Global Biotech Partnering Terms and Agreements 2018-2023
Global Biotech Partnering Terms and Agreements 2018 to 2023 report provides a detailed understanding and analysis of how and why companies enter biotech partnering deals.

Global Biotech Partnering Terms and Agreements 2018 to 2023 report provides a detailed understanding and analysis of how and why companies enter biotech partnering deals. These deals tend to be multicomponent, starting with collaborative R&D, and proceed to commercialization of outcomes.
This report provides details of the latest biotech agreements announced in the life sciences since 2018.
The report takes the reader through a comprehensive review biotech deal trends, key players, top deal values, as well as deal financials, allowing the understanding of how, why and under what terms, companies are entering biotech partnering deals.
The report presents financial deal term values for biotech deals, listing by headline value, upfront payments, milestone payments and royalties, enabling readers to analyse and benchmark the financial value of deals.
The middle section of the report explores the leading dealmakers in the biotech partnering field; both the leading deal values and most active biotech dealmaker companies are reported allowing the reader to see who is succeeding in this dynamic dealmaking market.
One of the key highlights of the report is that over 6,900 online deal records of actual biotech deals, as disclosed by the deal parties, are included towards the end of the report in a directory format – by company A-Z, stage of development, deal type, therapy focus, and technology type - that is easy to reference. Each deal record in the report links via Weblink to an online version of the deal.
In addition, where available, records include contract documents as submitted to the Securities Exchange Commission by companies and their partners. Whilst many companies will be seeking details of the payment clauses, the devil is in the detail in terms of how payments are triggered – contract documents provide this insight where press releases and databases do not.
The initial chapters of this report provide an orientation of biotech dealmaking. Chapter 1 provides an introduction to the report, whilst chapter 2 provides an overview of the trends in biotech dealmaking since 2018, including details of headline, upfront, milestone and royalty terms.
Chapter 3 provides a review of the leading biotech deals since 2018. Deals are listed by headline value. Where the deal has an agreement contract published at the SEC a link provides online access to the contract.
Chapter 4 provides a comprehensive listing of the top 25 most active companies in biotech dealmaking with a brief summary followed by a comprehensive listing of biotech deals announded by that company, as well as contract documents, where available.
Chapter 5 provides a comprehensive and detailed review of biotech partnering deals signed and announced since Jan 2018, where a contract document is available in the public domain. Each deal title links via Weblink to an online version of the deal record and contract document, providing easy access to each contract document on demand.
Chapter 6 provides a comprehensive and detailed review of biotech partnering deals signed and announced since Jan 2018. The chapter is organized by specific technology type. Each deal title links via Weblink to an online version of the deal record and where available, the contract document, providing easy access to each deal on demand.
A comprehensive series of appendices is provided organized by biotech partnering company A-Z, stage of development, deal type, and therapy focus. Each deal title links via Weblink to an online version of the deal record and where available, the contract document, providing easy access to each deal on demand.
The report also includes numerous tables and figures that illustrate the trends and activities in biotech partnering and dealmaking since 2018.
In conclusion, this report provides everything a prospective dealmaker needs to know about partnering in the research, development and commercialization of biotech technologies and products.
Key benefits
Global Biotech Partnering Terms and Agreements 2018 to 2023 provides the reader with the following key benefits:
- In-depth understanding of biotech deal trends since 2018
- Access to headline, upfront, milestone and royalty data
- Detailed access to actual biotech contracts entered into by leading biopharma companies
- Identify most active biotech dealmakers since 2018
- Insight into terms included in a biotech partnering agreement, with real world examples
- Understand the key deal terms companies have agreed in previous deals
- Undertake due diligence to assess suitability of your proposed deal terms for partner companies
Report scope
Global Biotech Partnering Terms and Agreements 2018 to 2023 is intended to provide the reader with an in-depth understanding and access to biotech trends and structure of deals entered into by leading companies worldwide.
Biotech Partnering Terms and Agreements includes:
- Trends in biotech dealmaking in the biopharma industry since 2018
- Access to headline, upfront, milestone and royalty data
- Access to biotech contract documents
- Leading biotech deals by value since 2018
- Most active biotech dealmakers since 2018
In Global Biotech Partnering Terms and Agreements 2018 to 2023, the available deals are listed by:
- Company A-Z
- Headline value
- Stage of development at signing
- Deal component type
- Specific therapy target
- Technology type
Each deal title links via Weblink to an online version of the deal record and where available, the contract document, providing easy access to each contract document on demand.
The Global Biotech Partnering Terms and Agreements 2018 to 2023 report provides comprehensive access to available deals and contract documents for over 6,900 biotech deals.
Analyzing actual contract agreements allows assessment of the following:
- What are the precise rights granted or optioned?
- What is actually granted by the agreement to the partner company?
- What exclusivity is granted?
- What is the payment structure for the deal?
- How are sales and payments audited?
- What is the deal term?
- How are the key terms of the agreement defined?
- How are IPRs handled and owned?
- Who is responsible for commercialization?
- Who is responsible for development, supply, and manufacture?
- How is confidentiality and publication managed?
- How are disputes to be resolved?
- Under what conditions can the deal be terminated?
- What happens when there is a change of ownership?
- What sublicensing and subcontracting provisions have been agreed?
- Which boilerplate clauses does the company insist upon?
- Which boilerplate clauses appear to differ from partner to partner or deal type to deal type?
- Which jurisdiction does the company insist upon for agreement law?
