Antibody Collaboration and Licensing Deals 2019-2025


Antibody Collaboration and Licensing Deals | Global coverage | Deal financials | Contract documents | Deal trends | Leading dealmakers | Collaboration, licensing, development, and research deals |Comprehensive deal directory 2019 to 2024

Publication date
February 2025
Number of pages
Product type
Research report
Available formats
PDF document
Report edition

Antibody Collaboration and Licensing Deals provides a comprehensive understanding and unprecedented access to the antibody deals entered into by the worlds leading biopharma companies.

Fully revised and updated, the report provides details of antibody deals from 2019 to 2025.

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The report provides a detailed understanding and analysis of how and why companies enter antibody deals. These deals tend to be multicomponent, starting with collaborative R&D, and commercialization of outcomes. 

The report includes collaboration, development, research and licensing deals.

This report contains a comprehensive listing of 1390 antibody deals announced since 2019 including financial terms where available including links to online deal records of actual antibody partnering deals as disclosed by the deal parties. In addition, where available, records include contract documents as submitted to the Securities Exchange Commission by companies and their partners.

The initial chapters of this report provide an orientation of antibody dealmaking. 

Chapter 1 provides an introduction to the report.

Chapter 2 provides an overview of the trends in antibody dealmaking since 2019.

Chapter 3 provides an overview of the leading antibody deals since 2019. Deals are listed by headline value.

Chapter 4 provides a comprehensive listing of the top 25 most active companies in antibody dealmaking with a brief summary followed by a comprehensive listing of antibody deals, as well as contract documents available in the public domain.

Chapter 5 provides a comprehensive and detailed review of antibody deals signed and announced since Jan 2019, where a contract document is available in the public domain. 

Chapter 6 provides a comprehensive and detailed review of antibody partnering deals signed and announced since Jan 2019. The chapter is organized by specific antibody technology type in focus.

The report also includes numerous table and figures that illustrate the trends and activities in antibody deal making since 2019.

In addition, a comprehensive deal directory is provided organized by company A-Z, deal type and therapeutic target. Each deal title links via Weblink to an online version of the deal record and where available, the contract document, providing easy access to each contract document on demand.

Key benefits

Antibody Collaboration and Licensing Deals provides the reader with the following key benefits:

•    Understand deal trends since 2019
•    Browse antibody collaboration and licensing deals
•    Benchmark analysis – identify market value of transactions
•    Financials terms - upfront, milestone, royalties
•    Directory of deals by company A-Z, deal type and therapy area
•    Leading deals by value
•    Most active dealmakers
•    Identify assets and deal terms for each transaction
•    Access contract documents - insights into deal structures
•    Due diligence - assess suitability of your proposed deal terms for partner companies
•    Save hundreds of hours of research time

Report scope

Antibody Collaboration and Licensing Deals is intended to provide the reader with an in-depth understanding of antibody trends and structure of deals entered into by leading biopharma companies worldwide.

Antibody Collaboration and Licensing Deals includes:
•    Trends in antibody dealmaking in the biopharma industry
•    Directory of antibody deal records covering pharmaceutical and biotechnology
•    The leading antibody deals by value
•    Most active antibody licensing dealmakers

Antibody Collaboration and Licensing Deals provides comprehensive access to available records for deals, including contract documents where available.

Analyzing contract agreements allows due diligence of:

•    What are the precise rights granted or optioned?
•    What is actually granted by the agreement to the partner company?
•    What exclusivity is granted?
•    What is the payment structure for the deal?
•    How are sales and payments audited?
•    What is the deal term?
•    How are the key terms of the agreement defined?
•    How are IPRs handled and owned?
•    Who is responsible for commercialization?
•    Who is responsible for development, supply, and manufacture?
•    How is confidentiality and publication managed?
•    How are disputes to be resolved?
•    Under what conditions can the deal be terminated?
•    What happens when there is a change of ownership?
•    What sublicensing and subcontracting provisions have been agreed?
•    Which boilerplate clauses does the company insist upon?
•    Which boilerplate clauses appear to differ from partner to partner or deal type to deal type?
•    Which jurisdiction does the company insist upon for agreement law?

