite Japan, Biological E, Biologics, Biolojic Design, BioMarin Pharmaceutical, BioMark Diagnostics, BioMatrix Specialty Pharmacy, Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, BioMed X Innovation Center, bioMerieux, Biomica, Biomillenia, Biomm, BioMotiv, Biomunex Pharmaceuticals, BiomX, Bioncotech Therapeutics, Biond Biologics, BiondVax, Bionical, Bioniz Therapeutics, BioNova Pharmaceuticals, BioNTech, Bio Palette, Biopas Laboratories, Biopharma-Middle East and Africa, Biopharmaceutical Research Company, BioPharma Plasma, BioPharma Services, BiopharmX, Biophore Pharmaceuticals, Bio Products Laboratory, Bioprojet, BioQ Pharma, BioRAE, Biorchestra, BiosanaPharma, Bioscience Enterprises, Bioscience Pharma Partners, BioSciencesCorp, BioScript Solutions, BioSense Global, BioSerenity, BioSight, BioSig Technologies, Biosion, Biosolution, BioSpecifics Technologies, Biosplice, BioSyent Pharma, BioSymetrics, Biosynthetic Technologies, Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council, Biotest, Biothera Pharmaceuticals, Biotheus, Biotools, Biotron Laboratories, Biotropical, Biovac, BioVaxys, BioVectra, Bioventure MDC, Bioventus, BioVersys, BioVie, BioXcel, BioXpress, Bird Foundation, Birdie Biopharmaceuticals, Biscayne Neurotherapeutics, Bison & Rose, Blackford, Blacksmith Medicines, Blackstone, Blackstone Medical, BlackThorn Therapeutics, Blanver, Blau Pharma, Bliss Biopharmaceutical, BLLRDR, Bloom Medicinals, Bloom Science, BLP Management, Blueberries Medical, Bluebird Bio, Bluecore Company, Blue Mesa Health, Blue Note Therapeutics, Bluepha, Blueprint Medicines, BlueRock Therapeutics, Blue Water Vaccines, Blue Wolf Capital Partners, BMG Pharmaceuticals, BMV Medica, BNC Korea, BodyLogicMD, Boehringer Ingelheim, Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica, Bohai Biomedical, Bold Therapeutics, Bolt Biotherapeutics, Bone Therapeutics, Bonify, Bonne Santé Group, Bonus BioGroup, Bophelo Bioscience & Wellness, Boragen, Bora Pharmaceuticals, Boryung Pharmaceutical, Boston Biomedical, Boston Pharmaceuticals, Boston Scientific, Boston Therapeutics, Boston Topicals, Boston University School of Medicine, Bota Bio, Botanical, Botanical Solution, Botanix Pharmaceuticals, Boulos and Cooper Pharmaceuticals, BPL Medical Technologies, Bracco Imaging, Brain Neurotherapy Bio, Brainomix, Brain Research Through Advancing Innovative NeurotechnologiesInitiative, Brains Bioceutical, Braintree Laboratories, Braxia Scientific, Breath of Life International, Breckenbridge Pharmaceutical, Breckenridge Pharmaceuticals, BrickBio, Brickell Biotech, BridgeBio Pharma, Bridge Biotherapeutics, Bridge Medicines, BridGene Biosciences, Bridgewest Group, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Bright Future Pharmaceutical Lab, BrightInsight, Bright Peak Therapeutics, Brii Biosciences, Brill Pharma, Brink Biologics, Briotech, Bristol-Myers Squibb, British Columbia Liquor Distribution Branch, BRNT, Broad Institute, Brooklyn ImmunoTherapeutics, Brown University, Bryn Pharma, BryoLogyx, BTG, BTG Specialty Pharmaceuticals, Buck Institute for Age Research, Bukwang Pharmaceuticals, Bunker Pflanzenextrakte, Burke Therapeutics, Burleigh Heads Cannabis, Burning Rock, Bushu Pharmaceuticals, Butantan Institute, BVF Partners, BWXT Medical, BYOMass, Byondis, C-Bridge Capital, C4 Therapeutics, C4X Discovery, Cadent, Cadent Therapeutics, Cadila