Global Biotech Partnering Terms and Agreements 2018 to 2023 provides the reader with the following key benefits:
- In-depth understanding of biotech deal trends since 2018
- Access to headline, upfront, milestone and royalty data
- Detailed access to actual biotech contracts entered into by leading biopharma companies
- Identify most active biotech dealmakers since 2018
- Insight into terms included in a biotech partnering agreement, with real world examples
- Understand the key deal terms companies have agreed in previous deals
- Undertake due diligence to assess suitability of your proposed deal terms for partner companies
Executive Summary
Chapter 1 – Introduction
Chapter 2 – Trends in biotech dealmaking
2.1. Introduction
2.2. Biotech partnering over the years
2.3. Most active biotech dealmakers
2.4. Biotech partnering by deal type
2.5. Biotech partnering by therapy area
2.6. Biotech partnering by technology type
2.7. Deal terms for biotech partnering
2.7.1 Biotech partnering headline values
2.7.2 Biotech deal upfront payments
2.7.3 Biotech deal milestone payments
2.7.4 Biotech royalty rates
Chapter 3 – Leading biotech deals
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Top biotech deals by value
Chapter 4 – Most active biotech dealmakers
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Most active biotech dealmakers
4.3. Most active biotech partnering company profiles
Chapter 5 – Biotech contracts dealmaking directory
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Biotech contracts dealmaking directory
Chapter 6 – Biotech dealmaking by technology type
Appendix 1 – Biotech deals by company A-Z
Appendix 2 – Biotech deals by stage of development
Appendix 3 – Biotech deals by deal type
Appendix 4 – Biotech deals by therapy area
Appendix 5 – Deal type definitions
Appendix 6 – further reading
About Wildwood Ventures
Current Partnering
Current Agreements
Recent report titles from Current Partnering
Table of figures
Figure 1: Biotech partnering since 2018
Figure 2: Active biotech dealmaking activity– 2018 to 2023
Figure 3: Biotech partnering by deal type since 2018
Figure 4: Biotech partnering by disease type since 2018
Figure 5: Biotech partnering by technology type since 2018
Figure 6: Biotech deals with a headline value
Figure 7: Biotech deals with an upfront value
Figure 8: Biotech deals with a milestone value
Figure 9: Biotech deals with a royalty rate value
Figure 10: Top biotech deals by value since 2018
Figure 11: Most active biotech dealmakers 2018 to 2023
Pricing options
- $3,995: single-user
- $5,745: multi-user
- $10,995: single site license
- $17,995: global site license
A full explanation of license type definitions can be found here.
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1CellBiO,, 1ST Biotherapeutics, 2bPrecise, 2cureX, 2seventy bio, 2X Oncology, 3 Rivers Biotech, 3B Pharmaceuticals, 3D-Side, 3D Medicines, 3D Systems, 3P Biopharmaceuticals, 3rd People’s Hospital of Shenzhen, 3SBio, 3T Biosciences, 4basebio Discovery, 4baseCare, 4C Biomed, 4D Molecular Therapeutics, 4D Pharma, 4Living Biotech, 4P-Pharma, 4SC, 4SR Biosciences, 7D Surgical, 9 Meters Biopharma, 10X Genomics, 23andMe, 48Hour Discovery, 111, 180 Life Sciences, 908 Devices, A*STAR Agency for Science, Technology and Research, A*STAR Bioinformatics Institute, A*STAR Bioprocessing Technology Institute, A*STAR Singapore Immunology Network, A*STAR’ Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, A-Alpha Bio, A2 Biotherapeutics, A2A Pharmaceuticals, Aadi Bioscience, Aanika Biosciences, Aardvark Therapeutics, Aarhus University, Aarvik Therapeutics, AavantiBio, AAVnerGene, AazeinTx, AB2 Bio, AB Biosciences, Abbott Laboratories, Abbvie, Abcam, AbCellera Biologics, Abcore, Abcuro, Abdul Latif Jameel Health, ABEC, Ab E Discovery, Abeona Therapeutics, Abera Bioscience, Abexxa Biologics, Abide Therapeutics, Abilita Bio, Abintus Bio, Abionic, ABL Bio, Ablexis, Ab Magnitude Ventures, Abnova, Abogen Biosciences, Abound Bio, Aboundbio, Abpro, Abramson Cancer Center, AbSci, Absolute Antibody, Ab Studio, ABT Innovations, AbTis, Abu Dhabi Stem Cells Center, AbVacc, ABVC BioPharma, Abveris, ABX, Abzena, Acacia Research, Academy of Military Medical Sciences (China), ACADIA Pharmaceuticals, AC Bioscience, AC BioTech, Accelerated Biosciences, Accelerator for Technological Research in Genomic Therapies, Acceleron Pharma, Accellix, Accelr8, Accenture, Access BIO, Access Genomics Canada, Accord Healthcare, AccuGenomics, ACEA Therapeutics, Acell, Acelrx Pharmaceuticals, Acelyrin, Acepodia, Aceragen, Acerand Therapeutics, Acerta Pharma, Acer Therapeutics, Acerus, Aceso Life Science, aCGT Vector, Achaogen, Achilles Therapeutics, Achillion Pharmaceuticals, Acibadem University, AC Immune, Aclaris Therapeutics, Aclipse Therapeutics, Acrivon Therapeutics, ACROBiosystems, Acrotech Biopharma, ACT Genomics, Acticor Biotech, Actimed Therapeutics, Actinium Pharmaceuticals, Active Motif, ACT Therapeutics, ActualEyes, Actuate Therapeutics, Actym Therapeutics, Acuitas Therapeutics, Acuity Pharmaceuticals, AcuraStem, Acurx Pharmaceuticals, Adagene, Adagio Therapeutics, AdAlta, Adamis Pharmaceuticals, Adapsyn