Antibody Collaboration and Licensing Deals provides the reader with the following key benefits:

•    Understand deal trends since 2019
•    Browse antibody collaboration and licensing deals
•    Benchmark analysis – identify market value of transactions
•    Financials terms - upfront, milestone, royalties
•    Directory of deals by company A-Z, deal type and therapy area
•    Leading deals by value
•    Most active dealmakers
•    Identify assets and deal terms for each transaction
•    Access contract documents - insights into deal structures
•    Due diligence - assess suitability of your proposed deal terms for partner companies
•    Save hundreds of hours of research time

Executive Summary

Chapter 1 – Introduction

Chapter 2 – Trends in antibody dealmaking
2.1. Introduction
2.2. Antibody deals over the years
2.3. Most active antibody dealmakers
2.4. Antibody deals by deal type
2.5. Antibody deals by therapy area
2.6. Antibody deals by industry sector
2.7. Deal terms for antibody deals
2.7.1 Antibody deals headline values
2.7.2 Antibody deal upfront payments
2.7.3 Antibody deal milestone payments
2.7.4 Antibody royalty rates

Chapter 3 – Leading antibody deals
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Top antibody deals by value

Chapter 4 – Most active antibody dealmakers
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Most active antibody dealmakers
4.3. Most active antibody deals company profiles

Chapter 5 – Antibody contracts dealmaking directory
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Antibody contracts dealmaking directory

Chapter 6 – Antibody dealmaking by technology type

Deal directory

Deal directory – Antibody deals by company A-Z
Deal directory – Antibody deals by deal type
Deal directory – Antibody deals by therapy area

Deal type definitions

About Biopharma Research Ltd    
Current Partnering
Current Agreements
Recent report titles from Current Partnering

Table of figures

Figure 1: Antibody deals since 2019
Figure 2: Active antibody dealmaking activity – 2019 - 2025
Figure 3: Antibody deals by deal type since 2019
Figure 4: Antibody deals by therapy area since 2019
Figure 5: Antibody deals by industry sector since 2019
Figure 6: Antibody deals with a headline value
Figure 7: Antibody deals with an upfront value
Figure 8: Antibody deals with a milestone value
Figure 9: Antibody deals with a royalty rate value
Figure 10: Top antibody deals by value since 2019
Figure 11: Most active antibody dealmakers 2019 - 2024
Figure 12: Antibody deals by technology type since 2019

