Global Specialty Pharmaceutical Partnering Terms and Agreements 2019-2024


Global Specialty Pharmaceutical Partnering Terms and Agreements 2019 to 2024 report provides a detailed understanding and analysis of how and why companies enter specialty pharmaceutical partnering deals. 

Publication date
October 2024
Number of pages
Product type
Research report
Available formats
PDF document
Report edition

Global Specialty Pharmaceutical Partnering Terms and Agreements 2019 to 2024 report provides a detailed understanding and analysis of how and why companies enter specialty pharmaceutical partnering deals. 

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This report provides details of 1,066 specialty pharmaceutical agreements announced in the life sciences since 2019.


The report takes the reader through a comprehensive review specialty specialty pharmaceutical deal trends, key players, top deal values, as well as deal financials, allowing the understanding of how, why and under what terms, companies are entering specialty pharmaceutical partnering deals.


The report presents financial deal term values for specialty pharmaceutical deals, listing by headline value, upfront payments, milestone payments and royalties, enabling readers to analyse and benchmark the financial value of deals.


The middle section of the report explores the leading dealmakers in the specialty pharmaceutical partnering field; both the leading deal values and most active specialty pharmaceutical dealmaker companies are reported allowing the reader to see who is succeeding in this dynamic dealmaking market.


Online deal records of actual specialty pharmaceutical deals, as disclosed by the deal parties, are included towards the end of the report in a directory format – by company A-Z, stage of development, deal type, therapy focus, and technology type - that is easy to reference. Each deal record in the report links via Weblink to an online version of the deal.


In addition, where available, records include contract documents as submitted to the Securities Exchange Commission by companies and their partners. Whilst many companies will be seeking details of the payment clauses, the devil is in the detail in terms of how payments are triggered – contract documents provide this insight where press releases and databases do not.


The initial chapters of this report provide an orientation of specialty pharmaceutical dealmaking. Chapter 1 provides an introduction to the report, whilst chapter 2 provides an overview of the trends in specialty pharmaceutical dealmaking since 2019, including details of headline, upfront, milestone and royalty terms.


Chapter 3 provides a review of the leading specialty pharmaceutical deals since 2019. Deals are listed by headline value. Where the deal has an agreement contract published at the SEC a link provides online access to the contract.


Chapter 4 provides a comprehensive listing of the top 25 most active companies in specialty pharmaceutical dealmaking with a brief summary followed by a comprehensive listing of specialty pharmaceutical deals announded by that company, as well as contract documents, where available.


Chapter 5 provides a comprehensive and detailed review of specialty pharmaceutical partnering deals signed and announced since Jan 2019, where a contract document is available in the public domain. Each deal title links via Weblink to an online version of the deal record and contract document, providing easy access to each contract document on demand.


Chapter 6 provides a comprehensive and detailed review of specialty pharmaceutical partnering deals signed and announced since Jan 2019. The chapter is organized by specific technology type. Each deal title links via Weblink to an online version of the deal record and where available, the contract document, providing easy access to each deal on demand.


A comprehensive series of appendices is provided organized by specialty pharmaceutical partnering company A-Z, stage of development, deal type, and therapy focus. Each deal title links via Weblink to an online version of the deal record and where available, the contract document, providing easy access to each deal on demand.


The report also includes numerous tables and figures that illustrate the trends and activities in specialty pharmaceutical partnering and dealmaking since 2019.


In conclusion, this report provides everything a prospective dealmaker needs to know about partnering in the research, development and commercialization of specialty pharmaceutical technologies and products.


Key benefits


Global Specialty Pharmaceutical Partnering Terms and Agreements 2019 to 2024 provides the reader with the following key benefits:


  • In-depth understanding of specialty pharmaceutical deal trends since 2019
  • Access to headline, upfront, milestone and royalty data
  • Detailed access to actual specialty pharmaceutical contracts entered into by leading biopharma companies
  • Identify most active specialty pharmaceutical dealmakers since 2019
  • Insight into terms included in a specialty pharmaceutical partnering agreement, with real world examples
  • Understand the key deal terms companies have agreed in previous deals           
  • Undertake due diligence to assess suitability of your proposed deal terms for partner companies


Report scope


Global Specialty Pharmaceutical Partnering Terms and Agreements 2019 to 2024 is intended to provide the reader with an in-depth understanding and access to specialty pharmaceutical trends and structure of deals entered into by leading companies worldwide.


Specialty Pharmaceutical Partnering Terms and Agreements includes:


  • Trends in specialty pharmaceutical dealmaking in the biopharma industry since 2019
  • Access to headline, upfront, milestone and royalty data
  • Access to specialty pharmaceutical contract documents
  • Leading specialty pharmaceutical deals by value since 2019
  • Most active specialty pharmaceutical dealmakers since 2019


In Global Specialty Pharmaceutical Partnering Terms and Agreements 2019 to 2024 the available deals are listed by:


  • Company A-Z
  • Headline value
  • Stage of development at signing
  • Deal component type
  • Specific therapy target
  • Technology type


Each deal title links via Weblink to an online version of the deal record and where available, the contract document, providing easy access to each contract document on demand.


The Global Specialty Pharmaceutical Partnering Terms and Agreements 2019 to 2024 report provides comprehensive access to available deals and contract documents for specialty pharmaceutical deals.


Analyzing actual contract agreements allows assessment of the following:


  • What are the precise rights granted or optioned?
  • What is actually granted by the agreement to the partner company?
  • What exclusivity is granted?
  • What is the payment structure for the deal?
  • How are sales and payments audited?
  • What is the deal term?
  • How are the key terms of the agreement defined?
  • How are IPRs handled and owned?
  • Who is responsible for commercialization?
  • Who is responsible for development, supply, and manufacture?
  • How is confidentiality and publication managed?
  • How are disputes to be resolved?
  • Under what conditions can the deal be terminated?
  • What happens when there is a change of ownership?
  • What sublicensing and subcontracting provisions have been agreed?
  • Which boilerplate clauses does the company insist upon?
  • Which boilerplate clauses appear to differ from partner to partner or deal type to deal type?
  • Which jurisdiction does the company insist upon for agreement law?