Bioscience, Adaptate Biotherapeutics, Adaptimmune, Adaptive Biotechnologies, Adaptive Phage Therapeutics, AdaptVac, ADC Biotechnology, Adcendo, Adcentrx Therapeutics, ADC Therapeutics, Addario Lung Cancer Medical Institute, Addex Therapeutics, Adello Biologics, Adge Pharmaceuticals, Adgero Biopharmaceuticals, Adhera Therapeutics, Adial Pharmaceuticals, Adicet Bio, Adimab, Aditx Therapeutics, Adium Pharma, Adjuvance Technologies, Adlai Nortye, ADL Bionatur Solutions, ADM, ADMA Biologics, adMare BioInnovations, Adnab, Adrestia, Adtech Pharma, Aduro BioTech, Adva Biotechnology, Advaccine Biotechnology, Advaite, Advanced Accelerator Applications, Advanced Biological Laboratories, Advanced BioNutrition, Advanced BioScience Laboratories, Advanced Medical German Company of Kuwait, Advanced Proteome Therapeutics, Advanced Regenerative Manufacturing Institute, Advanced Tear Diagnostics, Advanced Technology International, Advanz Pharma, Advaxis, AdventHealth, Advent International, Adverum Biotechnologies, ADx NeuroSciences, Adynxx, Aedesius Health, Aegea Biotechnologies, Aegerion Pharmaceutical, Aegis Life, Aeglea BioTherapeutics, Aelian Biotechnology, Aelis Pharma, Aelix Therapeutics, Aerogen, Aerpio Pharmaceuticals, Aethlon Medical, Aethon Therapeutics, Aetion, Aetos Biologics, Aevi Genomic Medicine, AffaMed Therapeutics, Affibody, Affilogic, Affimed Therapeutics, Affini-T Therapeutics, Affinia Therapeutics, Affinity Biosciences, Affinivax, AFFiRiS, AffyXell Therapeutics, Afrigen Biologics, Agathos Biologics, AgBiome, AGC Biologics, Age Labs, Ageless Biotech, Agencja Badan Medycznych, Agendia, Agenus Bio, AgeX Therapeutics, Agilent Technologies, Agilvax, Agios Pharmaceuticals, AgNovos Healthcare, AgomAb Therapeutics, AgonOx, Agribody Technologies, Agricultural Materials Company, AgroSource, AHN Autoimmunity Institute, Aichi Medical University, AiCuris, Aileron Therapeutics, Aimed Bio, AimedBio, AIM ImmunoTech, Aimmune Therapeutics, Ainnocence, Airway Therapeutics, AiVita Biomedical, Ajinomoto, Ajinomoto Bio-Pharma Services, Akadeum Life Sciences, Akari Therapeutics, Akcea Therapeutics, Akero Therapeutics, Akers Biosciences, Akeso Biopharma, AKESOgen, Akili Interactive Labs, AKL Research and Development, Akome Biotech, Akon Lighting, Akouos, Akoya Biosciences, Akrevia Therapeutics, Akron BioProducts, Akron Biotechnology, Akshaya Bio, AKSO Biopharmaceutical, Akston Biosciences, Alamar Biosciences, Albany Molecular Research, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Albireo, Albumedix, Alcami, Alcedis, Alchemab, Alcyone Lifesciences, Alcyone Therapeutics, Alder Therapeutics, Aldevron, Aldeyra Therapeutics, Alector, Aleta Biotherapeutics, Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation, Algae-C, AlgaEnergy, Algatech, Algenex, Aligos Therapeutics, AliHealth, AlivaMab Discovery Services, AliveGen, Alivio Therapeutics, ALK-Abello, Alkahest, Alkem Laboratories, Alkermes, Allarity Therapeutics, AllCells, Allegheny General Hospital, Allele Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals, Allelica, Allen Institute for Brain Science, Allergan, Allergan Aesthetics, Alliance for Cancer Gene Therapy, Alliance For Clinical Trials In Oncology, Alligator Bioscience, Allinaire Therapeutic, Allist Pharma, Allogene Overland Biopharm, Allogene Therapeutics, AlloMek Therapeutics, Alloplex Biotherapeutics, AlloSource, Alloy Therapeutics, Allscripts, AllStripes, Almirall, Almog Diagnostic, Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Aloha Medicinals, Alpha-5 Integrin, Alpha Biopharma, Alpha Cancer Technologies, Alphageneron Pharmaceuticals, Alphamab Biopharmaceuticals, Alphamab Oncology, Alpha Tau Medical, Alpine Immune Sciences, ALS Association, ALS Automated Lab Solutions, Altamira Pharma, Altamira Therapeutics, Altasciences, Altavant Sciences, Alteogen, Altesa Biosciences, Altheia Science, Altimmune, Alto Neuroscience, ALTuCELL, Alume Biosciences, Alvaxa Biosciences, Alvogen, Alvotech, ALX Oncology, Alyatec, Alytas Therapeutics, Alzamend Neuro, Alzheimer's Drug Discovery Foundation, Alzheon, AlzProtect, Amagma Therapeutics, Amag Pharmaceuticals, Amal Therapeutics, Amarantus BioSciences, Amarna Therapeutics, Amasa Therapeutics, Amazon Web Services, Ambiopharm, Ambrx, Ambry Genetics, Ambys Medicines, American BriVision, American College of Cardiology, American CryoStem, American National Multiple Sclerosis Society, American Preclinical Services, American Type Culture Collection (ATCC), Amerimmune, AmerisourceBergen, Amfora, Amgen, Amicogen, Amicrobe, Amicus Therapeutics, AmideBio, AmMax Bio, Amolyt Pharma, Amoy Diagnostics, Ampersand Capital Partners, Ampio Pharmaceuticals, Amplifybio, AmpliPhi Biosciences, Amplyx Pharmaceuticals, Amryt Pharma, Amunix, Amydis, Amygdala Neurosciences, Amyris, Amytrx Therapeutics, AN2 Therapeutics, Anaeropharma, Anakuria Therapeutics, AnaMar, AnaptysBio, ANA Therapeutics, Anavex Life Sciences, AnchorDx, Ancilia Biosciences, Andelyn Biosciences, Andorra Development and Investment, Andrew Alliance, Andrews Medicine, Anelixis Therapeutics, Angelini Pharma, Angers University, AnGes MG, Angiochem, Angiogenesis Foundation, Angion