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1ST Biotherapeutics, 3D Medicines, 3rd People’s Hospital of Shenzhen, 3SBio, 4C Biomed, 4D Pharma, 9 Meters Biopharma, 10X Genomics, 23andMe, A*STAR Agency for Science, Technology and Research, A*STAR Bioprocessing Technology Institute, Aarhus University, Aarvik Therapeutics, Abbvie, Abcam, AbCellera Biologics, AbCheck, Abcuro, Abdul Latif Jameel Health, Abilita Bio, ABL Bio, Ablexis, Ablynx, Abound Bio, Aboundbio, Abpro, AbSci, Absolute Antibody, Ab Studio, AbTherx, AbTis, Abveris, Abzena, Accurus Biosciences, AcedrA BioPharmaceuticals, Acerta Pharma, AchilleS Vaccines, Actinium Pharmaceuticals, Active Motif, Actuate Therapeutics, Adagene, Adaptate Biotherapeutics, Adaptive Biotechnologies, Adcendo, Adcentrx Therapeutics, ADC Therapeutics, Addgene, Adimab, Adlai Nortye, Adnab, Advanz Pharma, Advaxis, Aegis Life, Aethon Therapeutics, Aevi Genomic Medicine, AffaMed Therapeutics, Affibody, Affinity Biosciences, AGC Biologics, Agenus Bio, Agilent Technologies, AgomAb Therapeutics, AgonOx, AimedBio, AIM ImmunoTech, Aimmune Therapeutics, Ajinomoto, Akadeum Life Sciences, Akeso Biopharma, Akston Biosciences, Alamar Biosciences, Alchemab, Alector, Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Alfasigma, AlivaMab Discovery Services, Alkyon Therapeutics, Alligator Bioscience, Allinaire Therapeutic, Alloy Therapeutics, Almac Group, Almirall, Alopexx, Alphamab Biopharmaceuticals, Alphamab Oncology, Alpine Immune Sciences, Alvotech, ALX Oncology, Alytas Therapeutics, Alzheimer's Drug Discovery Foundation, ALZpath, Amagma Therapeutics, Ambrx, Amgen, AmMax Bio, Amneal Pharmaceuticals, Amolyt Pharma, Amplyx Pharmaceuticals, AnaptysBio, Angios, Animal Allergy Clinical Laboratories, Ankyra Therapeutics, Annogen, Antengene, Anthos Therapeutics, Antidote Therapeutics, Antikor Biopharma, Antiverse, Apeiron Biologics, Apexigen, Apollo Therapeutics, Applied BioMath, Applied Biomedical Science Institute, AprilBio, APRINOIA Therapeutics, Aptevo Therapeutics, Araris Biotech, Aravive Biologics, Arch Oncology, Arcus Biosciences, Ardeagen, argenx, Aridis Pharmaceuticals, Arizona State University, Arovella Therapeutics, ArriVent Biopharma, Arsenal Biosciences, Artisan Bio, Artizan Biosciences, Aruvant Sciences, Ascentage Pharma, Ascletis, Asher Biotherapeutics, Asieris MediTech, Aslan Pharma, ASLAN Pharmaceuticals, Astellas Pharma, Astellas Pharma US, AstraZeneca, Astria Therapeutics, Asylia Therapeutics, Atlante Biotech, Atlas Antibodies, Atlas Venture, Atonco, Atreca, Attralus, ATUM, aTyr Pharma, Augmenta, AusHealth, Avacta, Avalo Therapeutics, AvantGen, Avantor, Avenzo Therapeutics, AVEO Oncology, Avid Bioservices, Avidity Biosciences, Avrobio, Axantia, Baili Biopharmaceutical, Banner Alzheimer's Institute, Basilea Pharmaceutica, Batavia Biosciences, Bausch & Lomb, Bayer, Beam Therapeutics, Beckman Coulter, BeiGene, Beijing Defengrei Biotechnology, Beijing InnoCare Pharma, Beijing Tianshi Tongda Pharmaceuticals Technology, Berkeley Lights, Beroni Group, Bethyl Laboratories, Betta Pharmaceuticals, Bielefeld University, BigHat Biosciences, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Binghamton University, Bio-Manguinhos/Fiocruz, Bio-Techne, Bio-Thera Solutions, BioArctic AB, biOasis Technologies, BioAtla, Biocare Medical, BioCina, BioCity Biopharma, Biocon, Biocytogen, BioDuro, Bioelectronica, Bioeq IP, Biogen, BioGeometry, BioInvent, Biolojic Design, BioMap, Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, BioMed X Innovation Center, Biomm, Biomunex Pharmaceuticals, Bioncotech Therapeutics, Biond Biologics, BiondVax, BiOneCure Therapeutics, BioNova Pharmaceuticals, Bionoveo, BioNTech, BiosanaPharma, Biosion, Biositu Pharmaceutical Technology, BioStrand, Biotem, Biotheus, Biotools, BioXcel, BiVictriX Therapeutics, BJ Bioscience, Blackstone, BliNK Biomedical, Bliss Biopharmaceutical, Bluebird Bio, BlueJay Therapeutics, Boehringer Ingelheim, Bolt Biotherapeutics, Boostimmune, BostonGene, Boston Immune Technologies and Therapeutics, Boston Pharmaceuticals, Bpifrance, BriaCell Therapeutics, BrickBio, BridgeBio Pharma, Brigham and Women's Hospital, BrighGene Biomedical, Bright Peak Therapeutics, Brii Biosciences, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Byondis, C-Bridge Capital, C4 Therapeutics, Califia Pharma, Calixar, Calviri, Calypso Biotech, CanariaBio, Cancer Focus Fund, Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas, Cancer Research UK, Cancer Science Institute of Singapore, CanCure, Caprisa, CARB-X, Care Access Research, CareDx, Carina Biotech, Caris Life Sciences, CARsgen, Carterra, Cartexell, CASI Pharmaceuticals, Catalent, CDR-Life, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Celdara Medical, Celgene, Celiac