Artificial Intelligence (AI) Collaboration and Licensing Deals in Pharma, Biotech and Diagnostics 2019-2025


Artificial Intelligence (AI) Collaboration and Licensing Deals | Global coverage | Deal financials | Contract documents | Deal trends | Leading dealmakers | Collaboration, licensing, development, and research deals |Comprehensive deal directory 2019 to 2025

Publication date
January 2025
Number of pages
Product type
Research report
Report edition

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Collaboration and Licensing Deals in Pharma, Biotech and Diagnostics provides a comprehensive understanding and unprecedented access to the artificial intelligence deals entered into by the world's leading biopharma companies.

Fully revised and updated, the report provides details of artificial intelligence deals from 2019 to 2025.

The report provides a detailed understanding and analysis of how and why companies enter artificial intelligence deals. These deals tend to be multicomponent, starting with collaborative R&D, and commercialization of outcomes. 

The report includes collaboration, development, research and licensing deals.

This report contains a comprehensive listing of 918 artificial intelligence deals announced since 2019 including financial terms where available including links to online deal records of actual artificial intelligence partnering deals as disclosed by the deal parties. In addition, where available, records include contract documents as submitted to the Securities Exchange Commission by companies and their partners.

The initial chapters of this report provide an orientation of artificial intelligence dealmaking. 

Chapter 1 provides an introduction to the report.

Chapter 2 provides an overview of the trends in artificial intelligence dealmaking since 2019.

Chapter 3 provides an overview of the leading artificial intelligence deals since 2019. Deals are listed by headline value.

Chapter 4 provides a comprehensive listing of the top 25 most active companies in artificial intelligence dealmaking with a brief summary followed by a comprehensive listing of artificial intelligence deals, as well as contract documents available in the public domain.

Chapter 5 provides a comprehensive and detailed review of artificial intelligence deals signed and announced since Jan 2019, where a contract document is available in the public domain. 

Chapter 6 provides a comprehensive and detailed review of artificial intelligence partnering deals signed and announced since Jan 2019. The chapter is organized by specific artificial intelligence technology type in focus.

The report also includes numerous table and figures that illustrate the trends and activities in artificial intelligence deal making since 2019.

In addition, a comprehensive deal directory is provided organized by company A-Z, deal type and therapeutic target. Each deal title links via Weblink to an online version of the deal record and where available, the contract document, providing easy access to each contract document on demand.

Key benefits

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Collaboration and Licensing Deals provides the reader with the following key benefits:

•    Understand deal trends since 2019
•    Browse artificial intelligence collaboration and licensing deals
•    Benchmark analysis – identify market value of transactions
•    Financials terms - upfront, milestone, royalties
•    Directory of deals by company A-Z, deal type and therapy area
•    Leading deals by value
•    Most active dealmakers
•    Identify assets and deal terms for each transaction
•    Access contract documents - insights into deal structures
•    Due diligence - assess suitability of your proposed deal terms for partner companies
•    Save hundreds of hours of research time

Report scope

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Collaboration and Licensing Deals is intended to provide the reader with an in-depth understanding of artificial intelligence trends and structure of deals entered into by leading biopharma companies worldwide.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Collaboration and Licensing Deals includes:
•    Trends in artificial intelligence dealmaking in the biopharma industry
•    Directory of artificial intelligence deal records covering pharmaceutical and biotechnology
•    The leading artificial intelligence deals by value
•    Most active artificial intelligence licensing dealmakers

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Collaboration and Licensing Deals provides comprehensive access to available records for deals, including contract documents where available.