Global Specialty Pharmaceutical Partnering Terms and Agreements 2019 to 2024 provides the reader with the following key benefits:


  • In-depth understanding of specialty pharmaceutical deal trends since 2019
  • Access to headline, upfront, milestone and royalty data
  • Detailed access to actual specialty pharmaceutical contracts entered into by leading biopharma companies
  • Identify most active specialty pharmaceutical dealmakers since 2019
  • Insight into terms included in a specialty pharmaceutical partnering agreement, with real world examples
  • Understand the key deal terms companies have agreed in previous deals           
  • Undertake due diligence to assess suitability of your proposed deal terms for partner companies

Executive Summary


Chapter 1 – Introduction


Chapter 2 – Trends in specialty pharmaceutical dealmaking


2.1. Introduction

2.2. Specialty pharmaceutical partnering over the years

2.3. Most active specialty pharmaceutical dealmakers

2.4. Specialty pharmaceutical partnering by deal type

2.5. Specialty pharmaceutical partnering by therapy area

2.6. Specialty pharmaceutical partnering by technology type

2.7. Deal terms for specialty pharmaceutical partnering

2.7.1 Specialty pharmaceutical partnering headline values

2.7.2 Specialty pharmaceutical deal upfront payments

2.7.3 Specialty pharmaceutical deal milestone payments

2.7.4 Specialty pharmaceutical royalty rates


Chapter 3 – Leading specialty pharmaceutical deals


3.1. Introduction

3.2. Top specialty pharmaceutical deals by value


Chapter 4 – Most active specialty pharmaceutical dealmakers


4.1. Introduction

4.2. Most active specialty pharmaceutical dealmakers

4.3. Most active specialty pharmaceutical partnering company profiles


Chapter 5 – Specialty pharmaceutical contracts dealmaking directory


5.1. Introduction

5.2. Specialty pharmaceutical contracts dealmaking directory


Chapter 6 – Specialty pharmaceutical dealmaking by technology type




Appendix 1 – Specialty pharmaceutical deals by company A-Z

Appendix 2 – Specialty pharmaceutical deals by stage of development

Appendix 3 – Specialty pharmaceutical deals by deal type

Appendix 4 – Specialty pharmaceutical deals by therapy area

Appendix 5 – Deal type definitions

Appendix 6 – Further reading


About Biopharma Research Ltd


Current Partnering

Current Agreements

Recent report titles from Current Partnering


Table of figures


Figure 1: Specialty pharmaceutical partnering since 2019

Figure 2: Active specialty pharmaceutical dealmaking activity since 2019

Figure 3: Specialty pharmaceutical partnering by deal type since 2019

Figure 4: Specialty pharmaceutical partnering by disease type since 2019

Figure 5: Specialty pharmaceutical partnering by technology type since 2019

Figure 6: Specialty pharmaceutical deals with a headline value

Figure 7: Specialty pharmaceutical deals with an upfront value

Figure 8: Specialty pharmaceutical deals with a milestone value

Figure 9: Specialty pharmaceutical deals with a royalty rate value

Figure 10: Top specialty pharmaceutical deals by value since 2019

Figure 11: Most active specialty pharmaceutical dealmakers since 2019


Pricing options


  • $3,995: single-user
  • $5,995: multi-user
  • $7,995: corporate/enterprise license


A full explanation of license type definitions can be found here.


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Current Partnering is part of Biopharma Research Ltd., based in York, United Kingdom. We have been trading successfully online since 2012 and work with some of the most famous brands in the business. We carefully select our partners to ensure that the publications meet expectations of demanding customers.