Disease Foundation, Cellectis, Cell Signaling Technology, Celltrion, Celsius Therapeutics, Celularity, Cend Therapeutics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centessa Pharmaceuticals, Centre Leon Berard, Cessation Therapeutics, CG Oncology, Champions Oncology, Checkmate Pharmaceuticals, Checkpoint Therapeutics, Chi-Med, Chiesi Farmaceutici, Children's Hospital Boston, Chime Biologics, China Resources Pharmaceutical Commercial Group International Trading, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chiome Bioscience, Chipscreen NewWay Biosciences, Chong Kun Dang, Chromotek, Chugai Pharmaceutical, Cidara Therapeutics, Cipla, Circio, City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center, Clarity Pharmaceuticals, Clinical Trial and Consulting Services, Clinica Universidad Navarra, CMAB Biopharma, CM Life Sciences, Coeptis Pharmaceuticals, Coherus Biosciences, Compass Therapeutics, Complix, Compugen, Confo Therapeutics, Context Therapeutics, Convergent Therapeutics, CORAT Therapeutics, Corbus Pharmaceuticals, Corvidia Therapeutics, Creative Biolabs, Creoptix, Crescendo Biologics, Cristal Therapeutics, Cromos Pharma, Crown Bioscience, CSL Behring, CSPC Megalith Biopharmaceutical, CSPC Pharmaceutical Group, CStone Pharmaceuticals, CtM Biotech, CTTQ-Akeso Biomed, Cue Biopharma, Cullinan Oncology, Curative Biotechnology, Cure Duchenne, CureVac, Curia, Curis, Cytea Bio, Cytodyn, CytomX Therapeutics, Cytovation, CYTOVIA Therapeutics, Daiichi Sankyo, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Day One Biopharmaceuticals, Debiopharm, deCODE Genetics, DeepCDR Biologics, Defence Therapeutics, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Defense Health Agency (US), Department of Defense, Dermapharm, Dermira, Diaprost, DiNonA, DiosCURE Therapeutics, Disc Medicine, Distributed Bio, Dong-A ST, DotBio, Dr. Falk Pharma, Dr. Reddy's Laboratories, Dragonfly Therapeutics, Dragon Sail Pharmaceutical, Dren Bio, DualityBio, Dualogics, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore, Duke University, Duoning Biotechnology, Dyadic International, DynamiCure Biotechnology, E25Bio, eGenesis, Eikon Therapeutics, EirGenix, Eisai, Elanco, Eledon Pharmaceuticals, Elektrofi, Elevar Therapeutics, Elevation Oncology, Elicio Therapeutics, Eli Lilly, Elpiscience, Elthera, Emergence Therapeutics, Emergent BioSolutions, Empirico, Endeavor BioMedicines, EnGeneIC, Enlivex, ENPICOM, Entos Pharmaceuticals, Enzene Biosciences, Enzolytics, Epicypher, EpimAb Biotherapeutics, epitoMAP, Epsilogen, EQRx, Equillium, Erasca, Erasmus University Medical Center, Escugen, EsoCap, Essex Bio-Technology, Ethris, Eucure Biopharma, Eureka Therapeutics, European Commission, European Union Regional Development Fund, EUSA Pharma, Evaxion Biotech, Everest Medicines, Eversana, Evitria, Evive Biotechnology, Evopoint Biosciences, Evotec, EVQLV, Excellmab, Exelixis, Experimental Therapeutics Centre of Singapore, Eyam Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics, F-Star Therapeutics, FairJourney Biologics, Fannin, FatiAbGen, Femtogenix, Ferring Pharmaceuticals, Fibrogen, Five Prime Therapeutics, Flame Biosciences, Florida International University, Flow Eighteen38, Fluidigm, FLX Bio, Foreseen Biotechnology, Formosa Pharmaceuticals, Fortis Therapeutics, Forty Seven, Fosun Kite Biotechnology, Fosun Pharmaceutical, Foundation Medicine, Foundery Innovations, French National Blood Service, Friends of FSH Research, Frontage Clinical Services, Fuji Pharma, Fujirebio Diagnostics, Fundacion Medina, Fusion Pharmaceuticals, FutureGen Biopharm, Galecto, GC Cell, Gedeon Richter, Genagon Therapeutics, Genechem, Geneious Biologics, Genentech, GeneQuantum Healthcare, Generation Biotech, Genezen, GenFleet Therapeutics, Genmab, Gennao Bio, Genome and Company, Genprex, GenScript Biotech, GenScript ProBio, Genuv, Georgetown University, Georgiamune, German Cancer Research Center, Gigagen, GI Innovation, Gilead Sciences, Ginkgo BioWorks, Glenmark Pharmaceuticals S.A., GlobalBio, Global Virus Network, Glycotope Biotechnology, GlycoT Therapeutics, Glykos, Glytherix, Goldfinch Bio, Gossamer Bio, GO Therapeutics, Government of Hong Kong, Grid Therapeutics, Grifols, GSK, Guangzhou Fanen Biotechnology, Hainan Sinotau Pharmaceutical, Halozyme Therapeutics, Hangzhou Zhongmei Huadong Pharmaceutical, Hanmi Pharmaceutical, HanX Biopharmaceuticals, Harbour Antibodies, Harbour Biomed, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Heidelberg Pharma, Hemogenyx, Henlius Biotech, HiberCell, HIBio, HiFiBio, Highlight Therapeutics, High Line Bio, Hikma Pharmaceuticals, Hillstream BioPharma, Hisun BioRay, Hoffmann La Roche, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Hookipa Pharma, Hope Medicine, Horizon