Analyzing contract agreements allows due diligence of:

•    What are the precise rights granted or optioned?
•    What is actually granted by the agreement to the partner company?
•    What exclusivity is granted?
•    What is the payment structure for the deal?
•    How are sales and payments audited?
•    What is the deal term?
•    How are the key terms of the agreement defined?
•    How are IPRs handled and owned?
•    Who is responsible for commercialization?
•    Who is responsible for development, supply, and manufacture?
•    How is confidentiality and publication managed?
•    How are disputes to be resolved?
•    Under what conditions can the deal be terminated?
•    What happens when there is a change of ownership?
•    What sublicensing and subcontracting provisions have been agreed?
•    Which boilerplate clauses does the company insist upon?
•    Which boilerplate clauses appear to differ from partner to partner or deal type to deal type?
•    Which jurisdiction does the company insist upon for agreement law?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Collaboration and Licensing Deals in Pharma, Biotech and Diagnostics provides the reader with the following key benefits:

•    Understand deal trends since 2019
•    Browse artificial intelligence collaboration and licensing deals
•    Benchmark analysis – identify market value of transactions
•    Financials terms - upfront, milestone, royalties
•    Directory of deals by company A-Z, deal type and therapy area
•    Leading deals by value
•    Most active dealmakers
•    Identify assets and deal terms for each transaction
•    Access contract documents - insights into deal structures
•    Due diligence - assess suitability of your proposed deal terms for partner companies
•    Save hundreds of hours of research time

Executive Summary

Chapter 1 – Introduction

Chapter 2 – Trends in artificial intelligence dealmaking
2.1. Introduction
2.2. Artificial intelligence deals over the years
2.3. Most active artificial intelligence dealmakers
2.4. Artificial intelligence deals by deal type
2.5. Artificial intelligence deals by therapy area
2.6. Artificial intelligence deals by industry sector
2.7. Deal terms for artificial intelligence deals
2.7.1 Artificial intelligence deals headline values
2.7.2 Artificial intelligence deal upfront payments
2.7.3 Artificial intelligence deal milestone payments
2.7.4 Artificial intelligence royalty rates

Chapter 3 – Leading artificial intelligence deals
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Top artificial intelligence deals by value

Chapter 4 – Most active artificial intelligence dealmakers
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Most active artificial intelligence dealmakers
4.3. Most active artificial intelligence deals company profiles

Chapter 5 – Artificial intelligence contracts dealmaking directory
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Artificial intelligence contracts dealmaking directory

Chapter 6 – Artificial intelligence dealmaking by technology type

Deal directory

Deal directory – Artificial intelligence deals by company A-Z
Deal directory – Artificial intelligence deals by deal type
Deal directory – Artificial intelligence deals by therapy area

Deal type definitions

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Current Agreements
Recent report titles from Current Partnering

Table of figures

Figure 1: Artificial intelligence deals since 2019
Figure 2: Active artificial intelligence dealmaking activity – 2019 - 2025
Figure 3: Artificial intelligence deals by deal type since 2019
Figure 4: Artificial intelligence deals by therapy area since 2019
Figure 5: Artificial intelligence deals by industry sector since 2019
Figure 6: Artificial intelligence deals with a headline value
Figure 7: Artificial intelligence deals with an upfront value
Figure 8: Artificial intelligence deals with a milestone value
Figure 9: Artificial intelligence deals with a royalty rate value
Figure 10: Top artificial intelligence deals by value since 2019
Figure 11: Most active artificial intelligence dealmakers 2019 - 2025
Figure 12: Artificial intelligence deals by technology type since 2019