Pharmaceuticals, Caelum Biosciences, Caladrius Biosciences, Calcimedica, CALECIM Cosmeceuticals, Califia Pharma, California Institute for Biomedical Research, California Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Caligor, Calithera Biosciences, Caliva, Calixar, Calliditas Therapeutics, Calvert Laboratories, Calvert Research, Calyptus Pharmaceuticals, Calyxt, Camargo Pharmaceutical Services, Cambrex, Cambrian Biopharma, Cambridge Commodities, Cambrooke Therapeutics, CamDiab, Camena Bioscience, CAMP4 Therapeutics, Camurus, Can-Fite BioPharma, Canada House Wellness Group, Canadian Blood Services, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Canadian Neuromuscular Disease Registry, Cana Laboratories, Canavation Product Group, CANbridge Pharmaceuticals, Cancer Australia, CancerCare, Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas, Cancer Prevention Pharmaceuticals, Cancer Research UK, Cancer Targeted Technology, CanCure, Candel Therapeutics, CanMart, Cannabics Pharmaceuticals, Cannabis Biocare, Cannabis Global, Cannabis House, Cannabis Manufacturer’s Guild, Cannabis Medical Solutions, Cannabis Suisse, Cannabotech, CannaBR Exports, CannAcubed, CannaCure, Cannafeels, CannaGlobal Wellness, CannaHive, CannaHoldCo, Cannamedical Pharma, CannAmerica Brands, Cannaponics, Cannara Biotech, CannaRoyalty, CannaSoul Analytics, Cannassure Therapeutics, Cannatrek Medical, Cannaworx, Cannex Scientific, Cannidex Brands, Cannika, Cannim Australia, CanniMed Therapeutics, Cannomed Medical Cannabis Industries, Canntab Therapeutics, CannTrust, CannTx Life Sciences, Cannus Partners, Cannvalate, Canonic, Canopy Growth, Canopy Health Innovations, CanProbe, Cantabio Pharmaceuticals, Cantabria Pharma, Cantargia, Cantek, Cantex Pharmaceuticals, Cantourage, Canymed, Cap Alter Pharma, Capcium, Capella Bioscience, Capna Intellectual, Capricor Therapeutics, Captor Therapeutics, Captura Biopharma, Cara Care, Cara Therapeutics, Caraway Therapeutics, CARB-X, Cardiff Oncology, Cardinal Health, CardioFocus, Cardiome Pharma, Cardiovascular Solutions of Central Mississippi, Cardiovascular Systems, Cardurion Pharmaceuticals, Care Access Research, CareDx, Carestream Health, Caribou Biosciences, Caris Life Sciences, Carisma Therapeutics, Carmine Therapeutics, Carna BioSciences, Carnot BioSciences, Carrick Therapeutics, CARsgen, Casa Schmidt, Cascade Chemistry, Cascade Pure, Cascadian Therapeutics, Case Western Reserve University, CASI Pharmaceuticals, Casma Therapeutics, Cassava Sciences, Cassiopea, Castle Creek Biosciences, Catabasis Pharmaceuticals, Catalent, Catalyst Biosciences, Catalyst Pharmaceutical Partners, Catalyst Pharmaceuticals, Catholic University Leuven, CB2 Insights, CB2 Therapeutics, CBC Group, CBDerma Technology, CBD Export Global, CBDistribution, cbdMD, CBD Vida, CB Therapeutics, CBT Pharmaceuticals, CC Biotechnology, CC Pharma, CCT Research, CDR-Life, Ceautamed Worldwide, Cedar Clinical Research, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Cedilla Therapeutics, Cediprof, Ceek Women's Health, Celator, Celcuity, Celdara Medical, CelerisTx, Celgene, Celiac Disease Foundation, Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult, Cellares, Cella Therapeutics, CellBion, Cell Cure Neurosciences, Cellect Biotechnology, Cellectis, Cellenkos, Cellen Life Sciences, Cellerant Therapeutics, Celling Biosciences, CELLINK, Cellix