Biomedica, Angios, Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, AnHeart Therapeutics, Anima Biotech, AnimalBiome, Animalcare, Animal Life Sciences, Anixa Biosciences, Anji Pharma, Ankarys Therapeutics, Ankyra Therapeutics, Annogen, Annovis Bio, Anokion, Anpac Bio-Medical Science, ANP Technologies, Ansun Biopharma, Antengene, Anteris Bio, Antheia, Anthony Nolan, Anthos Therapeutics, Antibody Solutions, Antidote Therapeutics, Antikor Biopharma, Antion Biosciences, Antios Therapeutics, Apceth, Apeiron Biologics, Apellis Pharmaceuticals, Apex Global Brands, Apexigen, Apic Bio, APIM Therapeutics, Aplastic Anemia & MDS International Foundation, Apogee Therapeutics, ApolloBio, Apollomics, Apollo Therapeutics, Aposense, Appia Bio, Appili Therapeutics, Applied Biology, Applied BioMath, Applied Cells, Applied DNA Sciences, Applied Genetic Technologies, Applied StemCell, AprilBio, APRINOIA Therapeutics, APS Healthcare, Aptahem, Aptamer Therapeutics, Aptevo BioTherapeutics, Aptevo Therapeutics, Aptinyx, Aptorum Group, Aptose Biosciences, Aqilion, Aqualung Therapeutics, Aquitaine Science Transfert (SATT Aquitaine), Aracari Biosciences, Araclon Biotech, Aragen Bioscience, SAS Group, Aravive Biologics, Arbele, Arbor Biosciences, Arbor Biotechnologies, Arbutus, ARCA Biopharma, Arcadia Biosciences, Arc Bio, Arcellx, Arch Biopartners, Archer Daniels Midland Company, ArcherDX, Arch Oncology, ARCH Personalized Medicine Initiative, Arch Therapeutics, Arcis Biotechnology, Arctic University of Norway, Arctic Vision, Arctos Medical, Arcturus Therapeutics, Arcus Biosciences, Arcutis Biotherapeutics, Ardeagen, Ardelyx, Ardena, Ardigen, Arecor, Arena Pharmaceuticals, Ares Genetics, Areteia Therapeutics, argenx, Argobio, Ariana Pharma, Ariceum Therapeutics, Aridis Pharmaceuticals, Ariel Precision Medicine, Arima Genomics, Arisan Therapeutics, Arista Cereal Technologies, Arix Bioscience, Arizona State University, Armonica Technologies, Arnay Sciences, Aro Biotherapeutics, AroCell, Aromics, Arpeggio Biosciences, Arrakis Therapeutics, Arranta Bio, Array Biopharma, Arrevus, ArriVent Biopharma, Arrowhead Pharmaceuticals, Arrys Therapeutics, Arsanis Biosciences, Arsenal Biosciences, Artelo Biosciences, Artes Biotechnology, ARTeSYN Biosolutions, Artios Pharma, Artisan Bio, Artiva Biotherapeutics, Artizan Biosciences, Aruvant Sciences, Arvelle Therapeutics, Arvinas, Arzeda, Asahi Kasei, Ascentage Pharma, Ascletis, ASC Therapeutics, Asep Medical, Asher Biotherapeutics, Ashion Analytics, ASH Research Collaborative, Ashvattha Therapeutics, Asieris MediTech, Asimov, AskGene Pharma, Asklepios Biopharmaceutical, Aslan Pharma, Asopharma, Aspect Biosystems, Aspire Health Science, Assembly Biosciences, Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration, Associazione Poic e Dintorni APS, Astellas Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Astellas Pharma, Astellas Pharma US, Astem, Asterias Biotherapeutics, Astero Bio, AstraZeneca, Astrea Bioseparations, Astrogen, AstronauTx, Asuragen, Asylia Therapeutics, Asymchem Laboratories, ATAI Life Sciences, Atalanta Therapeutics, Atara Biotherapeutics, Atavistik Bio, Atbtherapeutics, Atea Pharmaceuticals, Atelerix, aTen Therapeutics, Ateria Health, Athena Bioscience, Athenex, Athersys, Athira Pharma, Athos Therapeutics, Atlas Antibodies, Atlas Venture, ATMPS, Atomo Diagnostics, Atomwise, Atossa Therapeutics, ATP, Atrapos Therapeutics, Atreca, Atropos Therapeutics, Attana, Attenua, Attralus, ATUM, Atvio Biotech, aTyr Pharma, Audentes Therapeutics, Augmenta, Aulos Bioscience, AUM Biosciences, AUM Biotech, AUM LifeTech, AuraVax Therapeutics, Aurealis Therapeutics, Aurigene Discovery Technologies, Aurinia Pharmaceuticals, Auris Medical, Aurobindo Pharma, Australian Biotechnologies, Australian Department of Health and Ageing, Australian Foundation for Diabetes Research, Australian Research Council, Austrian Research Promotion Agency, Autigen, Autism Speaks, Autolomous, Autolus, Autotelic BIO, Avacta, Avactis Biosciences, Avalon GloboCare, Avalo Therapeutics, Avance Biosciences, Avania, AvantGen, Avantor, Avatamed, Avectas, Avellino Labs, Avenue Therapeutics, AVEO Oncology, Avera Health, Avera McKennan, Avernus Pharma, Avery Therapeutics, Aveta Biomics, AveXis, Avicanna, Aviceda Therapeutics, Avida Biomed, Avid Bioservices, Avidea Technologies, Avidity Biosciences, Avista Capital Partners, Avista Therapeutics, Avita Medical MENA, Avita Therapeutics, Avitide, AVM Biotechnology, Avra, Avrobio, Awakn Life Sciences, Axantia, Axcelead Drug Discovery Partners, Axcella, Axelys, Axial Biotherapeutics, AXIM Biotechnologies, Axion Biosystems, Axis Therapeutics, Axol Bioscience, Axonklinikken, Axovant Gene Therapies, Axxam, Ayala Pharmaceuticals, AyoxxA Biosystems, Aytu BioPharma, Azitra, Aziyo Biologics, Azos Bio, AzurRx BioPharma, Azzur Group, B-MoGen Biotechnologies, Bach Biosciences, Baergic Bio, Bain Capital, Baker Brothers Investments, Baliopharm, Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center, Banyan Biomarkers, Barrow Neurological Institute, Barth Syndrome Foundation, Baruch S Blumberg Institute, BASE10 Genetics, Basepair, BASF, Basilea Pharmaceutica, Batavia