Discovery, Horizon Therapeutics, Huadong Medicine, Hualan Genetic, Hubrecht Institute, Humanigen, Hummingbird Bioscience, Huyabio International, Hypospray Pharma, HySlink Therapeutics, I-mab, iBio, IcanoMAB, Ichnos Sciences, Ichor Medical Systems, Iconic Therapeutics, Icosagen Group, IDBiologics, IDEAYA Biosciences, IGM Biosciences, Igyxos, Iksuda Therapeutics, Ildong Pharmaceutical, Imbrium Therapeutics, ImCheck Therapeutics, IMIDomics, Immatics Biotechnologies, Immedica, Immix Biopharma, Immorna, ImmPACT Bio, Immune-Onc Therapeutics, ImmuneCyte Life Sciences, ImmuneOncia Therapeutics, ImmuneOnco Biopharmaceuticals, ImmuNext, Immunitas Therapeutics, ImmunoBiochem, Immunocore, ImmunoGen, Immunogenesis, Immunome, Immunomedics, ImmunoPrecise Antibodies, ImmunoQure, Immutep, Imugene, IMV, Incyte, Indiana University, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Indivumed, Infex Therapeutics, Infinimmune, InflamaCORE, InflaRx, Inhalon Biopharma, Inhibrx, Initium Therapeutics, Inmagene Biopharmaceuticals, Innate Pharma, Innosuisse, Innovate UK, Innovent Biologics, Inotrem, Inovio, InSilicoTrials, Insitro, Inspirna, Instil Bio, Institut Bergonie, Institut Curie, Institute for Basic Science, Institute for Protein Innovation, Institute of Cancer Research, Institut Gustave Roussy, Institut Pasteur, Intarcia Therapeutics, Intas Pharmaceuticals, Integral Molecular, Integrated BioTherapeutics, Intellia Therapeutics, INTELLiSTEM, Intensity Therapeutics, IntoCell, Intract Pharma, Invenra, Invetx, InxMed, IO Biotech, iOnctura, Ionova, IONTAS, Iovance Biotherapeutics, iProgen Biotech, Ipsen, IRBM, Israeli National Authority for Technological Innovation, Israel Institute for Biological Research, Italian Association for the Study of Pancreas, iTeos Therapeutics, Ixaka, Ix Therapeutics, Jacobio Pharmaceuticals, Janssen Biotech, Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Janssen Research & Development, Jasper Therapeutics, Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Jiangsu Alphamab, Jiangsu Chia Tai Tianqing Pharmaceutical, Jiangsu Hansoh Pharmaceutical, Jiangsu Hengrui Pharmaceuticals, Jiangsu QYuns Therapeutics, JMT-Bio, Johnson & Johnson, Johnson & Johnson Innovation, Jounce Therapeutics, Junshi Biosciences, Just Biotherapeutics, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, JW Therapeutics, KAHR Medical, Kalbe Genexine Biologics, KangaBio, Karolinska Institute, KBI BioPharma, KBio, Kelun-Biotech Biopharmaceutical, Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology, Keymed Biosciences, Kiadis Pharma, Kindred Bio, Kineta, Kings College London, Kiniksa Pharmaceuticals, Kintor, Kite Pharma, Kleo Pharmaceuticals, Kodiak Sciences, KPM Tech, Kurma Life Sciences Partners, Kyowa Hakko Kirin, Kyowa Hakko Kirin Pharmaceuticals, Kyttaro, LabGenius, Laekna, La Jolla Institute for Allergy & Immunology, LamKap Bio Group, LaNova Medicines, Lantern Pharma, Lantheus Holding, Lassen Therapeutics, Lava Therapeutics, Leap Therapeutics, Lee Moffitt Cancer Center, LegoChem Biosciences, Leinco Technologies, LEO Pharma, Lepu Biopharma, Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, LeukoCom, Leveragen, Libera Bio, LiberoThera, LifeMax Laboratories, LigaChem Biosciences, Ligand Pharmaceuticals, Light Chain Bioscience, LimmaTech Biologics, Linnaeus Therapeutics, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Livzon Mabpharm, Lobesity Pharma, Lonza, Loxo Oncology, Lunaphore, Lundbeck, Lung Cancer Research Foundation, Lunit, Lupus Therapeutics, Lyvgen Biopharma, MabCare Therapeutics, MAB Discovery, Mablink Bioscience, MAbSilico, mAbsolve, Mabwell Bioscience, mAbXience, Mabylon, Macrogenics, Macrostruct Holding & Consulting, Magenta Therapeutics, MAIA Biotechnology, Mammoth Biosciences, Manhattan BioSolutions, Mapp Biopharmaceutical, Marengo Therapeutics, Massachusetts General Hospital, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Matrix Medical Network, Max-Delbruck Center for Molecular Medicine, Max-Planck, Maxion Therapeutics, Mayo Clinic, McLean Hospital, McMaster University, McQuade Center for Strategic Research and Development, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Medac, Mediar Therapeutics, Medical Research Council, Medical Research Futures Fund, Medicenna Therapeutics, Medicines Discovery Catapult, MediGene, MediLink Therapeutics, Medimabs, Medison Pharma, Medivir, MedPacto, Meiji Seika, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Memo Therapeutics, Merck and Co, Merck Animal Health, Merck KGaA, Merck Sharpe & Dohme, Mereo BioPharma, Mersana Therapeutics, Merus, Mestag Therapeutics, Metsera, Michael J Fox Foundation, Microbiotica, miRagen Therapeutics, miRecule, Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma, Moderna, ModeX Therapeutics, Molcure, Monopar