Bio, Cellkey, CellMax Life, Cell Mogrify, CellOrigin Biotech, Cell Point, Celltrion, Cellular Biomedicine, Cellular Goods, Cellular Logistics, Cellvera, Celmatix, Celsion, Celsius Therapeutics, Celularity, Celyad, Cend Therapeutics, Censa Pharmaceuticals, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centessa Pharmaceuticals, Centogene, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Centre for Cellular and Molecular Platforms, Centre for Human Drug Research, Centre for Probe Development and Commercialization, Centre Leon Berard, Centrexion, Centric Health Resources, Century Therapeutics, Cephagenix, Cepheid, Cerecor, CereHealth, Cerenis Therapeutics, Cerevance, Cerevel Therapeutics, CerSci Therapeutics, Certara, Cerus, Cerveau Technologies, Ceva Sante Animale, Cevec Pharmaceuticals, CG Oncology, cGreen, ChadTough Foundation, Champions Oncology, Changchun BCHT Biotechnology, Changchun High & New Technology Industries, Changshan Pharm, Changzhou Biowin Pharmaceutical, Chansu Vascular Technologies, Charcot-Marie-Tooth Association, Charite Universitatsmedizin Berlin, Charles River Laboratories, Charlotte's Web, CHDI Foundation, Checkmate Pharmaceuticals, Checkpoint Therapeutics, Cheetah Medical, Cheil Pharm, Chelexa Biosciences, Chembio Diagnostics, Chemesis, Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), ChemoCentryx, Chemomab Therapeutics, ChemWerth, Chengdu Gaotong Isotope, Cheplapharm Arzneimittel, Chi-Med, Chiasma, Chiesi Farmaceutici, Children's Hospital Boston, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Children's National Hospital, Chime Biologics, Chimerix, China Grand Pharma, China Grand Pharmaceutical, China Medical System, China Meheco, China National Biotech Group (CNBG), China Oncology Focus, China Pharma Holdings, China Resources Pharmaceutical Commercial Group International Trading, China Resources Sanjiu Medical and Pharmaceutical, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinook Therapeutics, Chong Kun Dang, Chongqing Jingdong Pharmaceutical, Choom, CHO Plus, Chord Therapeutics, Chr Hansen, Christiana Care Health System, Christina Lake Cannabis, ChromaDex, Chronicled, Chronolife, Chrysalis BioTherapeutics, CH Trading Group, Chugai Pharmaceutical, CicloMed, Cidara Therapeutics, Cigna Healthcare, Ciitizen, Cilag AG, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, CinCor Pharma, Cingulate, Cipher Pharmaceuticals, Cipla, Cipla Medpro, Circassia, Circuit Clinical, Cirqle Biomedical, Citagenix, Citius Pharmaceuticals, Citrine Medicine, City of Hope, CIVCO Radiotherapy, Civetta Therapeutics, Civica Rx, CJ CheilJedang, CJ Corp, Clarion Medical Technologies, Clarity Pharmaceuticals, Clarus Therapeutics, Clear Creek Bio, Clearmind Medicine, Clearside Biomedical, Clearwater Canngrow, Cleave Therapeutics, Clementia Pharmaceuticals, Clene Nanomedicine, Clerkenwell Health, Cleveland BioLabs, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland University Hospitals, Clexio, Click Therapeutics, ClinCapture, Clinical Consultants International, Clinical Registry Investigating Bardet-Biedl Syndrome, Clinical Trial and Consulting Services, Clinica Universidad Navarra, Clinigen, Clinilabs, Clinlogix, Clinton Health Access Initiative, Clintrex Research, Clinuvel Pharmaceuticals, Clionix, CloudNine, Cloud Pharmaceuticals, Clover Biopharmaceuticals, Clover