Biosciences, Battelle, Bausch & Lomb, Bausch Health Companies, Bavarian Nordic, Baxalta, Baxter International, Bayer, Bayer Animal Health, Baylor College, Baylor College of Medicine, Baylor Genetics, Bay State Milling Company, BB100, BBI Solutions, B Braun, BC Cancer Agency, BC Platforms, BDD Pharma, Beacon Biosignals, Beacon Discovery, Beacon Laboratory Benefit Solutions, Beactica, Beam Therapeutics, Be Biopharma, Becton Dickinson, BeiGene, Beijing Defengrei Biotechnology, Beijing Genomics Institute (BGI), Beijing InnoCare Pharma, Beijing Minhai Biotechnology, Beijing Tide Pharmaceutical, Beijing Wonner Biotech, Belfor, Belharra Therapeutics, Bellus Health, Ben-Gurion University, Benaroya Research Institute, BenevolentAI, Benitec Biopharma, Benson Hill Biosystems, Berg, BerGenBio, Berkeley Lights, Berkshire Sterile Manufacturing, Beroni Group, Berry Genomics, Beta Pharma, Beta Therapeutics, Be The Match BioTherapies, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Bethyl Laboratories, Betta Pharmaceuticals, Beyondspring Pharmaceuticals, BGI, BGN Technologies, Bharat Biotech, BHB Therapeutics, Bial, BIA Separations, BICO, Bicycle Therapeutics, BigHat Biosciences, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Binex, BinnoPharm, Bintai Kinden, Bio-Cancer Treatment International, BIO-CAT Microbials, Bio-Manguinhos/Fiocruz, Bio-Me, Bio-Rad Laboratories, Bio-Techne, Bio-Thera Solutions, BioAesthetics, bioAffinity Technologies, BioAge Labs, BioAgilytix, BioAnalytical Systems, Bioarchitech, BioArctic Neuroscience, BioArdis, biOasis Technologies, BIOASTER, BioAtla, BioAxone BioSciences, BioAxone Therapeutic, BioBlast Pharma, BioBlocks, BioBright, BioCanRx, BioCardia, Biocare Medical, BioCentriq, Biocept, Bioceres, Bioceros, BioClonetics Immunotherapeutics, BioClue, BioComo, Biocomposites, Biocon, BioConsortia, BioCopy, BioCryst Pharmaceuticals, BioCure, BiocurePharm, Biocytogen, Biodesix, Biodextris, BioDuro, BioEclipse Therapeutics, BioEleven, BioElpida, Bioeq IP, Biofabri, Biofactura, Bioforum, BioGemex, Biogen, BioGenetics, Biognosys, Bioharmony Therapeutics, Biohaven Pharmaceuticals, Bioheuris, BioHybrid Solutions, BioInvent, BioKey, Biokinesis, Biokin Pharmaceutical, BioLabs, BioLab Sciences, BioLamina, BioLegend, Biolexis, BioLife Solutions, BioLink Life Sciences, BioLite Japan, BioLizard, Biological Dynamics, Biological E, Biological Industries, Biologics Consulting Group, Biolojic Design, BioMap, BioMarin Pharmaceutical, BiomeBank, Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, Biomedical Catalyst Fund (UK), Biomedical Primate Research Centre, Biomedican, BioMed Valley Discoveries, BioMed X Innovation Center, Biomerica, bioMerieux, Biomica, Biomillenia, Biomm, BioMotiv, Biomunex Pharmaceuticals, BiomX, BioNano Genomics, Bionaut Labs, Bioncotech Therapeutics, Biond Biologics, BiondVax, Bioneer, BioNet Holding, Bionetix, Bioniz Therapeutics, Bionomics, BioNova Pharmaceuticals, BioNTech, BionX Medical Technologies, Bio Palette, BioPep, BioPharma Plasma, BiopharmX, Biophore Pharmaceuticals, Bio Products Laboratory, Bioprojet, Bioqube Ventures, bioRASI, Biorchestra, BioRestorative Therapies, Biortus Biosciences, BiosanaPharma, Biosceptre International, Bioscience Oncology, BioSciencesCorp, Biose Industrie, BioSense Global, Biosenta, Bioserve, BioSight, Biosion, Biositu Pharmaceutical Technology, BioSkryb, BioSpecifics Technologies, BioSpherix, Biosplice, Biostage, BioStem Life Sciences, BioStem Technologies, BioStrand, Biosyn, Biotem, Biotest, BioTherapeutic Labs, Biothera Pharmaceuticals, Biotheus, Biotools, Biovac, BioVaxys, BioVectra, Bioventure MDC, Bioventus, Bioverativ, BioVersys, Biovian, BioVie, Bioweg, BioXcel, BioXpress, Bioz, BirchBioMed, Bird Foundation, Birdie Biopharmaceuticals, BiVictriX Therapeutics, Bixink Therapeutics, BJ Bioscience, Blackfynn, Blacksmith Medicines, Blackstone Medical, BlackThorn Therapeutics, Blade Therapeutics, Blanver, Blau Pharma, BliNK Biomedical, Bliss Biopharmaceutical, Bloom Science, Blu Biotech, BluCon Biotech, Bluebird Bio, Bluebridge Technologies, BlueJay Therapeutics, Blueprint Genetics, Blueprint Medicines, BlueRock Therapeutics, Blue Water Vaccines, BlueWillow Biologics, Blumentech, BNF Solution, Boca Biolistics, BodeVet, Boehringer Ingelheim, Bohai Biomedical, Bolden Therapeutics, Bolder BioTechnology, Bold Therapeutics, Bolt Biotherapeutics, Bolt Threads, Bond Pet Foods, Bone Biologics, Bone Therapeutics, Bonus BioGroup, BostonGene, Boston Immune Technologies and Therapeutics, Boston University, Bota Bio, Botanical Solution, Botanix Pharmaceuticals, Boulos and Cooper Pharmaceuticals, Bpifrance, BPL Medical Technologies, Brain, Brain Biomarker Solutions in Gothenburg, Brain Neurotherapy Bio, Brainomix, BrainScope, BrainStorm Cell Therapeutics, BrainVectis, Brammer Bio, BravoVax, Breakthrough Diagnostics, Breath Diagnostics, Brenus Pharma, BriaCell Therapeutics, BrickBio, Brickell Biotech, BridgeBio Pharma, Bridge Biotherapeutics, Bridge Medicines, BridGene Biosciences, Brigham and Women's Hospital, BrighGene Biomedical, Bright Peak Therapeutics, Brightseed, Brii Biosciences, Brink Biologics, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Broad