Therapeutics, MoonLake Immunotherapeutics, MorphoSys, Mount Sinai Health System, Mount Sinai Medical Center, MSD, MS Pharma, Multitude Therapeutics, Mundipharma, Mustang Bio, Mymee, Myricx Bio, Mythic Therapeutics, myTomorrows, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine, Nanjing Leads Biolabs, Nanocarry Therapeutics, NanoCellect Biomedica, NanoMab Technology, NaNotics, Nantes University, Nascent Biotech, National Cancer Institute, National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN), National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, National Institute for Bioprocessing Research and Training, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, National Institute of Standards and Technology, National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), National Institutes of Biomedical Innovation, Health and Nutrition, National Institutes of Health, National Research Council Canada, National University Cancer Institute, Nautilus Biotech, Navigo Proteins, Navrogen, NAYA Biosciences, NBE Therapeutics, Nectin Therapeutics, Nektar Therapeutics, Nelum Pharma, NeoImmuneTech, Neoleukin Therapeutics, Neotope, NeoX Biotech, Nerviano Medical Sciences, NETRIS Pharma, Neuramedy, Neuraxpharm, Neurimmune Therapeutics, Neurocrine Biosciences, Neximmune, NextCure, NEXT Oncology, NGM Biopharmaceuticals, NiKang Therapeutics, NJCTTQ, Nkarta Therapeutics, NKGen Biotech, NKMax America, NMI Natural and Medical Sciences Institute, Nona Biosciences, Nordic Society of Gynaecological Oncology, Normunity, Northern Biologics, NorthStar Medical Radioisotopes, Northway Biotechpharma, Nouscom, NovalGen, NovaRock Biotherapeutics, Novartis, Novelty Nobility, NovoCodex, Novocure, Novogene, Novo Nordisk, Noxopharm, NuclixBio, Numab, Nurix Therapeutics, Nykode Therapeutics, OBI Pharma, Oblique Therapeutics, Oculis, Odeon Therapeutics, Olatec Therapeutics, Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute, OliX Pharmaceuticals, Ology Bioservices, Omeros, OmniAb, Ona Therapeutics, OncoC4, Oncologie, Oncolytics Biotech, OncoResponse, OncoSec Medical, OncoVent, OncoVerity, Oncternal Therapeutics, OnCusp Therapeutics, OncXerna Therapeutics, ONK Therapeutics, Ono Pharmaceutical, Onward Therapeutics, OpenEye Scientific Software, Optimeos Life Sciences, Oragenics, Orano Med, Ordaos Bio, Orient EuroPharma, Orion, Orum Therapeutics, OSE Immunotherapeutics, Ossianix, Otsuka, Ovensa, Overland ADCT BioPharma, Overland Pharmaceuticals, Oxford BioTherapeutics, Palisade Bio, Pandion Therapeutics, Pangu BioPharma, Paragon Therapeutics, Parexel Biotech, Parthenon Therapeutics, Pascal Biosciences, Peptron, Personal Genome Diagnostics, Personalis, Pfizer, Phanes Therapeutics, PharmAbcine, PharmaEssentia, Pharmapark, Pharmsynthez, PhaseBio Pharmaceuticals, Phenomic AI, Pheon Therapeutics, pH Pharma, Pieris Pharmaceuticals, Pierre Fabre, PineTree Therapeutics, Pionyr Immunotherapeutics, Piramal, PlantForm, PlantPraxis Biotecnologia, PMV Pharma, Pneuma Respiratory, POINT Biopharma, Polpharma, Portage Biotech, Precision BioSciences, Prellis Biologics, Prelude Therapeutics, Presage Biosciences, Pressure BioSciences, Prestige BioPharma, ProBioGen, Procarta Biosystems, ProfoundBio, Progenetics, Prokaryotics, Promega, Prometheus Biosciences, Protelica, Proteona, Prothena, Provention Bio, PT Etana Biotechnologies, Purdue University, Pure Biologics, PureTech Health, Pyramid Biosciences, Pyxis Oncology, Q32 Bio, QBiotics, QIAGEN, Qilu Pharmaceutical, Qinotto, Quadira Biosciences, Quanterix, Quantum Leap Health Care Collaborative, Queensland Institute of Medical Research (QIMR), Quell Therapeutics, Qurient, R-Pharm, Radiance Biopharma, Radiopharm Theranostics, Rallybio, Rani Therapeutics, Redwood Bioscience, RefleXion Medical, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Regenxbio, Regnum, Releviate Therapeutics, REMD Biotherapeutics, RemeGen, Renato Dulbecco Foundation, RenBio, Rentschler Biotechnologie, Repligen, Resonant Therapeutics, Retrogenix, Revelar Biotherapeutics, Revitope Oncology, Revolution Medicines, RNAGene, Roche, Rockefeller University, Rocket Pharmaceuticals, Roivant Sciences, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, RQ Biotechnology, RubrYc Therapeutics, Rxilient Biotech, Ryvu Therapeutics, Rznomics, SAB Biotherapeutics, Saccharo, Saga University, Sairopa, Salipro Biotech, Samsung Bioepis, Samsung Biologics, Samyang Biopharmaceuticals, San Diego Biomedical Research Institute, Sandoz, Sanofi, Sanofi US Services, Sanyou Biopharmaceuticals, Sarah Cannon Research Institute, Sartorius Stedim Biotech, SaudiVax, Scandion Oncology, Scholar Rock, Schrodinger, SciClone Pharmaceuticals, SciCrunch, SciNeuro Pharmaceuticals, Scripps Research Institute, Seagen, Seattle