Therapeutics, Clovis Oncology, CMAB Biopharma, CMG Pharmaceutical, CMIC, CMS Aesthetics, CMS Medical, CNBX Pharmaceuticals, CNS Pharmaceuticals, Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, Coave Therapeutics, Cobra Biologics, Cocoon Biotech, Cocrystal Pharma, CODA Biotherapeutics, Code Biotherapeutics, Code Ocean, Codex DNA, Codexis, Codiak BioSciences, Coeptis Pharmaceuticals, Coeptis Therapeutics, COEUS Healthcare, Cogia Biotech, Cognition Therapeutics, Cognito Therapeutics, Cognizant, CogState, Coherent Biopharma, Coherus Biosciences, Cold Genesys, Coldhaus Distribution, Collagen Solutions LLC, Collegium Pharmaceuticals, Collplant, Colorado Center for Personalized Medicine, Colorado Hemp Project, Colorcon, Columbia Care, Columbia University, Columbus Venture Partners, CombiGene, Combio, Combioxin, Comera Life Sciences, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Community Shield, Compact Imaging, Compassionate Cultivation, Compass Therapeutics, Complement Pharma, Complete Phytochemical Solutions, Complix, Compound Genetics, Compugen, Conatus Pharmaceuticals, Concentric Analgesics, Concept Life Sciences, ConcertAI, Concert Pharmaceuticals, Concr, Confo Therapeutics, Consegna Pharma, Consilient Health, Consort Medical, Constellation Pharmaceuticals, Contera Pharma, Context Therapeutics, CONTINUUS Pharmaceuticals, ConvaTec, Convelo Therapeutics, Convergent Bioscience, Convergent Therapeutics, Cook Biotech, Cook Medical, Cooper-Vemedia, Cooper Companies, Cooper Pharma, COPD Foundation, Copernicus Therapeutics, CORAT Therapeutics, Corbus Pharmaceuticals, Corcept Therapeutics, Corden Pharma, Core One Labs, CoreRx Pharma, Corium International, Cornell University, Corporation for Biological Research, Correvio Pharma, Corsair Pharma, Corvida Medical, Corvidia Therapeutics, Cosette Pharmaceuticals, Cosmed Group, Cosmofix, Cosmo Pharmaceuticals, Cosmos Holdings, COTA, COUR Pharmaceutical, Covar Pharmaceuticals, COVAX, COVAXX, Cove, Cove Behavioral Health, Covestro, Covis Pharmaceutical, Covistat, CreaGen Biosciences, Cream of the Crop Therapeutics, Creapharm, Crescendo Biologics, Crescita Therapeutics, Cresco Labs, Crestone Pharma, Crinetics, CRISPR Therapeutics, Croda, CROMA Pharma, Cromos Pharma, Cronos Group, Crossject, Crown Bioscience, Crown Laboratories, CR Pharma, CRT Pioneer Fund, CryoPort, CrystalGenomics, CSIRO, CSL, CSL Behring, CSPC Megalith Biopharmaceutical, CSPC Pharmaceutical Group, CS Pharmaceuticals, CStone Pharmaceuticals, CTC Group, CTI BioPharma, CUBRC, Cue Biopharma, Cugene, Cullinan Oncology, Cumberland Emerging Technologies, Cumberland Pharmaceuticals, Cumulus Oncology, Curacle, Curadev Pharma, Curadigm, Curaleaf, Cura Partners, Curative Biotechnology, Curavit Clinical Research, CUREator, CureDM, Cure Duchenne, Cure Genetics, CureMatch, Cure Network Dolby Acceleration Partners, CURE Pharmaceutical, Cures Within Reach, Curetis, CureVac, Curia, Curie Therapeutics, Curio Wellness, Curium, Curon Biopharmaceutical, Currax Pharmaceuticals, Curtana Pharmaceuticals, Curzion Pharmaceuticals, Cutanea Life Sciences, Cutia Therapeutics, CVS Caremark, CV Sciences, CVS Pharmacy, Cyan Bio, Cybin, Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals, Cyclenium Pharma, Cycle Pharmaceuticals, Cyclerion Therapeutics, Cyclica, Cyclolab, Cyclotek, Cyclo Therapeutics, CymaBay Therapeutics, Cyntar