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1ST Biotherapeutics, 3Derm Systems, 3M, 3Sixty, 3Z, 4D Molecular Therapeutics, 4P-Pharma, 23andMe, 111, 1910 Genetics, A2A Pharmaceuticals, AbCellera Biologics, AbSci, ABX-CRO Advanced Pharmaceutical Services, Accelerator for Technological Research in Genomic Therapies, Accelero Biostructures, Accuray, AcelaBio, Acerand Therapeutics, Achilles Therapeutics, Actelion, Actuate Therapeutics, Acumen Analytics, Adaptive Biotechnologies, ADT Altona Diagnostic Technologies, Adva Biotechnology, Advata, AdventHealth, Adventist Health, Adventus Ventures, AESOP Technology, Aether, Agilent Technologies, AIBody, AiCure, Aidence, Aidoc, Aiforia Technologies, AIG Hospitals, Aignostics, AIkido Pharma, AI Longevity, AI Medical Service, AINQA Health, AIon Labs, Aitia, Aitrics, AIVF, Akon Lighting, Akoya Biosciences, Alberta Health Services, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Alimentiv, AliveCor, Allosteric Bioscience, Almirall, ALPHA10X, AltaML, Alverno Clinical Laboratories, Amazon Web Services, Amber Pharmacy, Ambry Genetics, American College of Cardiology, American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), Amgen, Amitech Solutions, AmplifyBio, Analytical BioSciences, AnchorDx, Ancora Heart, Antengene, Anumana, Aon Group, Aqemia, Aragen Life Sciences, Arctoris, Arcturus Therapeutics, Ares Genetics, Ariana Pharma, ARTBIO, ArteraAI, ArtiQ, ARUP Laboratories, Arvinas, Arzeda, Asensus Surgical, Asimily, Aslan Pharma, Aspen Neuroscience, Astellas Pharma, Astellas Pharma US, AstraZeneca, Astrin Biosciences, Astrogen, Atavistik Bio, AtCor Medical, Athos Therapeutics, Atlazo, ATMPS,, Atomwise, Augmedix, AUM Biosciences, Auransa, Automation Anywhere, Avacta, Avicenna Biosciences, Avicenna Technology, Avid Bioservices, Axcelead Drug Discovery Partners, Azra AI, BAMF Health, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Battelle, Bausch & Lomb, Baxter International, Bayer, BCG Digital Ventures, BC Platforms, Beacon Biosignals, Beckman Coulter, Becton Dickinson, BeeKeeperAI, BeiGene, Beijing Tide Pharmaceutical,, BenevolentAI, Berg, Beyeonics Vision, Bialogics, Biedermann Motech, Bielefeld University, BigHat Biosciences, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, BioBright, BioDuro, Bioelectronica, Biogen, Biogenysis, BioGeometry, BIOHM Health Inc, Biolojic Design, BioMap, Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, BioMed X Innovation Center, BioMotiv, Biosero, BioSig Technologies, BioSymetrics,, Biovista, Bioz, Bird Foundation, Blackford, Bloqcube, Blue Earth Diagnostics, Blueprint Medicines, Boehringer Ingelheim, Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica, BostonGene, Bot Image, BPGbio, Bracco Imaging, Brainomix, Bridge Biotherapeutics, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Bright Giant, Bright Minds Biosciences, Brightseed, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Brown University, BullFrog AI, BurstIQ, BVI Medical, C2i Genomics, California Institute for Biomedical Research, California Institute for Regenerative Medicine, California Institute of Technology, Calyx, Cambridge Cancer Genomics, Can-Fite BioPharma, Cancer Research Horizons, Cancer Research UK, Canon BioMedical, CareDx, Caresyntax, Caris Life Sciences, Carnegie Mellon University, Cartography Biosciences, CB Scientific, CelerisTx, Celgene, Cellaria Biosciences, Cellgen Diagnostics, Cellipont Bioservices, Cell X Technologies, Celsius Therapeutics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centogene, Centre for Imaging Technology Commercialization, Centre Leon Berard, Cerebras Systems, Cerevel Therapeutics, Cerner Enviza, Cernostics, Certis Oncology Solutions, Charite Universitatsmedizin Berlin, Charles River Laboratories, ChemDiv, Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), Chemify, Children’s Center for Cancer and Blood Diseases (CCCBD), Chime Biologics, Circle cardiovascular imaging, City of Hope, CK Life Sciences, Clario, ClariPi, Claritas HealthTech, Clear Medical