Childrens Research Institute, Seattle Genetics, Seismic Bio, Seismic Therapeutic, Selagine, Selecxine, Selexis, Sema4, Sengenics, Sensei Biotherapeutics, SERB Pharmaceuticals, SerImmune, Serum Institute of India, Seven and Eight Biopharmaceuticals, SevenScore Pharmaceuticals, SFJ Pharmaceuticals, Shandong Fontacea Pharmaceutical, Shanghai Affinity Biopharmaceutical, Shanghai Medicilon, Shanghai Miracogen, Shanghai ZhenGe Biotechnology, Sharp HealthCare, Shenogen Pharma, Shenzhen Chipscreen Biosciences, Shionogi, SHL Medical, Siemens Healthineers, Simcere Pharmaceuticals, Simcha Therapeutics, Single Cell Technology, Singlomics Biopharmaceuticals, Sinorda Biomedicine, Sirnaomics, Siteman Cancer Center, Skysong Innovations, SmartPharm Therapeutics, Solve Therapeutics, SomaLogic, Sonnet BioTherapeutics, Sony, Sorrento Therapeutics, Sosei Heptares, SOTIO, Spanish National Research Council, Specialised Therapeutics, Specifica, SpikImm, SpringWorks Therapeutics, STADA Arzneimittel, Staidson (Beijing) BioPharmaceuticals, Starpharma, STC Biologics, STCube, Steinbeis Centre for Biopolymer Analysis and Biomedical Mass Spectrometry, Strata Oncology, Sud Investments, Summit Therapeutics, SunRock Biopharma, Surface Oncology, Surrozen, Sutro Biopharma, Suzhou Connect Biopharmaceuticals, Swedish Orphan Biovitrum, Symphogen, Synaffix, Syndax Pharmaceuticals, Syngene International, Synlogic, Syracuse Biopharma, Syracuse University, Syros Pharmaceuticals, Systimmune, T-Cure Bioscience, Tachyon Therapeutics, Taiho, TaiMed, Takeda Pharmaceutical, Talem Therapeutics, Tallac Therapeutics, Tanabe Research Laboratories, Targovax, Tasly Pharmaceuticals, Tavotek Biotherapeutics, TCR2 Therapeutics, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Tegmine Therapeutics, Telcon RF Pharmaceuticals, Telix Pharmaceuticals, Tempest Therapeutics, Tempus, TeneoBio, TeneoOne, Teon Therapeutics, Tessa Therapeutics, Tetragenetics, Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, TFF Pharmaceuticals, TG Therapeutics, Tharimmune, The International AIDS Vaccine Initiative, The Jackson Laboratory, Theragen, Theramex, Therapharm, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Thomas Jefferson University, Tianjin University, TILT Biotherapeutics, Tiziana Life Sciences, Tizona Therapeutics, TNAX Biopharma, TONIX Pharmaceuticals, Toregem BioPharma, Torque Therapeutics, Totient, Touchlight, TRACON Pharmaceuticals, Transcenta, TransThera, Traverse Biosciences, TrialSpark, Trianni, TRIGR Therapeutics, Trinomab Biotech, Trio Pharmaceuticals, Triumvira Immunologics, TrueBinding, TSB Therapeutics, Tsinghua University, Tubulis, TuHURA Biopharma, TuHURA Biosciences, Turgut Ilaclari, Turning Point Therapeutics, Twist Bioscience, UbiVac, Ubix Therapeutics, UCB, Ultragenyx Pharmaceuticals, Uman Diagnostics, Umoja Biopharma, UnitedHealth, University Gottingen, University Hospital Bonn, University Hospital Heidelberg, University of Basel, University of Birmingham, University of Bonn, University of British Columbia, University of California Los Angeles, University of California Riverside, University of Florida, University of Georgia, University of Kansas, University of Maryland School of Medicine, University of Oxford, University of Pennsylvania, University of Southampton, University of Tubingen, University of Washington, University of Zurich, Upadia, UroGen Pharma, US Army Medical Research and Material Command, US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, Utrecht University, Vaccinex, ValenzaBio, Vanderbilt University, VBI Vaccines, Vcell Healthcare, Vect-Horus, VectorY Therapeutics, Velabs Therapeutics, Veloxis Pharmaceuticals, Vera Therapeutics, Veraxa Biotech, Verily, Verseau Therapeutics, Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Vetigenics, Vetter, VIB, Viela Bio, Vignette Bio, Vincera Pharma, ViralClear Pharmaceuticals, Vir Biotechnology, Viroclinics Biosciences, Vor Biopharma, Voyager Therapeutics, Vyera Pharmaceuticals, VyGen-Bio, Wacker Biotech, Walgreens, Washington University in St Louis, Wellmarker Bio, Werewolf Therapeutics, Wheeler Bio, WindMIL Therapeutics, Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation, Wistar Institute, WuXi Biologics, Wuxi Shuangliang Biotechnology, Wuxi STA, WuXi XDC, Xbrane Bioscience, xCella Biosciences, Xencor, XERIS Pharmaceuticals, Xiamen Biotime Biotechnology, Xilio Therapeutics, XNK Therapeutics, Xoma, XtalPi, Xuanzhu Biopharma, Xyphos Biosciences, Y-Biologics, Y-mAbs Therapeutics, Yale University, Yas Holding, Yissum Research Development, Ymmunobio, Yufan Biotechnologies, YUMAB, ZabBio, ZAI Laboratory, Zenas BioPharma, Zentalis Pharmaceuticals, Zenyaku Kogyo, Zoetis, Zumutor Biologics, Zura Bio, Zydus Cadila, Zymedi, Zymeworks, ZyVersa Therapeutics