Institute, Broadwing Bio, Brooklyn ImmunoTherapeutics, Brown University, Bruker, BryoLogyx, BSP Pharmaceuticals, BTG, Buck Institute for Age Research, Bugworks, BullFrog AI, Burning Rock, Busan Paik Hospital, Butantan Institute, Button Capital, Byondis, C-Bridge Capital, c-LEcta, C2i Genomics, C3i, C3J Therapeutics, C4 Therapeutics, C4X Discovery, Cabaletta Bio, Cadent, Caelum Biosciences, Caladrius Biosciences, Calcimedica, Calico, Calidi Biotherapeutics, Califia Pharma, California Institute for Biomedical Research, California Institute for Regenerative Medicine, California Institute of Technology, Calithera Biosciences, Calixar, Calliditas Therapeutics, Calypso Biotech, Calyxt, Camargo Pharmaceutical Services, Cambrian Biopharma, Cambridge Bioscience, Cambridge Quantum Computing, Cambridge Research Biochemicals, Camino Pharma, CAMP4 Therapeutics, Can-Fite BioPharma, Canada-Israel Industrial R&D Foundation, Canadian Blood Services, Canaf Therapeutics, CANbridge Pharmaceuticals, Cancer Focus Fund, Cancer Genetics, Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas, Cancer Prevention Pharmaceuticals, Cancer Research UK, Cancer Targeted Technology, CancerVax, CanCure, Candel Therapeutics, Cannara Biotech, Canopy Biosciences, CanSinoBIO, Cantargia, Capella Bioscience, CapNostics, Capricor Therapeutics, Capsida Biotherapeutics, Capsigen, Captivate Bio, Captozyme, Caravan Biologix, Caraway Therapeutics, CARB-X, Carbiotix, Cardiff Oncology, Cardiff University, Cardinal Health, Cardurion Pharmaceuticals, CareDx, CareNet, Cargill, Caribou Biosciences, CariCord, Carina Biotech, Caris Life Sciences, Carisma Therapeutics, Caritas Therapeutics, Carl Zeiss Meditec, Carmell Therapeutics, Carmine Therapeutics, Carna BioSciences, Carnegie Mellon University, Carnot BioSciences, CaroGen, Carolina BioOncology Institute, Carrick Therapeutics, CARsgen, Carterra, Cartesian Therapeutics, Cartexell, CarThera, Cartherics, Cascadian Therapeutics, Casdin Capital, Case Western Reserve University, CASI Pharmaceuticals, Casma Therapeutics, Cassava Sciences, Castle Biosciences, Castle Creek Biosciences, Catabasis Pharmaceuticals, Catalent, Catalyst Biosciences, Catalyst Clinical Research, Catamaran Bio, Catholic University Leuven, CavoGene LifeSciences, CBD Solutions, CBL Patras, CBT Pharmaceuticals, CCT Research, CDISC, CDR-Life, Ceapro, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Cedilla Therapeutics, CEITEC, Celcuity, Celdara Medical, Celgene, Celiac Disease Foundation, Cell&Soft, Cell-Easy, Cell2in, Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult, Cellares, Cellaria Biosciences, Cellarity, CellCarta, Cell Cure Neurosciences, Cellect Biotechnology, Cellectis, Cellenion, Cellenkos, Cellesce, Cellevate, Cellevolve Bio, Cellgen Diagnostics, CellGenix, Cell Guidance Systems, Cellibre, Cellinfinity Bio, Celling Biosciences, CELLINK, Cellistic, Cellkey, CellMax Life, Cell Medica, Cell Mogrify, CellOrigin Biotech, Cell Point, CellPoint, CellProThera, Cell Signaling Technology, Cellsystems, Celltex Therapeutics, Cell Therapy Manufacturing Center, Celltrion, Cellular Biomedicine, Cellular Dynamics International, Cellular Highways, Cellular Logistics, Cellumed, Cellusion, CellVax Therapeutics, Cellvera, Cellworks, Celmatix, Celogics, Celonic, Celregen, Cel Sci, Celsion, Celsius Therapeutics, Celularity, Celyad, Cend Therapeutics, Cenexi, Censa Pharmaceuticals, Censo Biotechnologies, Centaur Bio, Centene, Center for Biomarker Research in Medicine, Center for Breakthrough Medicines, Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders, Center for Genomic Regulation, Center for Inherited Blood Disorders, Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centessa Pharmaceuticals, Centivax, Centogene, Centre for Cellular and Molecular Platforms, Centre for Commercialization of Regenerative Medicine (CCRM), Centre for Drug Research and Development (CDRD), Centre for Human Drug Research, Centre for Probe Development and Commercialization, Centre Leon Berard, Centurion Therapeutics, Century Therapeutics, Cephagenix, Cepheid, Cerba Research, Cerebras Systems, Cerecor, Cerevance, Cerevel Therapeutics, Cerhum, Certara, Certis, Cerus, Cerveau Technologies, Cesca Therapeutics, Ceva Sante Animale, Cevec Pharmaceuticals, CGA 369, cGMP Validation, CG Oncology, Chameleon Science, Chamishi Therapeutics, Champions Oncology, Changchun BCHT Biotechnology, Changchun High & New Technology Industries, Changzhou Biowin Pharmaceutical, Channel Biosciences, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, Chao Center, Charak Foundation, Charite Universitatsmedizin Berlin, Charles River Laboratories, Chattanooga Center for Neurologic Research, CHDI Foundation, Checkmate Pharmaceuticals, Checkpoint Therapeutics, Cheil Pharm, Chelexa Biosciences, ChemGenes, ChemoCentryx, Chemomab Therapeutics, Chemveda Life Sciences, Cheyenne Mountain Seed Company, Chi-Med, Chiasma, Chiesi Farmaceutici, Children's Hospital Boston, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Children's Medical Research Institute, Children's Mercy Hospital, Chime Biologics, Chimeric Therapeutics, Chimerix, Chimeron