Imaging, Clearsky Medical Diagnostics, Cleveland Clinic, Client Outlook, Clinical Research Strategies, CMIC, CND Life Sciences, Cogia Biotech, Cognoa, Collaborations Pharmaceuticals, Colorado Center for Personalized Medicine, Columbia University, ConcertAI, COPD Foundation, CoreBiome, CorePlus,, COSBI, Cosmo Pharmaceuticals, COTA, Crosscope, Crothall Healthcare Technology Solutions, CureMatch, CureMetrix, Cures Within Reach, Curium, Curreio, Current Health, CvergenX, Cyagen Biosciences, Cyclerion Therapeutics, Cyclica, Cyrus Biotechnology, CytoReason, D-Wave Quantum, Daewoong Pharmaceutical, Daiichi Sankyo, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Danaher, Dante Genomics, Dante Labs, DarwinHealth, Dassault Systems, DataRobot, Datavant, DaVita, Dawn Health, DDN, DEARhealth, Debiopharm, Deciphex, Decode Health, Deep Bio, Deepcell, Deep Cube, Deep Lens, Defense Threat Reduction Agency, Definiens, Delve Health, DemDx, Denovo Biopharma, Densitas, Deontics, Department of Defense, Department of Energy, DePuy, DevsHealth, Dewpoint Therapeutics, DiagnaMed, Diagnostic Robotics, DiA Imaging Analysis, DiamiR, Diannei Biotechnology, Digital Diagnostics, DNAnexus,, DoMore Diagnostics, Draper Laboratories, Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative, Duke University, Duoning Biotechnology, DxS, Dyno Therapeutics, DYO Biotechnologies, EchoNous, Edan Instruments, Egnite, Eisai, Eko, Elemental Machines, Elements of Genius, Eleven Biotherapeutics, Elevian, Eli Lilly, Elix, Elsevier, EmbodyBio, Emerald Innovations, Emmes Group, Emory University, Empirico, Enamine, Endocanna Health, Endoluxe, Endpoint Health, Envisagenics, Envista, Enzolytics, EpiAxis Therapeutics, EQRx, Equillium, ETH Zurich, European Board and College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Evaxion Biotech, Evotec, EVQLV, Ewha Womans University, Exactech, Excelra, Exigent Research, EXINI Diagnostics, EXoPERT, Experimental Drug Development Centre, ExpreS2ion Biotechnologies, Exscientia, Facit, FAR Biotech, Farcast Biosciences, Fauna Bio, FDNA, Ferrer, Ferring Pharmaceuticals, Ferrum Health, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, Fio, Firefly Neuroscience, FK LiveLabs, Flagship Pioneering, Flo Health, Focal Healthcare, FogPharma, Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Formation Bio, Fosun Pharmaceutical, Foundation for Neglected Disease Research, FOXO Technologies, Freenome, Fujifilm Irvine Scientific, Fujitsu Laboratories, Fulgent Genetics, G42 Healthcare, Galatea Bio, Galecto, Galmed Pharmaceuticals, Gandeeva Therapeutics, GATC Health, Gatehouse Bio, GC Pharma, GE Healthcare, Geisinger Health System, Genea Biomedx, Genentech, General Genomics, General Inception, Generate Biomedicines, Genesis Therapeutics, Genetica, Genetic Leap, Geneva University Hospitals, Genialis, Genomics England, Genomic Testing Cooperative, Genoox, Genzeva, Georgia Institute of Technology, German Heart Centre Berlin, Gero, Gestalt Diagnostics, Gilead Sciences, Ginkgo BioWorks, GlamorousAI, Glassbeam, Global Alzheimer's Platform (GAP), Global Health Labs, Gnosis Bioresearch, GNS Healthcare, Google, GoPath Diagnostics, Govzilla, Gray Matter, Great Bay Bio, Gretel, Grifols, GSK, GSK Consumer Healthcare, GT Apeiron Therapeutics, Guerbet, Hackensack Meridian Health, Halberd, Halo Dx, Hapbee Technologies, Happify Health, Happy Life Tech, Hatchleaf, Haystack Health, HCA Healthcare, Healint, HealthCare Konnect, HealthPointe Solutions, Health Recovery Solutions, HealthTrio, Healx, HeartSciences, Helio Health, Helmholtz Zentrum Munchen, Helsinki University Central Hospital (HUCH) Comprehensive Cancer Center, HemoShear, Henry M. Jackson Foundation, HistoIndex, HistoWiz, Hitachi, Holmusk, Hologic, Hospital of University of Strasbourg, HotSpot Therapeutics, HTG Molecular Diagnostics, Huma, Humana, Hyfe, I-Dante, I-mab, Ibex Medical Analytics, iBio, IBM, IBM Watson Health, iCAD, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Icometrix, Idorsia, IGC Pharma, Ikonisys, Ikonopedia, Iktos, ILiAD