Current Partnering reports provide insight into the trends and terms of partnering deals in the global life sciences sector.

Current Partnering reports are updated every six months to ensure the user has access to the latest announcements and trends in the topic focus of the report.

Current Partnering analysts review the deal data to provide an overview and analysis of deal trends, including example deals and terms.

Current Partnering reports source deal data from our proprietary deals and alliances database, Current Agreements. The database is updated daily by our analysts with new deals as they are announced globally by the company’s party to the deal. In addition, deal records are updated with new data as it becomes available.

The data in the Current Agreements deals and alliances database is obtained from secondary sources such as publicly available industry sources including press releases, company presentations, investor presentations, company SEC filings, other company filings, company websites, conference presentations. Sources are identified to allow for user verification.

Current Partnering provides comprehensive coverage of the following partnering or deal types:
• Asset purchase
• Assignment
• Co-development
• Co-market
• Co-promotion
• Collaborative R&D
• Contract service
• Cross-licensing
• Development
• Distribution
• Equity purchase
• Evaluation
• Grant
• Joint venture
• Licensing
• Loan
• Manufacturing
• Marketing
• Option
• Promotion
• Research
• Royalty financing
• Settlement
• Spin out
• Sub license
• Supply
• Termination
• Warrant

Every deal record is fully categorized and includes the following data, where available:
• Industry sector
• Therapy areas
• Technology type
• Deal components
• Financial terms
• Stage of development
• Exclusivity
• Asset type
• Geographic focus
• Excluded geography
• Company press release
• SEC filing data including contract document

All financial amounts are converted to US$ using the exchange rate available on the date of deal announcement, enabling direct comparison of deal terms across international territories.

Financial data and contract documents displayed in deal records is obtained from public sources, where disclosed by the parties to the deal.