Ventures, Cypralis, Cyprium Therapeutics, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Therapeutics, Cytiva, Cytocom, Cytodyn, CytoImmune Therapeutics, Cytokinetics, CytomX Therapeutics, Cytoo, CytoReason, Cytos Biotechnology, CytoSen Therapeutics, Cytovation, CYTOVIA Therapeutics, D&D Pharmatech, D. Western Therapeutics Institute, Daavlin, Dabur, Daewoong Pharmaceutical, Daiichi Sankyo, Dalhousie University, Dalrada Health, Dalriada Drug Discovery, Dalton Pharma Services, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Dana Farber Partners Cancer Care, DanCann Pharma, Dania Therapeutics, Danish Cancer Society Research Center, Danish Innovation Fund, DannCan Pharma, Dare Bioscience, DarioHealth, DarwinHealth, DAS Therapeutics, Datastrong, Datavant, David H. Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research, Day One Biopharmaceuticals, DEARhealth, Debiopharm, Dechra Pharmaceuticals, Decibel Therapeutics, Deciphera Pharmaceuticals, Decoy Biosystems, Deep Lens, Deerfield Management, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Defense Threat Reduction Agency, Deinove, DEKA Research and Development, Delcath Systems, Delic, Delix Therapeutics, DelMar Pharmaceuticals, Delpharm, Delpor, DelSiTech, Delta, Delta 4, Delta 9 Cannabis, DeMelle OncoPharma, DemeRx, Demetrix, Denali Therapeutics, Denovo Biopharma, Dentsply International, Department of Defence, Department of Defense, Department of Energy, Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Veterans Affairs, DepoMed, DermaConcepts, DERMAdoctor, Dermala, Dermapharm, Dermavant Sciences, Dermelix Biotherapeutics, Dermira, DermTech, Designs for Health, Desitin, Desma HC, DeuteRx, Develco Pharma, Devonian Health Group, Dewpoint Therapeutics, Dexa Medica, Dexcel Pharma, DexCom, DFE Pharma, Diabeloop, Diaccurate, DiaMedica, Diamond Light Source, Diamond Therapeutics, Diannei Biotechnology, Dianomi Therapeutics, Diaprost, Dicerna Pharmaceuticals, DIEM Labs, Diffusion Pharmaceuticals, Digestome Therapeutics, DigiPath Solutions, Digital Medicine Society, Digital Therapeutics Alliance, DILIsym Services, DiNAQOR, Diomics, DionyMed Brands, Disc Medicine, Discngine, DisperSol Technologies, Distributed Bio, Distribution Solutions Phils, Diurnal, Diverchim, Divergence Neuro Technologies, Diverse Biotech, Diversigen, Dizal Pharmaceutical, DJS Antibodies, DKSH, DKT, dMed Biopharmaceuticals, DMS Health Technologies, DNAtrix, DNX Biopharmaceuticals,, Docklight Brands, DoctorsOne Healthcare Systems, Dogma Therapeutics, DolCas-Tenshi Bioceuticals, DolCas Biotech, Domainex, Domain Therapeutics, Dompe Farmaceutici, Dona Blanca, Dong-A Pharmaceutical, Dong-A ST, DongKoo Bio & Pharma, Door Pharmaceuticals, Doppel Farma, Dosecann, DotBio, DoubleRainbow Biosciences, Dova Pharmaceuticals, Dr. Falk Pharma, Dr. Reddy's Laboratories, Dragonfly Biosciences, Dragonfly Therapeutics, Dragon Master Foundation, Dragon Sail Pharmaceutical, Draper Laboratories, Drawbridge Health, Dr Bragi Company, Dreamy, Dren Bio, Drexel University, DRI Capital, Dr Kerklaan Therapeutics, Dr Pfleger, DryEye Rescue, DS Biopharma, DSG, DSM, DuChemBio, Duchenne UK, Duchesnay, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore, Duke Clinical Research Institute (DCRI), Duke University, Duke University Medical Center, Dunad Therapeutics, Durbin Group
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