Biotechnologies, Illumina, Image Analysis, ImageBiopsy Lab, Imagia Cybernetics, Imbio, Immucor, ImmunoPrecise Antibodies, Inari Medical, Indica Labs, Indivumed, Industrial Centre for Artificial Intelligence Research in Digital Diagnostics, IndyGeneUS AI, InfoBionic.Ai, Inform Diagnostics, InnerScope Hearing Technologies, Innoplexus, Innovent Biologics, Insel Gruppe, Inserm, Insilico Biotechnology, Insilico Medicine, InSilicoTrials, Insitro, Institut Bergonie, Institut Carnot CALYM, Institut Curie, Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland, Institute for Research in Immunology and Cancer – Commercialization of Research, Institute of Cancer Research, Institut Gustave Roussy, Institut Kanser Negara, Institut Pasteur, Integra LifeSciences, Integrated Biosciences, Intel, IntelliTek Health, Invaryant, InveniAI, inviCRO, Ionis Pharmaceuticals, iSiP, Isomorphic Labs, Israeli National Authority for Technological Innovation, Iterative Health, Iterative Scopes, Jackson Laboratory, JADBio, Janssen Biotech, Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Janssen Pharmaceutica NV, Janssen Research & Development, Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development, Japan Tobacco, JelloX Biotech, Jewish General Hospital, Jiangsu Chia Tai Tianqing Pharmaceutical, Jiangsu Hansoh Pharmaceutical, Jiangsu Hengrui Pharmaceuticals, Johns Hopkins University, John Snow, Johnson & Johnson, Kadmon Pharmaceuticals, Kallyope, Kangaroo Health, Karuna Therapeutics, KBP BioSciences, Kebotix, Kempelen Institute of Intelligent Technologies, KeyWise, Khalpey AI Lab, Kheiron Medical Technologies, Kings College London, Kirin, Konica Minolta, Kvantify, KX, Kyoto University, L'Oreal, Laboratory Corporation of America, Labrador Technologies, LabTwin, La Jolla Institute for Allergy & Immunology, LANGaware, Lantern Pharma, Lark Technologies, Les Laboratoires Servier, Leveragen, Libera Bio, LifeArc, Lifebit Biotech, Limbus AI, Liquid Biosciences, Lirio, LMU University Hospital Munich, Lochan, Lokavant, Long Island University, Loop Insights, Lumen Biomedical, Lunaphore, Lundbeck, Lunit, M2Gen, M42, MAbSilico, Magic Leap, Mahidol University, Mainz Biomed, Maitri Health Technologies, Mannin Research, Massachusetts General Hospital, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Massachusetts Life Sciences Center, Massive Bio, Mateon Therapeutics, Max-Planck, Mayo Clinic, Mayo Clinic BioPharma Diagnostics, McGill University, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Medable, Medcase, Medial EarlySign, Medical iSight, Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency, Medidata Solutions, Medipath, MediTechnix, MedRhythms, Medtronic, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Menten AI, Merck and Co, Merck KGaA, Merge Healthcare, Mesh Bio, Metaphore Biotechnologies, Michael J Fox Foundation, Michigan State University, Micronoma, Microsoft, Mid-Atlantic BioTherapeutics, MILA International, MindPeak, MindRank AI, MITRE, Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma, Mitsubishi UFJ Capital, Mitsui, Moderna, Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Molcure, Molecular Health,, Moleculera Labs, Molecure, Moss Genomics, Mount Sinai Health System, MSAID, MSD, MultiOmic Health, Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada, MyClearStep, Myriad Genetics, Mytide Therapeutics, Nanite, Nankai Hospital, Nano-X Imaging, Nanoform, Nanostics Precision Health, NanoTemper Technologies, Nantes University, Nashville Biosciences, National Cancer Center of Japan, National Cancer Institute, National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS), National Healthcare Services (NHS), National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, National Institute of Standards and Technology, National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health, National Kidney Foundation, National Research and Innovation Agency of Uruguay, National Science Foundation, National Taiwan University Hospital, National University of