3B Pharmaceuticals, 4C Labs, 9 Meters Biopharma, 22nd Century, 48Hour Discovery, 111, 180 Life Sciences, Abacus International, Abba Medix, Abbvie, Abingworth Life Sciences, Ablaze Pharmaceuticals, Abuse Deterrent Pharmaceuticals, ABX, Accord Healthcare, ACEA Therapeutics, AcedrA BioPharmaceuticals, Acelrx Pharmaceuticals, Aceto Corporation, Acino Pharma, Aclaris Therapeutics, Acnos Pharma, Acorda Therapeutics, Acres Cannabis, Actinium Pharmaceuticals, AcuCort, Acumen Analytics, Acura Pharmaceuticals, Adalvo, Adamis Pharmaceuticals, Adare Pharma Solutions, Adastra Labs, Adelia Therapeutics, Adhera Therapeutics, Adhex Pharma, Adial Pharmaceuticals, Adjupharm, Advanced Accelerator Applications, Advancell, Advanz Pharma, Advent Therapeutics, Advicenne, Aelis Pharma, Aequus Pharmaceuticals, Aerami Therapeutics, AEssenseGrows, Aesthetic Management Partners, AEterna Zentaris, Afaxys Pharmaceuticals, AFT Pharmaceuticals, Aggrega Pharma, Agilent Technologies, Agile Therapeutics, AgraFlora Organics International, AgriCann Solutions, Agritek, Agro-Greens Natural Products, Aguettant, AIDS Foundation Houston, AIkido Pharma, AimMax Therapeutics, Ainos, Aion Therapeutic, Aither Ingredient, AiVita Biomedical, AJNA BioSciences, Akanda, Akcea Therapeutics, Akerna, Akome Biotech, Aktis Oncology, Alar Pharmaceuticals, ALASTIN Skincare, Albany Molecular Research, Alberta Health Services, Alcami, Alcanna, Alcresta Therapeutics Inc, Aleafia Health, Alessa Therapeutics, Alex Therapeutics, Alfasigma, Alimera Sciences, ALK-Abello, Alkemist Labs, Alkermes, Allarity Therapeutics, Allegis Pharmaceuticals, Allele Genetics, Alliancepharma Technologies, AllianceRx Walgreens Prime, Allied Corp, Ally Biotech, Alpha-9 Oncology, Alphamind Brands, Alpine Hemp Group, Altan Pharma, Altasciences, Alteogen, Alternative Solutions, Alternavida, Altimmune, Altopa, Altruix, Altum Pharmaceuticals, Altus Formulation, Alvotech, Alyvant, Amarantus BioSciences, AMF Medical, Amneal Pharmaceuticals, AMP German Cannabis, Amring Pharmaceuticals, Amryt Pharma, Amyris, Amzell, Anahit, ANANDA Scientific, Andros Pharmaceuticals, AnGes MG, ANI Pharmaceuticals, AnnJi Pharmaceutical, Antares Pharma, APCNA Holdings, Apex Global Brands, Apical Biotek, Apipharm Veletrgovina, Apollo Green, Apollon Formularies, Apoteka, Apotex, AppianRx, Applied Biology, Applied Botanics, Applied DNA Sciences, Applied Pharmaceutical Innovation, APR Applied Pharma Research, APS Healthcare, Aquestive Therapeutics, Arbormentis, Arbor Pharmaceuticals, Arcade Therapeutics, Arcadia Biosciences, ARC Dialysis, Areva Med, Argentia Gold, Arjuna Naturals, Armas Pharmaceuticals, ARTBIO, Arvelle Therapeutics, Asahi Kasei, Ascendis Pharma, Ascent Clinical Research, Asia Green Biotechnology, Aspargo Laboratories, Assertio Therapeutics, AssistRx, Astellas Pharma, AstraZeneca, ATAI Life Sciences, Atalo, Athebio, Athena Bioscience, Atlantic Healthcare, ATMA Journey Centers, AtomVie Global Radiopharma, Aucta Pharmaceuticals, Aura Biosciences, Aureuspharma, Aurora Cannabis, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, Authentic Brands Group, Auxly Cannabis Group, Avanos Medical, Avanzanite Bioscience, AV Cannabis, Avenue Therapeutics, Averix Bio, AveXis, Avextra, Avicanna, Avida Global, Aviko Radiopharmaceuticals, Avion Pharmaceuticals, Awakened Biosciences, Awakn Life Sciences, AXIM Biotechnologies, Aytu BioPharma, Azanta, Azurity Pharmaceuticals, BAMF Health, Batavia Biosciences, Bausch Health Companies, Bavarian Brewing & Beverage Institute, Bavarian Nordic, Baxter International, Bayer, BayMedica, Beckley Psytech, BellRock Brands, Belmar Pharma, Ben-Gurion University, Bendalis, Beta Bionics, Better Choice Company, Better Choice Products, BetterLife Pharma, Better Therapeutics, BevCanna, Bexson Biomedical, BGN Technologies, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Bilthoven Biologicals, Bio-Gate, Bio-Thera Solutions, BioAgronomics, Bioarc, BioCorRx, BioDelivery Sciences, Biodelta Nutraceuticals, Biohaven Pharmaceuticals, Bio Lab Naturals, BioLab Sciences, Biolife Science, Biolinear Technologies, Biological E, Biopas Laboratories, Biopharmaceutical Research Company, BioPharma Services, BioQ Pharma, BioRAE, Bioscience Enterprises, BioScript Solutions, BioSenic, BioSyent, BioSyent Pharma, Biotron Laboratories, BioVectra, BioXcel, BIRAD Research and Development Company, Bison & Rose, BLLRDR, Bloom Medicinals, Blueberries Medical, Blue Note Therapeutics, Blue Wolf Capital Partners, BodyLogicMD, Boehringer Ingelheim, Bophelo Bioscience & Wellness, Boston Scientific, Botanical, Boudicca Dx, Braeburn Pharmaceuticals, Brains Bioceutical, Braxia Scientific, Breath of Life International, Breckenbridge Pharmaceutical, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Bristol-Myers Squibb, British Columbia Liquor Distribution Branch, BRNT, BTG Specialty Pharmaceuticals, Bunker Pflanzenextrakte, Burleigh Heads Cannabis, Bushu Pharmaceuticals, BWXT Medical, California Institute for Biomedical Research, Caligor, Caliva, Calliditas Therapeutics, Calyptus Pharmaceuticals, Camino Pharma, Can-Fite BioPharma, Canada House Wellness Group, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, CanaQuest Medical, Canavation Product Group, Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas, CanMart, Cannabics Pharmaceuticals, Cannabis Biocare, Cannabis Global, Cannabis House, Cannabis Manufacturer’s Guild, Cannabis Medical Solutions, Cannabis Suisse, Cannabotech, CannaBR Exports, CannAcubed, CannaCure, Cannafeels, CannaGlobal Wellness, CannaHive, CannaHoldCo, Cannamedical Pharma, CannAmerica Brands, Cannaponics, Cannara Biotech, CannaSoul Analytics, Cannassure Therapeutics, Cannaworx, Cannex