Bio, China-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City, China Biologic Products, China Biotech Services, China Medical System, China National Biotech Group (CNBG), China Resources Pharmaceutical Commercial Group International Trading, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Chinook Therapeutics, Chiome Bioscience, Chondrial Therapeutics, Chong Kun Dang, CHO Plus, Chr Hansen, Chromaderm, ChromaDex, Chromocell, Chromotek, Chronix Biomedical, Chrysalis BioTherapeutics, CH Trading Group, Chugai Pharmaceutical, Chung-Ang University, Cibus Global, Cidara Therapeutics, Cigna Healthcare, Cilag AG, CimCure, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, CinCor Pharma, Cingulate, Cipher Pharmaceuticals, Cipla, CiRC Biosciences, CIRION BioPharma Research, Cirrus Dx, Citius Pharmaceuticals, Citranvi Biosciences, Citrine Medicine, City College of New York, City of Hope, City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center, CJ CheilJedang, CJ Corp, CK Life Sciences, CK Rizeon, Clairvoyant Therapeutics, Clalit Health Services, Clarametyx Biosciences, Clariant, Clarity Pharmaceuticals, Clarus Therapeutics, Cleara Biotech, Clear Creek Bio, Clearmind Medicine, ClearPoint Neuro, Clearside Biomedical, Cleave Therapeutics, Clene Nanomedicine, Cleveland BioLabs, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland Diabetes Care, Cleveland University Hospitals, ClinCapture, Clinical Trial and Consulting Services, Clinica Universidad Navarra, Clinigen, Clover Biopharmaceuticals, Clover Therapeutics, Clovis Oncology, CLS Therapeutics, CMAB Biopharma, Cmed, CMG Pharmaceutical, CM Life Sciences, CMS Medical, CMT Research Foundation, CN Bio, CND Life Sciences, Co.Don, Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, Coave Therapeutics, Cobra Biologics, CODA Biotherapeutics, Codagenix, Code Biotherapeutics, Codetta Biosciences, Codex Beauty, Codex DNA, Codexis, Codiak BioSciences, Coeptis Pharmaceuticals, Coeptis Therapeutics, Cofactor Genomics, Cogen Immune Medicines, Cognate BioServices, Cognition Therapeutics, CogState, CohBar, Coherus Biosciences, CoImmune, Cold Genesys, Collaborative Drug Discovery, Collagen Solutions LLC, Collplant, Colombia Ministry of Health and Social Protection, Colorado Melanoma Foundation, Colorado State University, Columbia University, Columbia University Medical Center, Comac Medical, Combangio, Combat Stress, CombiGene, Combined Therapeutics, Combioxin, Comera Life Sciences, Comet Therapeutics, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Compass Therapeutics, Complement Pharma, Complix, Complutense University of Madrid, Compugen, Conatus Pharmaceuticals, Concept Life Sciences, ConcertAI, Concert Genetics, Concr, Confo Therapeutics, Congenica, Conifer Point Pharmaceuticals, Conkwest, ConserV Bioscience, ConsortiaTX, Consortium AI, ConSynance Therapeutics, Context Therapeutics, Contextual Genomics, Contour Therapeutics, ContraFect, Cook Biotech, Cooper Companies, COPD Foundation, Copenhagen University Hospital, Copernicus Therapeutics, Cord Blood Registry, Corden Pharma, CoreBiome, Core One Labs, Corlieve Therapeutics, Cornell University, Corpometria Institute, Corteva Agriscience, Cortexyme, Corvidia Therapeutics, CosmosID, Cosmotec, Courier Therapeutics, COVAX, COVAXX, Covis Pharmaceutical, Coya Therapeutics, CreaGen Biosciences, Creative Biolabs, Creative Medical Technologies, Creatus Biosciences, Crescendo Biologics, Crescendo Bioscience, Crescita Therapeutics, Cresilon, Crestone Pharma, CRISPR Therapeutics, Cristal Therapeutics, Critical Path Institute (C-Path), Croda, Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America, Cronos Group, Crown Bioscience, Crozet BioPharma, CR Pharma, CRT Pioneer Fund, CryoPort, Cryostem, CrystalGenomics, CSafe Global, CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute, CSIRO, CSL, CSL Behring, CSPC Megalith Biopharmaceutical, CSPC Pharmaceutical Group, CStone Pharmaceuticals, CTD Holdings, CtM Biotech, CTT Pharmaceutical, CUBRC, Cue Biopharma, Cugene, Cullinan MICA, Cullinan Oncology, Cumberland Pharmaceuticals, Cumming, Curacle, Curamys, Curapath, Curasan, Curative Biotechnology, Curebase, Cure Duchenne, Cure Genetics, CureMatch, Cure Sanfilippo Foundation, Cure Therapeutics, Curetis, CureVac, Curia, Curi Bio, Curis, Curon Biopharmaceutical, CVC, Cyagen Biosciences, Cyan Bio, CyanVac, Cybrexa Therapeutics, Cyclenium Pharma, Cyclerion Therapeutics, Cyclica, Cyclolab, Cyclotek, Cyclo Therapeutics, Cygnus, CymaBay Therapeutics, Cynata Therapeutics, Cyrus Biotechnology, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Cystron Biotech, Cytecare Cancer Hospitals, Cytiva, CytoAgents, Cytobank, Cytocom, Cytodyn, Cytogen, CytoImmune Therapeutics, Cytokinetics, CytoLynx Therapeutics, CytomX Therapeutics, Cytoo, Cytos Biotechnology, CytoSen Therapeutics, CytoSMART Technologies, CytoSorbents, Cytosurge, Cytotheryx, Cytovance Biologics, Cytovant Sciences, Cytovation, CYTOVIA Therapeutics, Cyxone, D&D Pharmatech, D. Western Therapeutics Institute, D2M, DAAN Bio Therapeutics, Daewoong Pharmaceutical, Daiichi Sankyo, Dalhousie University, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Dana Farber Partners Cancer Care, Danaher, Dana Solutions, Dance Biopharm, Danish Center for Strategic Research into Type 2 Diabetes, Danish Innovation Fund, Dante Genomics, Dante Labs, Danuo Science Group, Dare Bioscience, DarioHealth, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Dartmouth College, DarwinHealth, DAS Therapeutics, Datavant, Datos Health, David H. Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research, Daxor, Day One Biopharmaceuticals, DayTwo, DCPrime, Deargen, Debiopharm, Decibel Therapeutics, Deciphera Pharmaceuticals, Decipher Biosciences, deCODE Genetics, Decoy Biosystems, DeepCDR Biologics, Deep Genomics, Deep Longevity, Deerfield Management, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Defense Health Agency (US), Defense Threat Reduction Agency, DefiniGEN, Deinove, deKhon Global, DelMar Pharmaceuticals, Delpharm, Delpor, DelSiTech, Dementia Discovery Fund, DemeRx, Demetrix, Denali Therapeutics, Dendreon, Denovium, Denovo Biopharma, denovoMATRIX, Department of Defence, Department of Defense, Department of Energy, Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Veterans Affairs, Dermala, DermapenWorld, DermBiont, Dermelix Biotherapeutics, Dermira, DestiNA Genomics, Devonian Health Group, Dewpoint Therapeutics, Diabetes Research Institute, Diaccurate, Diagenode, Dialectic Therapeutics, Diamond Pharma Services, Diamyd Medical, Dianomi Therapeutics, Dicerna Pharmaceuticals, DigiLab, DiNAQOR, DiNonA, Diomics, DiosCURE Therapeutics, DIOSynVax, Disarm Therapeutics, Disc Medicine, Discngine, DiscoveryBioMed, Discovery Life Sciences, Distributed Bio, Diverse Biotech, DJS Antibodies, DNAGO, DNA Link, DNAnexus, DNA Script, DNAtrix, Domainex, Domain Therapeutics, Dong-A ST, Door Pharmaceuticals, Dorian Therapeutics, DotBio, Dovetail Genomics, Dr. Falk Pharma, Dr. Reddy's Laboratories, Dragonfly Therapeutics, Dragon Sail Pharmaceutical, Drawbridge Health, Dren Bio, Drexel University, DRI Capital, Drug Innovation Ventures at Emory, Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative, DSM, DSM Nutritional Products, Duality Biologics, Dualogics, Dualsystems Biotech, Ducentis BioTherapeutics, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore, Duke University, Dunad Therapeutics, DuPont, DuPont Pharmaceuticals, Dyadic International, DyNAbind, Dynacure, Dynamic Combinatorial Chemistry, DynamiCure Biotechnology, Dynavax Technologies, Dyne Therapeutics, Dyno Therapeutics, DynPort Vaccine Company, DZNE German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases, E-Therapeutics, E.T. Horn, Eagle Genomics, Eagle Pharmaceuticals, Eascra Biotech, Eberhard Karls University Tubingen, Echelon Biosciences, Echo Investment Capital, Eclipse Regenesis, ECM Therapeutics, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Eden BioCell, Edesa Biotech, Edico Genome, EdiGene, Edison Oncology, Editas Medicine, EditForce, Edith Wolfson Medical Center, Edwards Lifesciences, eFFECTOR Therapeutics, EGeen, eGenesis, Egle Therapeutics, EHT Technologies, Eidos Therapeutics, Eiger BioPharmaceuticals, Eikonizo Therapeutics, Eikonoklastes Therapeutics, EirGenix, Eirion Therapeutics, Eisai, Eisai S.A.S, EKF Diagnostics, Elaaj Bio, Elanco, Elasmogen, Eledon Pharmaceuticals, Elektrofi, Element Biosciences, Elevai Labs, Elevar Therapeutics, ElevateBio, Elevation Oncology, Eleven Biotherapeutics, ELIAS Animal Health, Elicio Therapeutics, Eligo Bioscience, Eli Lilly, Elixirgen, Ellipses Pharma, Elo Life Systems, Eloxx Pharmaceuticals, Elpis Biomed, Elpiscience, ElsaLys Biotech, Elthera, Eluminex Biosciences, EluSys Therapeutics, Elysium Health, Embark Biotech, Embleema, Embody, Emendo Biotherapeutics, Emerald Health Therapeutics, Emerald Organic Growth, Emercell, Emerge Health, Emergence Therapeutics, Emergent BioSolutions, Emergent Health, Emergex Vaccines, Emmaus Life Sciences, Emory University, Empirica Therapeutics, Empirico, Empowered Diagnostics, Emtora Biosciences, Enable Injections, Enamine, Enara Bio, ENA Respiratory, Encoded Therapeutics, EncrypGen, Endevica Bio, Endocanna Health, Endocyte, Endo International, Endomag, Endpoint Health, ENDRA Life Sciences, Enesi Pharma, EnGeneIC, Engitix, Enigma Biomedical, Enleofen Bio, Enliven Therapeutics, Enlivex, Enochian Biosciences, Enosi Therapeutics, ENPICOM, Ensoma, Ensysce Biosciences, Entasis Therapeutics, Enterin, Enterome Bioscience, Enterprise Ireland, Enterprise Therapeutics, Entheogenix Biosciences, Entheon Biomedical, Enthera, Entos Pharmaceuticals, Entrada Therapeutics, Enveric Biosciences, Envisagenics, Enzene Biosciences, Enzolytics, Enzychem Lifesciences, Enzyvant Science, EOC Pharma, EOM Pharmaceuticals, EpiAxis Therapeutics, EpiBiome, EpicentRx, Epic Sciences, EpiDestiny, Epigen Biosciences, Epilepsy Society, EpimAb Biotherapeutics, Epiphany Dermatology, Epirium Bio, Epivax, EpiVax Therapeutics, Epizyme, Epsilogen, Epygen Biotech, eQcell, EQRx, Equillium, Er-Kim, Eracal Therapeutics, Erasca
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Current Partnering provides comprehensive coverage of the following partnering or deal types:
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