Singapore, Naval Medical Research Center, Navigo Proteins, NEC, Neo7Bioscience, Neochromosome, Neogenomics, Neosoma, NeoX Biotech, Nerviano Medical Sciences, NetraMark, NeuroLucent, Neurophth Therapeutics, Neuropore Therapies, New England Biolabs, New Jersey Innovation Institute, Nexilico, Neximmune, Next Gen Diagnostics, Nference, NHS Scotland, NIMML Institute, NImmune Biopharma, Ninety One, Nivagen Pharmaceuticals, Nonacus, Northeastern University, Northwestern Medicine Bluhm Cardiovascular Institute, Northwestern University, Norwegian Research Council, Nostrum Biodiscovery, Novarad, Novartis, Novo Nordisk, NRG Oncology, NTT Data, NTx, Nuance Healthcare, Nucleai, Numerate, NuProbe, Nurosene, NuvoAir, NVDIA Corporation, Nvidia,, NYU Langone Medical Center, ObvioHealth, Ocean Spray Cranberries, Odyssey Therapeutics, Ohio State University, OmGeneum, OmiCure, OmniaBio, Omron, Oncode Institute, OncoHost, OncoStatyx, Oncotelic, One Drop, Onegevity, One GI, OneThree Biotech, OnFace, OnKai, Ono Pharmaceutical, Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, OpenAI, OpenBench, OpenFold Drug Discovery AI Research Consortium, OphtAI, Optellum, Optomed, OptraHEALTH, Ordaos Bio, Oregon Oncology Specialists, Oregon Therapeutics, OrganX, Ori Biotech, ORIC Pharmaceuticals, Origenis, Orion, Orion Genomics, OSE Immunotherapeutics, Oslo University Hospital, Otsuka, Outpace Bio, Owkin, Oxford Sciences Innovation, P-Chip, Pacific Biosciences, Pacific Dental Services, Paige, Palantir, Palisade Bio, Pancreatic Cancer Collective, PAQ Therapeutics, Paragon Bioservices, Parallax Health Sciences, Parexel, Partex Group, PathAI, Pathos AI, PCR Biosystems, PEAR Therapeutics, Penn Medicine, Penumbra, PeptiDream, Peptilogics, Peptone, PercayAI, PeriGen, PerkinElmer, Persist AI, Perthera, Pfizer, PGI Drug Discovery, PharmAI, Pharmanest, Pharmarack, PharmaTher, PharmEnable, Phenomic AI, PhoreMost, Phylloceuticals, PicnicHealth, Pieces Technologies, PINC AI Applied Sciences, Ping An Ventures, Pioneering Medicines, Pirche, Piur Imaging, Plex Research, Pluristem Therapeutics, PolarisQB, Policlinico Gemelli, Porton Pharma Solutions, PostEra, PPD, Pramana, PreciseDx, Predictive Oncology, Preferred Networks, Prelude Therapeutics, Premier Research, Prenosis, Prescient Medical, PrimeVigilance, PRISM BioLab, Procter & Gamble, Prognos, Project 8p Foundation, ProofPilot, Prophase Labs, Proprio, Proscia, Protean BioDiagnostics, Proteic Bioscience, Proteona, Proteovant Therapeutics, Protxx, Prozomix, Prxcision, PsychoGenics, Pumas-AI, QDX, QIAGEN, Qlarity Imaging, Qu & Co, QuantHealth, Quantinm, Quantiphi, Quantum-Si, Qubit Pharmaceuticals, Queen Mary University of London, Queens University Belfast, Quest Diagnostics, QurAlis,, Quris-AI, Rad AI, RadImageNet, RadNet, RapidAI, RARE-X, RayBiotech, Recursion, Regard, RegenLab, Reified Capital, Reified Labs, Rejuve.AI, Related Sciences, Relation Therapeutics, Relay Medical, Relief Therapeutics, RenalytixAI, Repare Therapeutics, Repurpose.AI, Reputable Health, Research Institute of McGill University Health Centre (RI MUHC), RetinAI Medical, RevealDx, Reverie Labs, Revive Therapeutics, RevolKa, RIKEN Research Institute, Riverain Medical, RNAV8, Roche, Roche Diagnostics, Rockley Photonics, Rohto Pharmaceutical, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Roux Institute, Royal Philips Electronics, Rutgers University, Ryailti, Saama, Saga University, Saitama Medical University Hospital, SalioGen Therapeutics, Samsung Biologics, Samsung Electronics, Sana Klinikum Offenbach, SandboxAQ, Sanofi, Sanyou Biopharmaceuticals, Sartorius, SAS, Satisfai Health, Savana, Schrodinger, SciBase, SCIMAGE, Scopio Labs, Screenpoint Medical, Scripps Research Institute, Sectra, See-Mode Technologies, Segmed, Sekisui Chemical, Sema4, Semmelweis University, Sensyne Health, Serenus.AI, Serokell, Shanghai Accurature Diagnostics, Shape Therapeutics, Shenzhen Semacare Medical Technology, Shionogi, Siemens Healthineers, Silexon, SilverCloud Health, Simbec-Orion, SimBioSys, Simulations