Scientific, Cannidex Brands, Cannika, Cannim Australia, Cannomed Medical Cannabis Industries, Cann Pharmaceutical Australia, Canntab Therapeutics, CannTx Life Sciences, Cannus Partners, Cannvalate, Canonic, Canopy Growth, CanProbe, Cantek, Cantourage, Cap Alter Pharma, Capna Intellectual, Cardiovascular Solutions of Central Mississippi, Carestream Health, Cascade Pure, Cassiopea, Catalent, CB2 Insights, CBDerma Technology, CBD Export Global, CBDistribution, cbdMD, CBD Supply MD, CBD Vida, CB Therapeutics, CC Pharma, Ceautamed Worldwide, Celanese, CellBion, Cellen Life Sciences, Cellular Goods, Cena Life, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Centre for Human Drug Research, Centre for Probe Development and Commercialization, cGreen, Charlotte's Web, Chemesis, Chengdu Gaotong Isotope, Chiesi Farmaceutici, China Grand Pharmaceutical, China Medical System, Choom, Chr Hansen, Christina Lake Cannabis, ChromaDex, CH Trading Group, Cipher Pharmaceuticals, Citius Pharmaceuticals, Citrine Medicine, CIVCO Radiotherapy, Clarion Medical Technologies, Clarity Pharmaceuticals, Clarus Therapeutics, Clearmind Medicine, Clearwater Canngrow, Clerkenwell Health, Clinigen, Clinilabs, Clinlogix, Clionix, Closed Loop Medicine, Clovis Oncology, CNBX Pharmaceuticals, Coave Therapeutics, COEUS Healthcare, Coherus Biosciences, Coldhaus Distribution, Collegium Pharmaceuticals, Columbia Care, Columbia University, Compassionate Cultivation, Compound Genetics, Concentric Analgesics, Consegna Pharma, CONTINUUS Pharmaceuticals, Convergent Therapeutics, Core One Labs, CoreRx Pharma, Corporation for Biological Research, Correvio Pharma, Cosette Pharmaceuticals, Cosma Cannabis, Cosmofix, Cosmo Pharmaceuticals, Cream of the Crop Therapeutics, Crescita Therapeutics, Cresco Labs, Croda, Cronos Group, Crossject, CSL, Curadh MTR, Curaleaf, Curavit Clinical Research, CURE Pharmaceutical, Curia, Curie Therapeutics, Curio Wellness, Curium, Currax Pharmaceuticals, Cutia Therapeutics, CVC Capital Partners, CVS Caremark, CV Sciences, Cybin, Cyclica, Cyclo Therapeutics, Cyprium Therapeutics, Dabur, Daewoong Pharmaceutical, Daiichi Sankyo, DanCann Pharma, Danish Innovation Fund, DannCan Pharma, Dare Bioscience, DarioHealth, Day One Biopharmaceuticals, Debiopharm, Decibel Cannabis Company, Defence Research and Development Canada, Defence Therapeutics, Delic, Delpor, Delta, Delta 9 Cannabis, Demetrix, Denali Capital Acquisition Corp, Densitas, Department of Defense, Department of Health and Human Services, Desert Medical Campus, Devonian Health Group, Diamond Therapeutics, Diaprost, DigiPath Solutions, DionyMed Brands, Diurnal, Diverchim, Divergence Neuro Technologies, DKSH, Docklight Brands, DolCas-Tenshi Bioceuticals, DolCas Biotech, Dompe Farmaceutici, Dona Blanca, Dosecann, DoubleRainbow Biosciences, Dr. Denese SkinScience, Dr. Reddy's Laboratories, Dreamy, DRI Capital, Dr Kerklaan Therapeutics, DSM, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore, Durbin Group, Dutch Emotional Brain, Dynavax Technologies, EA Pharma, Eckert & Ziegler, Ecobrands, Ecogen, Eczacıbasi-Monrol, Eddingpharm, Edenbridge Pharmaceuticals, Edge Pharma, Edison Nation, EffRx Pharmaceuticals, Ei.Ventures, Eiger BioPharmaceuticals, EirGen Pharma, Eisai, Eldan, Elekta, Eleusis, Elevar Therapeutics, Eli Lilly, Embark Health, EMC Pharma, Emerald Family Farms, Emerald Health Therapeutics, Emerald Organic Growth, Emerge Health, EMMAC Life Sciences, Empyrean Medical Systems, Encore Dermatology, Encore Life, Endo, Endocanna Health, Endo International, EndoLogic, Enogenesis, Enosis Therapeutics, Ensho Therapeutics, Entheon Biomedical, Enthusiasmus, Entoura, Entourage Health, Entourage Phytolab, Enveric Biosciences, EnWave, Enzolytics, EPI Health, Equillium, Er-Kim, ESJ Enterprises, Essential Pharma, Estar Medical, Ethicann Pharmaceuticals, Ethypharm, Eton Pharmaceuticals, EUSA Pharma, Eve & Co, Everest Medicines, Evergreen Theragnostics, Eversana, Evolution Research Group, Exactus, ExCEEd Orphan, Exela Pharma Sciences, EXMceuticals, Exotic Genetix, Experion Biotechnologies, Express Scripts, Eybna Technologies, EyeCare Services Partners, EyeCRO, Eyeganics, Eyegate Pharmaceuticals, Eyenovia, EyePoint Pharmaceuticals, Farco Pharma, Farmalider, FarmaMondo Group, FCM Global, Fedecore, Feel Better, Feel Ventures, Fennec Pharmaceuticals, Filament Health, Fission Labs LATAM, FivepHusion, Flowerkist, Flower One, Fluence, Fluence Bioengineering, Fluum, Foamix Pharmaceuticals, Focus-X Therapeutics, FogPharma, Forcefield Therapeutics, ForDoz Pharma, Foreseen Biotechnology, Formosa Pharmaceuticals, Four 20 Pharma, Freeline Therapeutics, Freya Pharma Solutions, Front Range Biosciences, Frost Pharma, Fruit Slabs, FSD Pharma, Full-Life Technologies, Full Alliance Group, Full Spectrum Biosciences, Fuse Oncology, Fusion Pharmaceuticals, Futura Medical, FutureChem, Fuzionaire, Fuzionaire Diagnostics, Fuzionaire Radioisotope Technologies, Gad Medical Equipment, Gage Cannabis, Gaia, Galderma, Gallery Brands, GAMA, GB Sciences, GE Healthcare, Gelesis, General Extract, Genetica, GeniusRx, Geocann, George Clinical, George Mason University, Georgetown University, Gesval, GetHealthy, Glaukos, GL Brands, Glenmark Pharmaceuticals S.A., Global Cannabinoids, Global Hemp Group, Glooko, Glytherix, go NXT LVL, Gossamer Bio, Government of Canada, Grace Fine Chemicals, Graystone Company, Great North Distributors, Greene Street Pharmaceuticals, Green Gorilla, Greenstein Germany, Green Stripe Naturals, Greenteaspoon, Grenco Science, Grove Collaborative, GroVida, Grow Biotech, Grupo Curativa, GSW Creative Corporation Canada, GT Medical Technologies, GT Research, Guerbet, GVB