Plus, Siolta Therapeutics, Sirona Dx, Sirona Medical, SK Biopharmaceuticals, Skin and Cancer Institute, SkylineDX, Sleip, Slovak University of Technology, Snowflake, Soli Organic, SomaLogic, SOM Biotech, Somite Therapeutics, SonoScape Medical, Sonrai Analytics, SOPHiA Genetics, Soricimed Biopharma, Sosei Heptares, SOTERIA Precision Medicine Foundation, Southern Oncology Specialists, Spanish National Cancer Research Centre, Spark Biomedical, Spesana, SRI International, St. Lukes Health System Clinically Integrated Providers, Standigm, Stanford University, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stem of Hope, StemoniX, Steno Diabetes Center, Storm ID, Strand Life Sciences, Stratus Research Labs, Subtle Medical, Sumitomo Dainippon Pharma, Sumitovant Biopharma, Sun Pharma Advanced Research Company, Susan G. Komen for the Cure, Suzhou Porton Advanced Solutions, Sybleu, SymphonyAI, Synchronous Health, Syneos Health, Syngenta, Synopic, Synsight, Syntegra, SyntheticGestalt, Sysmex, T2 Biosystems, Tachyum, Taisho Pharmaceutical, Takeda Pharmaceutical, Talem Therapeutics, Talus Bioscience, TARA Biosystems, TB Alliance, Techcyte, Teijin, Telix Pharmaceuticals, TELUS Ventures, Tempus, TeraRecon, Tetra Pharm Technologies, Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, Texas Oncology, The Parker Institute For Cancer Immunotherapy, TheraPanacea, Therapixel, Therma Bright, Thermo Fisher Scientific, The Technical University Of Munich, ThinkCyte, ThinkingNodeLife, ThirdEye, Tissue Analytics, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, TONIX Pharmaceuticals, TOPIC Embedded Systems, Total Brain, Totus Medicines, Transgene, Transtoxbio, International, TRIANA Biomedicines, Tribun Health, TruDiagnostic, TTC, TTP Group, Turbine, Twist Bioscience, twoXAR, UCB, UiPath, UK Government, Ultima Genomics, Ultivue, UltraSight, Unilabs, United Imaging Healthcare, Universidad de los Andes, Universite Laval, University Gastroenterology, University Health Network, University Medical Center Utrecht, University of Augsburg, University of Bordeaux I, University of California, San Diego, University of California Berkeley, University of California Los Angeles, University of California San Francisco, University of California Santa Barbara, University of Chicago, University of Connecticut, University of Dundee, University of Edinburgh, University of Hong Kong, University of Leuven, University of Ljubljana, University of Maryland Baltimore, University of Miami, University of Michigan, University of Milano-Bicocca, University of Minnesota, University of Missouri, University of Montreal, University of New South Wales, University of North Carolina, University of Notre of Dame, University of Oxford, University of Pittsburgh, University of Quebec, University of Sherbrooke, University of Stuttgart, University of Texas, University of the Highlands and Islands, University of Tokyo, University of Toronto, University of Tsukuba, University of Tubingen, University of Utah, University of Washington, University of Zurich, Unlearn, Unravel Biosciences,, Usynova Pharmaceuticals, UW Medicine, Valence Discovery, Valisure, Valo Health, Vanderbilt University, VantAI, Vapotherm, Varian Medical Systems, Vastrax, VeChain, Vector Institute, Vectura, Velsera, Veracyte, Verantos, Verge Genomics, Verily, VeriSIM Life, Verne Global, Vidence, VieCure, Virginia Commonwealth University, Virginia Tech, Virgo Surgical Video Solutions, Visage Imaging, Visiopharm, VistaPath, VisualDx, Viva Biotech, Vivtex,, Volastra Therapeutics, Volpara Solutions, Volpi, Volta Medical, VUNO, Vyant Bio, Vysioneer, WakeMed Health & Hospitals, Washington University in St Louis, WeComput, Weill Cornell Medical College, Weizmann Institute, WhiteLab Genomics, Whiterabbit, Windber Research Institute, Windsong Radiology, WinterLight Labs, Wipro, Worldwide Clinical Trials, Worthington Biochemical Corporation, X-chem, Xanadu, xCures, XtalPi, Yitu Medical, Yuhan Corporation, Zealand Pharma, ZebiAI Therapeutics, Zebra Medical Vision, Zephyr AI