Biopharma, GVK Biosciences, GW Pharmaceuticals, HAI Health, Halo Labs, Halucenex Life Sciences, HaluGen Life Sciences, Handok Pharmaceuticals, Hanfpost, Hansa Biopharma, Harm Reduction Therapeutics, Harris, Harvest One, Havn Life Sciences, Headwater Cannabis, Health Box, Health Decisions, Health House International, HealthTech Connex, Healthy Grain, HeavenlyRx, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Helmholtz Zentrum Munchen, HempFusion Wellness, Hempsana, HemPup, Hepion Pharmaceuticals, Herbolea Biotech, Heritage Cannabis, Heritage Pharmaceuticals, Hexo, Hibernation Therapeutics, High Beauty, High Times, Hikma Pharmaceuticals, HMNRTH, Hofseth BioCare, Holigen, Hollister Biosciences, HollyWeed North Cannabis, Honor Epic Enterprises, Hormosan Pharma GmbH, Hoth Therapeutics, Hybrid Pharm, Hyloris Pharmaceuticals, Hypha Wellness, Hyris, iAnthus Capital, IBA, iBrands, iCAD, ICL, Iconic Brands, Ikanik Farms, Ilera Holistic Healthcare, Ilera Therapeutics, ImaginAb, IM Cannabis, Immedica, ImmuNext, IMP Clinical Supply Services, Imperial Brands, Imperial College London, Impilo, Impopharma, Impression Healthcare, ImprimisRx, Incannex Healthcare, Inceptua, Indegene Lifesystems, India Colorada, Indivior, InfuSystem Holdings, InfuTronix Solutions, iNGENu, Inhibrx, InMed Pharmaceuticals, InnoPharmax, Innovate Biopharmaceuticals, Innovate UK, Insud Pharma, Intas Pharmaceuticals, Intec Pharma, Integrated Cannabis Company, Integrative Medicine, IntelGenx, InterCure, International Hyperhidrosis Society, International Research Center on Cannabis and Mental Health, Intrexon, IntuitiveX, Invictus MD Stategies, Ionetix, Ionic Brands, ipCapital Group, Ipsen, IPS Specials, IriSys, Ironshore Pharmaceuticals, Ironshore Therapeutics, Irwin Naturals, Isologic Innovative Radiopharmaceuticals, IsoRay, Isosceles Pharmaceuticals, IsoTherapeutics, Isotopia Molecular Imaging, ITM Isotopen Technologien, iX Biopharma, Jackson Laboratory, Jaguar Health, Jamieson, JAMP Pharma Group, JanOne, Janssen Pharmaceutica NV, Japan Medical Isotope Technology Development, Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Jennewein Biotechnologie, Jianming Pharmaceutical, J Molner, Johns Hopkins University, Jolt Health, Journey Medical, Jubilant Radiopharma, Jungle Med, Juniper Therapeutics, Juno Pharmaceuticals Canada, Jupiter Wellness, JustCBD, Juvise Pharmaceuticals, Kadenwood, Kaivalya Kollectiv, Kali-Extracts, Kanabo Research, Karo Pharma, Kashiv BioSciences, Kayagene, Kazmira, KD Pharma, Kelai Pharmaceuticals, Kemin Industries, Kensing, Kensington Pharma, Keygene, KGK Science, Khiron Life Sciences, Khon Kaen University, Khrysos Industries, Kindeva Drug Delivery, Kindred Partners, Kiora Pharmaceuticals, Klaria, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR), Komtur Pharmaceuticals, KOR Medical, Koyo Foods, Kubota Vision, KVK-Tech, Kyowa Hakko Kirin, L-3 Communications, Laboratoires DELBERT, Laboratoire Serb, Laboratoires Thea, Laboratorios Adler, Laboratorios Ordesa, Landrace Bioscience, Lannett, Lantheus Holding, Launchit Ventures, Launch Therapeutics, Lavie Bio, Lawley Pharmaceuticals, Leading Edge Pharms, Leiters, Leo Cancer Care, LEO Pharma, Leriva, Leucid Bio, Levitee Labs, Liberty Health Sciences, Life Molecular Imaging, Lifestyle Delivery Systems, Life Time, Limbix, Linden Capital Partners, Linnea Cannabinoids, Lipidor, Livzon Pharmaceutical, Lobe Sciences, Lobo Genetics, Lotus Pharmaceuticals, LOVE Pharma, LTS Lohmann Therapie-Systeme, Lucid Psycheceuticals, Lucy Scientific Discovery, Lumiera Health Innovation, Lunatus, Lune Rise Farms, Lupin, Lupin Limited, Lupin Pharmaceuticals, LYF Food Technologies, Lygos, Lyndra Therapeutics, M8 Pharmaceuticals, Maastricht University, MaaT Pharma, mAbXience, Magdalena Biosciences, MagicMed Industries, Magnolia Extracts, Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals, Maple Leaf Green World, Maplex Naturals, Marengo Therapeutics, Marinus Pharmaceuticals, Marius Pharmaceuticals, Massachusetts General Hospital, Mass General Brigham, Matai Medical Research Institute, Materia, Mawson Infrastructure, Mayne Pharma, MBioTeQ, McGill University, McKesson, McMaster University, McNeil Consumer Pharmaceuticals, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Mechelen, Medara, MedBright AI, Medcolcanna Organics, Medexus Pharmaceuticals, Medical Cannabis by Shoppers, Medical Marijuana, Medican Enterprises, Medicanmentos de Cannabis, MedicaSafe, Medicinal Genomics, MedinCell, MediPharm Labs, Medisca, MediSynergics, Medocann Pharma, MedPharm, Medsenic, Med Tech Farms, Megalabs, Megapharm, Melinta Therapeutics, Melorganics Hellas, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Mendo Medical, MenoLabs, Merck and Co, Merck KGaA, Merdury Biopharmaceutical, Meroven, MetaMe Health, MGC Pharma, Michigan State University, MicroDoz Therapy, Micro Labs, Millennium, MIND Foundation, Mind Medicine, Mindset Pharma, MindShift Compounds, Mino Labs, miraDry, Mirum Pharmaceuticals, MISTR, Mithra Pharmaceuticals, Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma, Mitsui, MM Technology, Moberg Pharma, Moeller Pharma, Molecular Partners, Molecular Targeting Technologies, Molteni Farmaceutici, Monash University, Mondias Natural Products, Monopar Therapeutics, Montreal Cannabis Medical, Mota Ventures, Mountain Valley MD, MPB Group, MPX International, MTP Material, Mundipharma, MycoMeditations, Myconic Capital, Mycotopia Therapies, Mycovia Pharmaceuticals, Mycrodose Therapeutics, Mydecine Group, MYND Life Sciences, MyoKardia, MYOS, myTomorrows, Naari Pharma, Nabis, Nabriva Therapeutics, Nacuity Pharmaceuticals, Nalu Bio, Namaste Technologies, Nanoform, Nanomerics, Nanopharmaceutics, NanoSphere Health Sciences, National Green Biomed, National Institute of Mental Health, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institute of Standards and Technology, National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), National Institutes of Health, Navamedic, Navigo Proteins, Neauvia North America, Neeka Health, Nemaura Pharma, Neobiomics, NeoLumina Bioscience, NeonMind Biosciences, Neos Therapeutics, Neox, Nephron Dx, Neptune Wellness Solutions, Nestle Health Science, NetCann, Neumentum, Neuraxpharm, Neurogastrx, NeuroPharm, NeuroTheryX, Neutron Therapeutics, New Age Nanotech, NewBridge Pharmaceuticals, NewCanna Hub, NewFaDem, NewLeaf Brands, New Leaf Canada, Newly Institute, New Path Laboratories, Nextage Therapeutics, Next Frontier Pharmaceuticals, Nextleaf Solutions, Nextmune, NFL Biosciences, NHL Alumni Association, Nicoya, Nimbus Health, NineteenGale Therapeutics, Niowave, Nirvana Life Sciences, Nivagen Pharmaceuticals, NLS Pharmaceutics, Noble Growth, Node Labs, Noden Pharma, Noramco, Nora Pharma, Nordic Nanovector, Norgine, Northern Green Canada, North Star Holdings, NorthStar Medical Radioisotopes, NovaBay Pharmaceuticals, Nova Mentis Life Science, Novamind, Novan, Novartis, Novo Integrated Sciences, Novos Patient Solutions, Nrgene, NRG Oncology, NRx Pharmaceuticals, Nuance Pharma, Nucleus RadioPharma, Nucliber, Nuclidium, Numinus Wellness, Nurosene, Nusano, NutraFuels, NutraGyst, NutraLife Biosciences, Nutrawise Health & Beauty, Nutriband, Nutrition21, Nxera Pharma, NXTGEN, NYU Grossman School of Medicine for Preclinical and Clinical Research, NYU Langone Medical Center, Obvious Ventures, Ocean Grown Ventures, ODI Pharma, OETTINGER Brauerei, OG DNA Genetics, OG Laboratories, Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, Old Pal, Omega Laboratories, Omni Medical Products, Onconova Therapeutics, Oncopeptides, OneLife Botanicals, One Small Planet, One World Pharma, OnKure, Open Book Extracts, Opiant Pharmaceuticals, Opiostop, OPKO Health, Opticann, Optimi Health, OptiNose, Optum Frontier Therapies, Or-Genix Therapeutics, Orano Med, Orbis Biosciences, Orbis Medicines, Orbit Discovery, Orbus Therapeutics, Orchard Therapeutics, Oregon Health Sciences University, Orexo, Organic Remedies, Organigram, Orion, OrphanDC, Orpharm, ORPHELIA Pharma, Orsini Healthcare Specialty Pharmacy, Oryx Isotopes, Ovation Science, OVID Health Systems, OWC Pharmaceutical Research, OWP Pharmaceuticals, Pacific Sun Fungi, Padagis, Panaxia, Pantera, PANTHERx Specialty Pharmacy, PanTheryx, PA Options for Wellness, ParaPRO, Parent Company, Parkinson's Disease Foundation, Park Therapeutics, Particle Dynamics, Pascal Biosciences, Pasithea Therapeutics, Pathway Health, Pathway Rx, Pax Labs, PDL BioPharma, Peak Pharm Labs, PEAR Therapeutics, Pendopharm, Perennial, Perrigo, Persist AI, Perspective Therapeutics, Petalfast, Petros Pharmaceuticals, Pfizer, Pharma15, PharmaCielo, PharmaDrug, Pharmadrug Production, PharmaHemp, PharmAla Biotech, PharmaLogic, PharmaLynk, Pharmanovia, Pharmascience, Pharmastrip, PharmaTher, Pharma Two B, Pharmicated, Pharming Group, Phebra, Phil, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine Foundation, Philip Morris, Philochem, Phinest Cannabis, Phlo, Phlow, Photonamic GmbH, PH Precision Med, Phylloceuticals, PhytoChem Technologies, Phyto Extractions Brands, Pilz Bioscience, Pioneer Knop Laboratorios, Pivot Pharmaceuticals, Planet 13, Planet Green BioTechnology, Plantations Ceres, PlantEXT, Pleasure Peaks, Pleco Therapeutics, Plena Global, Plus Therapeutics, POINT Biopharma, PolyPid, Polyrizon, Portocanna, Pramantha Group, Precirix, Precisa Medical Instruments, Precision Molecular, Premier Inc, Premium 5, Pressure BioSciences, Prime Therapeutics, Primm Pharma, Primo Nutraceuticals, Procaps, Progenics Pharmaceuticals, Project Cannabis, Promises Innovative Recovery Center, ProPharma Group, Prosoma Digital Therapeutics, Provepharm, Psirenity, PsyBioMed – Australia, Psycheceutical Bioscience, Psychedelic Society Belgium, Psyence Biomedical, Psyence Therapeutics, Psygen Labs, Pura Naturals, Puration, PurCann Pharmaceuticals, Purdue Pharma, Pure Extracts Technologies, PureForm Global, Pure Origin, Purisys, Purna Pharmaceuticals, Q BioMed, QoL Medical, Quadri Pharmaceuticals, Quanta, Quoin Pharmaceuticals, Quotient, Radient Technologies, Radiopharm Theranostics, Radiopharm Ventures, Radius Health, Radius Pharmaceuticals, Rafael Holdings, Rafa Pharmaceuticals, Rafarma Pharmaceuticals, Rapid Dose Therapeutics, Ratio Therapeutics, RavenQuest BioMed, RayzeBio, RCK, RDD Pharma, Real Brands, Realm of Caring, Rebel Edibles, Recipharm, Recover Together, RedHawk, RedHill Biopharma, Red Light Holland, Red White & Bloom Brands, Redwood Scientific Technologies, Regencell Bioscience, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, ReLeaf Europe, Relief Therapeutics, Relmada Therapeutics, Renaissance Pharma, Reneo Pharmaceuticals, REPO4EU, Repurpose.AI, Reset Pharmaceuticals, Respira Technologies, Respira Therapeutics, Reverie Labs, Reverie Psychedelics, ReVision Optics, Revive Therapeutics, Rhoshan Pharmaceuticals, Rigour International, Rise Wellness, RLS, Roche, Rocket VR Health, Rockwell Medical, Ro Invest, Roivant Sciences, ROMEG Therapeutics, Rosemont Pharmaceuticals, Royalty Pharma, RS BioTherapeutics, Rubicon Research, RX Pharmatech, Ryerson University, SABI Mind, Safer Medical of Montana, Safe Sea, Sagely Enterprises, Sairiyo Therapeutics, Sandhill One, Sanford Burnham Institute, Sanofi, Sanpellegrino Cosmetics, Sansero Life Sciences, Sante Laboratories, Saol Therapeutics, Satipharm, Sciensus Rare, Scientific Research Council, Scilex