Current Partnering reports provide insight into the trends and terms of partnering deals in the global life sciences sector.

Current Partnering reports are updated every six months to ensure the user has access to the latest announcements and trends in the topic focus of the report.

Current Partnering analysts review the deal data to provide an overview and analysis of deal trends, including example deals and terms.

Current Partnering reports source deal data from our proprietary deals and alliances database, Current Agreements. The database is updated daily by our analysts with new deals as they are announced globally by the company’s party to the deal. In addition, deal records are updated with new data as it becomes available.

The data in the Current Agreements deals and alliances database is obtained from secondary sources such as publicly available industry sources including press releases, company presentations, investor presentations, company SEC filings, other company filings, company websites, conference presentations. Sources are identified to allow for user verification.

Current Partnering provides comprehensive coverage of the following partnering or deal types:
• Asset purchase
• Assignment
• Co-development
• Co-market
• Co-promotion
• Collaborative R&D
• Contract service
• Cross-licensing
• Development
• Distribution
• Equity purchase
• Evaluation
• Grant
• Joint venture
• Licensing
• Loan
• Manufacturing
• Marketing
• Option
• Promotion
• Research
• Royalty financing
• Settlement
• Spin out
• Sub license
• Supply
• Termination
• Warrant

Every deal record is fully categorized and includes the following data, where available:
• Industry sector
• Therapy areas
• Technology type
• Deal components
• Financial terms
• Stage of development
• Exclusivity
• Asset type
• Geographic focus
• Excluded geography
• Company press release
• SEC filing data including contract document

All financial amounts are converted to US$ using the exchange rate available on the date of deal announcement, enabling direct comparison of deal terms across international territories.

Financial data and contract documents displayed in deal records is obtained from public sources, where disclosed by the parties to the deal.