Holding, SciSparc, SCK CEN, Scopus BioPharma, Scripps Research Institute, Searchlight Pharma, Seedo, Seelos Therapeutics, Segra International, Seibersdorf Laboratories, Semnur Pharmaceuticals, Sen-Jam Pharmaceutical, Sensus Healthcare, Sentynl Therapeutics, Seqirus, Sera Labs, SERB Pharmaceuticals, Seres Therapeutics, Shanti Therapeutics, Shenzhen Qianzhi, Shine Medical Technologies, SHINE Technologies, Shionogi, Shoppers Drug Mart, Shorla Oncology, Shorla Pharma, Short Wave Pharma, ShroomBloom, Shuttle Pharmaceuticals, Sidero Bioscience, SIFI (Societa Industria Farmaceutica Italiana), SiliCycle, Silk Road Medical, Silo Pharma, Silo Wellness, Siren Biotechnology, Siva Therapeutics, SK Biopharmaceuticals, Skye Bioscience, SkyePharma, Skyhawk Therapeutics, Slayback Pharma, Sloan Pharma, Smart for Life, Smart Supplement, Smartway Pharmaceuticals, SNDL, Sofie Biosciences, Soin Therapeutics, Solumedics, SOMAI Pharmaceuticals, Sona Nanotech, Sonoma Pharmaceuticals, Sorse Technology, Sosei Heptares, Sourasky Medical Center, Southern Glazer's Wine & Spirits, Sparsha, SpectronRx, Spectrum Health, Spenta, Spore Life Sciences, Sproutly, SRS Life Sciences, SRx Health, STADA Arzneimittel, Stalicla, Stanley Capital, Stark Investments, Starpharma, Steep Hills Labs, SteinCares, Stem Holdings, Stenocare, Steriscience, Stevanato, Stevens Green, StillCanna, Stratpharma, Strides Pharma Science, Suanfarma, SUDA Pharmaceuticals, Sugarbud Craft Growers, SugarLeaf Labs, Summit Biosciences, Sundaily, Sunderstorm, Sundial Growers, Superior Biologics, Supreme Cannabis, Supriya Lifescience, Surterra Wellness, Sutro Biopharma, Suzuken, Swinburne University, Swing Therapeutics, Swixx Biopharma, Swysh, SymbioPharm, Symeres, Synbiotic Health, Syneos Health, Synergy Aesthetics, Synthonics, Syqe Medical, TAAT Lifestyle & Wellness, Tactical Relief, TAE Life Science, TaGeza Biopharma, Taiho, Takeda Pharmaceutical, Tandem Diabetes Care, Tanner Pharmaceuticals, Tantalus Labs, TargEDys, Targeted Pharmaceutical, Target Group, Tasman Pharma, Taste-T, Tauriga Sciences, Tautomer Bioscience, Teijin, Telix Pharmaceuticals, Tenacia Biotechnology, Tenax Therapeutics, Tenshi Kaizen, Tergus Pharma, Terrace Global, Terragenx, TerraPower, TerrAscend, TerThera, Tetra Bio-Pharma, Tetraphase Pharmaceuticals, Tetris Pharma, Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, TG Therapeutics, Thar Process, The Access to Advanced Health Insitute (AAHI), The Alchemists Kitchen, The Green Organic Dutchman Holdings, The Kroger, The Nutraceutical Medicine Company, TheraCann International Benchmark, Theragnostics, Therakind, Therakos, Theramex, TherapeuticsMD, Therapeutic Solutions International, Therapix Bio, TheraPsil, Theratechnologies, Therismos, The Technical University Of Munich, Thor Medical, Thorne HealthTech, Thrive Cannabis, Tikun Olam, Tikun Olam-Cannbit, Tilray, Tioga Research, Titan Pharmaceuticals, Tiva Bio, TLC BioSciences, Together Pharma, TONIX Pharmaceuticals, Toronto Centre for Psychedelic Science, Transcend Biodynamics, Transcoject, Translational Medicine Accelerator, Treehill Partners, TrialSpark, Tris Pharma, Tritium 3H, TRIUMF, TRON Group, TRP, True North Cannabis, Truss Beverage, TryptageniX, Tryp Therapeutics, Tsime Pharmaceuticals and Medicinal Supplies, Tulex Pharmaceuticals, TWi Biotechnology, TwinPharma, Ultragenyx Pharmaceuticals, United States Pharmacopeia, Univar, Universal Ibogaine, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, University College Cork, University Health Network, University of Antwerp, University of Arizona, University of British Columbia, University of Calgary, University of California, San Diego (UCSD) School of Medicine, University of California Los Angeles, University of Cincinnati, University of Colorado, University of Guelph, University of Health Sciences Antigua, University of Leuven, University of Maryland Baltimore, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, University of Michigan, University of Nebraska, University of Queensland, University of Rochester Medical Center, University of Saskatchewan, University of South Australia, University of Southern California, University of Texas, University of Toronto, Univo Pharmaceuticals, Unravel Biosciences, Up Cannabis, UpHealth, UPPI, Uppsalagruppen Medical, US Army, US Government, Valbiotis, Valens Company, Valneva, Vanguard Scientific Systems, Vapium, Vault Health, Vaxil BioTherapeutics, VB Brands California, Vector Institute, Vector Pharma FZCO, Vectura, Vektor Pharma, Ventis Pharma, Verde Leaf, VerdePharmHealth, Verinetics, Verity Pharmaceuticals, Verix, Verse Cannabis, Vertical Pharmaceuticals, Veterans For Healing, ViaDerma, Viatris, Vici Health Sciences, Vida Concepts, Vifor Pharma, Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute, Viridian Sciences, Virpax Pharmaceuticals, Vision Essence, VitaDairy, Vitae Naturals, Vital Proteins, VIVO Cannabis, Vivtex, Vocan Biotechnologies, VYNE Therapeutics, Wanbang Biopharmaceuticals, WB Canna & Wellness, WeedMD, WEP Clinical, Werc Shop, Wesana Health, WholeScripts, Willow Biosciences, Windgap Medical, Windsong Radiology, Winhealth Pharma Group, Woolsey Pharmaceuticals, World Class Extractions, World Orphan Drug Alliance, Worldwide Clinical Trials, Wuhan General Group, Wuhan Humanwell, X-chem, Xediton Pharmaceuticals, XERIS Pharmaceuticals, XLR8 Brazil, XPhyto Therapeutics, Yield Growth, Yiling Wanzhou International Pharmaceuticals, Yissum Research Development, Youngevity, Yummi Karma, YVY Life Sciences, ZappRx, Zelira Therapeutics, Zenabis, Zerion Pharma, Zhejiang Yonghe Pharmaceutical Technology, Zion Medical, Zylo Therapeutics, ZYUS Life Sciences, ZyVersa Therapeutics

Current Partnering reports provide insight into the trends and terms of partnering deals in the global life sciences sector.

Current Partnering reports are updated every six months to ensure the user has access to the latest announcements and trends in the topic focus of the report.

Current Partnering analysts review the deal data to provide an overview and analysis of deal trends, including example deals and terms.

Current Partnering reports source deal data from our proprietary deals and alliances database, Current Agreements. The database is updated daily by our analysts with new deals as they are announced globally by the company’s party to the deal. In addition, deal records are updated with new data as it becomes available.

The data in the Current Agreements deals and alliances database is obtained from secondary sources such as publicly available industry sources including press releases, company presentations, investor presentations, company SEC filings, other company filings, company websites, conference presentations. Sources are identified to allow for user verification.

Current Partnering provides comprehensive coverage of the following partnering or deal types:
• Asset purchase
• Assignment
• Co-development
• Co-market
• Co-promotion
• Collaborative R&D
• Contract service
• Cross-licensing
• Development
• Distribution
• Equity purchase
• Evaluation
• Grant
• Joint venture
• Licensing
• Loan
• Manufacturing
• Marketing
• Option
• Promotion
• Research
• Royalty financing
• Settlement
• Spin out
• Sub license
• Supply
• Termination
• Warrant

Every deal record is fully categorized and includes the following data, where available:
• Industry sector
• Therapy areas
• Technology type
• Deal components
• Financial terms
• Stage of development
• Exclusivity
• Asset type
• Geographic focus
• Excluded geography
• Company press release
• SEC filing data including contract document

All financial amounts are converted to US$ using the exchange rate available on the date of deal announcement, enabling direct comparison of deal terms across international territories.

Financial data and contract documents displayed in deal records is obtained from public sources, where disclosed by the parties to the deal.

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